23 Things we want in Leopard

in macOS edited January 2014
Rob Griffiths gives his wish list for Leopard.

http://www.macworld.com/2006/06/firs...ist/index2.php These are the topics of interest.

Improvements to Spotlight

I welcome significant changes to Spotlight. I'm relatively happy with it but I agree that more searching functions are necessary to navigate a large hard drive stuffed with data. I'd also like to see a decent way of cataloging removable or network stores.

Built-in launcher

I really haven't used a launcher yet but I'm sure I'll have a need for one soon enough. I'd like to see Apple include a launcher that doesn't ape the current launchers in Launchbar and Butler etc. Try something unique here.

Finder fixes

Improve the speed, improve the functionality but don't go overboard. Pathfinder looks cool but it's a daunting UI at first glance.

Windows compatibility and integration

Make Bootcamp a nice solid app to help with dual booting. Add some sort of disc compression a la Parallels if possible.

Or virtualization

Stay away from it right now. I don't need to be told "go buy windows and Parallels" when I need a Mac version of an app just yet.

Virtual desktops

These things rock. Expose is not a VD replacement. The two can co-exist like peanut butter and jelly. In my limited experience with VD (tsk tsk) I thought it was very natural.

Make a true media center

Front Row is NOT a media centre. Make one Apple. It should have DVR and Audio/Video server capabilities. Bonjour should tie together multiple units on a network.

File and account security

Filevault should be fixed and not deployed until it's working correctly. Either that or add encryption to HFS+

Restore more

Simply add some sort of snapshot service and not only will it protect your computer from PEBKAC situations you have a quasi backup solution.

Smart locations

This should have been in Jaguar. Come'on Apple.

Smart users

Home accounts on iPods. Make it happen. One UI everywhere.

Improve VoiceOver

Improve any tool that helps those with common disabilities

Expand Disk Utility?s powers

Or better yet adopt a FS that prevents disk problem (ZFS)

More from Mai

Clean up the UI. It looks pedestrian. Link iCal to it a bit better. Create the poor man's groupware. Kill Entourage.

Smart syncing

I should be able to sync ANYTHING in the OS that I change on a routine basis. Syncing things like phones , PDAs and other computers should be a walk in the park. This is huge for just about any computer user with more than one computer.

Keeping tabs with iChat

Add tabs and other network support. Add VoIP

Automator II

Improve the speed and programming functions. This is a tough task because automating isn't easy in any arena. AII with some new whizbang effective features would be great. Honestly I don't use it now but I want to as I get more familiar with my own personal workflow

More Automator updates

Perhaps you can make an Automator Pro with a more advanced UI so that things don't have to be dumbed down too much

Capturing moving pictures

I like Snapz Pro but I agree...give at least rudimentary video capture.

Bring back Sherlock


Pop-up innovations

I like the Growl support but I'd like to see the floating UI widgets used in apps like Motion enter the OS UI framework

Tabbed Terminal

Sounds like a winner

PowerPC or not to be

I think 10.6 is the last PPC update



  • Reply 1 of 22
    trobertstroberts Posts: 702member
    Improvements to Spotlight

    1 - support logical operators and groupings

    2 - narrower search (i.e. begins with, contains, exact. etc.)

    3 - index iDisk

    4 - store external/network drive indexes on booted drive that can be searched. If a file is selected and is not connected to the computer then a message pops up giving the details.

    5 - index backups

    Built-in launcher

    If this is a dock icon that eliminates the need to open a finder window, select 'Applications' then scroll to app, and finally select the app name, then "Yes."

    Or virtualization

    Would this allow Windows 2000 Professional to be installed? This would not help people with a PPC Mac, but what about OpenBSD or PPC based Linux distros? This would be sweet.

    Make a true media center

    Front Row is the first step. Once Steves makes the necessary deals with Hollywood, the Intel transition is complete, and Leopard is out then we will see a new Ives creation.

    Smart locations

    What is this?

    PowerPC or not to be

    G3 - 10.5

    G4 - 10.5, 10.6, 10.7

    G5 - 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8

    The real question is not "When no more PPC?", but "When no more 32-bit cpu?" I am not talking about Finder being a 64-bit app, but when do all the frameworks become 64-bit?

    My wish list


    Ability to create quickpicks. Apple provides some for Pages, Keynote, Excel, Word, etc. so there is no reason why we can't make some for OmniOutliner, OmniGraffle, etc.
  • Reply 2 of 22
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    The flip side is putting too many features in OS X. For one more features continues to make the code and upkeep of OS X more complicated for Apple. For two Apple should not make a habit of taking all of the little good ideas from its software developers. Apple would kill its developer base.

    As far as I can tell most of the applications bundled with OS X were either not really offered by third party developers or something Apple felt was important that it could do better.

    Some of the feature listed on these wish lists are things that a small portion of the over all user base would even use. It many cases its better for Apple to leave that feature to a developer to build and nourish. And not attempt to build its own version or integrate into the OS.

