MacBook ram
I'm planning on upgrading my macbooks ram memory, but I'm not sure about what specs I should be looking for. Like pc-??? mhz? perhaps what timings... Enlighten me please. Thx
edit: I'm planning on buying things here, if that helps recommending something...
edit: I'm planning on buying things here, if that helps recommending something...
I got mine from crucial
edit: also it's a very good idea to fill both ram slots with matching pairs like,
[1 gig] [1 gig]
[512] [512]
I've bought from Crucial in the past. They have a good reputation for quality memory but this time they want more than twice as much money, so I'm taking a chance with the cheap stuff. Chances are it'll work just fine.
will the performance worse than 512 + 512 mb?
because I really don't want to buy both 512 and in case i want to upgrade in the future.
So just buy 1 gb and leave 256 there. What's ur opinion?
Originally posted by Jakk
how about using 1gb + 256mb (the one installed)
will the performance worse than 512 + 512 mb?
because I really don't want to buy both 512 and in case i want to upgrade in the future.
So just buy 1 gb and leave 256 there. What's ur opinion?
Matching the memory is related to graphics performance, not OS performance, because it is integrated. I do not know what type of performance hit you will take by not having matching RAM so hopefully, someone else will have that information.
If you are buying online from Apple spend the extra $100.00 to get 2x512MB memory modules because you will double the memory and it will be matched. While you are using your MacBook with 1GB RAM you can decide whether you really need 2GB RAM. If you are buying from a retail store then use the MacBook with the stock 512MB RAM until you can get 2x1GB modules at the same time so you are sure that the two modules have the same make, model, latency, etc.
Originally posted by speedo_24
let us know how the ram works for you im interested in the cheap stuf too
Got and installed 2GB today. It passed the Apple (extended) Hardware Test. No problems so far.
Originally posted by speedo_24
Sweet - How long did the shpping take?
About a week. They ship ground for free.
And also, does anybody really know the performance hit between matched pair or no?
If so, my plan is to buy a 512MB stick and a 1GB stick. Put the 512MB from the iMac & the purchased stick in a MacBook; put the 1GB in the iMac. Add another Gig to the iMac as needed.
- Jasen.
Originally posted by jasenj1
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong: Don't the MacBooks and iMacs use the same RAM?
If so, my plan is to buy a 512MB stick and a 1GB stick. Put the 512MB from the iMac & the purchased stick in a MacBook; put the 1GB in the iMac. Add another Gig to the iMac as needed.
- Jasen.
No, it's not the same.
Originally posted by Jakk
No, it's not the same.
Oh yes, it is.
By the way:
Does anybody know, whether 2x 512MB (=1GB) (Dual Channel) is faster than 256MB+1024MB (=1,25GB) (No Dual Channel)?
do i need to bring the mac to the apple shop and have things done by the guys there?
Originally posted by MC122
Btw, how can i install the ram module in the Macbook??
do i need to bring the mac to the apple shop and have things done by the guys there?
Originally posted by pbr
Oh yes, it is.
By the way:
Does anybody know, whether 2x 512MB (=1GB) (Dual Channel) is faster than 256MB+1024MB (=1,25GB) (No Dual Channel)?
Dual Channel = faster. Without Dual Channel (IIRC), the Intel graphics chip will have limited access the main memory. So even if you have 1.5GB (1GB stick + 512GB stick) the memory available to the GMA950 would only be 64MB (I think).