    I also don't think Apple needs to match Vista feature for feature. Part of that is because many of Vista's features don't work consistently on every computer. Partly because Apple should leave many things to its developers.
  • Reply 3 of 22
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I'd like to see Apple mature the frameworks of OS X and create "proof of concept" applications that 3rd party ISV can easily surpass in functionality.

    I don't even think we've seen the bulk of improvements from Tiger's new APIs hit yet. I know Will Shipley of Delicious Monster has stated that Core Data has improved performance of their application and actually used the word "unbelievable". That sounds like music to my ears.

    Leopard should offer some additional polish. I'm definitely happy to see Core Audio doing well especially with CA enabled interfaces like the Apogee Ensemble(most functionality done in software right from withing your DAW)

    I'm ready for round #2
  • Reply 4 of 22

    Originally posted by troberts

    [B]Smart locations

    What is this?

    This is really interesting and I hope they add it. Although it won't help me as I needed it this year.

    Basically, I connect to my university network (from my dorm room) via an airport express, and sometimes connect to the computer department's wireless network. I need proxies from my room but not on campus. I have two different settings for each network and these are saved. The hassle comes from having to change them when I move networks. OS X should be able to recognise the network I'm on and use the correct settings.

    I'm sure there are other uses, but this is the one that has caused me hassle throughout the year, often because I sit there and Adium seems to connect no matter what (I love it, heh) and I forget I haven't switched preferences...
  • Reply 5 of 22
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    I disagree with most of these. Especially the ones that are simply opinions such as Mail's UI (which, to me, is how all apps in Leopard should mimic). Tabs in the terminal and iChat? Gimme a break.

    Apple should really keep shipping PPC versions of the OS. It would be a shame if Apple had to go back to PPC for one reason or another and the OS was not kept as optimized as the x86 version and Apple would have to waste another year getting up to date on optimizations.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    Tabs in the terminal and iChat? Gimme a break.

    I cannot tell about iChat (never used it), but in the Terminal they are very useful. It makes however more sense to have them in a X11 environment where the terminal sessions are meant to provide a means of interaction with "applications". And there are such solutions in X11 for OS X. I am not sure if I would like to see them in the main Terminal.app though.
  • Reply 7 of 22
    1337_5l4xx0r1337_5l4xx0r Posts: 1,558member
    Well, unix-heads tend to use


    but there are many instances where screen is less than optimal compared to a tabbed terminal. I'd like to see a tabbed Terminal.app, which besides this is the best Terminal app I've used (copy and paste work like a dream!)
  • Reply 8 of 22
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Expose is not a VD replacement.

    I wonder who would want a VD replacement? NOT ME...infact I would be perfectly happy without VD in the first place...
  • Reply 9 of 22
    trobertstroberts Posts: 702member
    I am guessing VD is short for virtual desktop. If so, what is so special about VD?
  • Reply 10 of 22

    Originally posted by troberts

    I am guessing VD is short for virtual desktop. If so, what is so special about VD?

    I always wanted a venereal disease.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    Tabbed dock.

  • Reply 12 of 22
    1337_5l4xx0r1337_5l4xx0r Posts: 1,558member
    Virtual desktops are nice, but to be frank, there's excellent freeware that works flawlessly that does this already (I use it).

    How about a heavily threaded Finder with transparent network access, eg: browse another mac's files via SSH/SFTP/Webdav/whatever?
  • Reply 13 of 22
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    I like tabs so I use iterm for my terminal. I'd like a tabbed Finder though.

    I'd like all tabs in every app to have its own thread so that tabs can be killed without taking down the whole app.

    Mainly I'd like a more streamlined system. Performance is still the most critical issue for me.

    A better Java VM. Everything Java is just so slow in OS X if you use a G4 and it shouldn't be. Same deal with X11.

    I'd like some sort of light terminal implementation. This way one powerful machine can be used by two people at the same time. This would coincide with better VNC performance.

    Built-in virtualization. Most people don't need fast emulated GPU performance. If they could pull off adequate GPU performance like classic great but I'd be happy with just being able to run average Windows apps.

    Unified theme throughout like Mail. Basically just what the Uno application does. Get rid of the lame wood effect from Garageband too. The black in Aperture is ok though. If they had a standard unified interface where you could pick your own colors, it would best for everyone. Most themes you see, they just change the color of the panels and the font color and possibly the font itself. Apple could easily implement this if 3rd party apps can change them.
  • Reply 14 of 22
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by blackbird_1.0

    Tabbed dock.

    Tabbed dock.
  • Reply 15 of 22
    1337_5l4xx0r1337_5l4xx0r Posts: 1,558member
    I agree about Uno. It's hotness. I'd like to see a mid-tone, unified theme throughout, and maybe continue the dark theme for pro apps so they look sexy and don't grab attention from the content.

    Wood? WTF?! Hey apple, how about a diamond-encrusted gold theme so it looks bling-bling, know what I'm sayin'? God...


    Same deal with X11.

    Hmm? I'm very pleased with the performance of X11 on my TiBook g4... On that topic, I love Inkscape! I used it to create the logos for my websites.

    AFA terminal functionality, it sort of flies in the face of personal computers, and I don't think the majority of users need that. Maybe an edu-Mac that was a box with four screens hanging off it, but I dunno...
  • Reply 16 of 22

    Originally posted by PB

    Tabbed dock.

    I somehow expected that.
  • Reply 17 of 22
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by troberts

    I am guessing VD is short for virtual desktop. If so, what is so special about VD?

    You can have several desktops running in parallel. You see only one at a time but you can switch immediately between them. It is a very nice and efficient way to organize your work when things get complicated. For example, you can have one workspace for e-mail, another one for web browsing, another for coding and so on. This way, your windows remain well separated by function and your life with the computer becomes easier.

    Workspaces or virtual desktops are available on UNIX systems for ages now. For the Mac there are only third party solutions for the moment.
  • Reply 18 of 22
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by 1337_5L4Xx0R

    Virtual desktops are nice, but to be frank, there's excellent freeware that works flawlessly that does this already (I use it).

    Making a workspace manager for the Mac OS needs some extra attention. The difference from the UNIX systems, where this idea comes from, is that in OS X each window has a parent, the application to which it belongs. And you have two ways to close windows: either you close the window itself (Cmd-W) or you quit the application (Cmd-Q), which takes down everything related to said application. This has to be taken carefully into account when designing a workspace manager.

    I tried Desktop Manager and noticed a flawed behavior: if you quit the manager while you are in a desktop that is different from the desktop in which the manager started, you are stuck with running applications with inaccessible windows (those that are in the other desktops when you quit the manager). You have to relaunch the manager to regain access to those windows.

    I am saying all this just to show that it is more complex than it seems to make a good workspace manager solution for the Macintosh. I believe Apple will come out one moment with their own built-in solution, which will be impossible to quit, at least directly (think Dock, Expose and Dashboard). And I expect this will happen when the amount of features and bundled applications of Mac OS X (and the subsequent complexity in computing experience) will make a workspace manager necessity (and good advertising for the new OS).


    How about a heavily threaded Finder with transparent network access, eg: browse another mac's files via SSH/SFTP/Webdav/whatever?

    From your mouth to Apple's ears .
  • Reply 19 of 22
    Hmmm, let's see. Here are a few things I would love to appear in OS X:

    1) Service menu appearing in contextual menu within application.

    2) A browse button in the Finder that acts like the one in iTunes. Click it, and you can browse your computer in a column view like state except by various file metadata such as KIND, DATE, AUTHOR, etc.

    3) I want to be able to add spotlight comments or keywords to my files when I am saving them. This is the ideal moment to do so.

    4) Currently I use AppZapper to remove applications and their additional files from my system. While I like OS X's ability to drag an application to the trash to remove it, I really think Mac OS X should clean up additional files the application has created in the Library folder. I think they can do this very easily without changing much of the way users currently uninstall an application.

    User drags an application to the trash and is offered two options:

    - Move just the application to the trash

    - Move the application and its supported files in the Library directory to the trash
  • Reply 20 of 22
    nforcernforcer Posts: 1member
    Pretty much what I think about this list:

    The guys who made the list don't really get it.

    Half the things the writers of this article want, maybe more, are things they can do with third party apps right now and they admit it. Their reason for wanting whatever-feature basically boils down to "we want Apple to do it just like this". That is not a good enough reason.

    When Apple includes something offered by a third party dev it should be because they can do it better; either because Apple's implementation is better or Apple's position as an OS developer makes sense for them to do it. Many things on this list don't fit that criteria. If Apple were to do most of the suggestions of this list it would take time away from more important issues, generate developer animosity, and basically lead to feature-creep of the OS. That's mostly what the whole article is; feature-creep requests.

    There is a reason Apple bundles third party software like Omnigraffle and GraphicConverter with new Macs; such software can do things end-users might need and have years of development behind them (I think GraphicConverter has been around for about a decade). Software bundles are great for several reasons:

    1) They they fill voids and offer users more out-of-the-box functionality

    2) They encourage third party developers

    3) Their inclusion frees up time for Apple to spend time on more important matters

    What I want to see in Leopard are mostly things that no one else is in the position to do. More things that developers can take advantage of and things that yield improvements to the general OS. Think Core Image, not Apple Photoshop (which wouldn't surprise me if that was on the candidate list for the writers of this article).

    I realize some features need to be higher-level to encourage "mom and dad" users to upgrade. iChat tabs, for example, are a logical next-step inclusion that can help with the window management problems of that application. However, Apple already has plenty to do in this area without creating full-fledged Diskwarrior and Virtual PC clones as per the request of this article.
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