23 Things we want in Leopard



  • Reply 21 of 22
    danielctulldanielctull Posts: 586member
    Following on from nforcer's post, I'd like Apple to include third party apps as standard with the OS. Like the open source Growl. Growl has a large following among the "elite", and a lot of third party apps already take advantage of it. Having it standard in the OS means a developer can guarantee the existence of Growl and thus will be more likely to program for.
  • Reply 22 of 22
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    -Save and Shutdown aka Hibernate.

    That'd be freakin HUGE for all laptop users. MacOS X is a PIG in sleep and keeps sucking battery.

    -Spotlight, yes operators and other structured querying/sorting. And Snappiness. Big potential here. And indexing backups would be SUPER awesome.

    -Tabs: for Terminal, Finder, iChat, hey maybe even Mail...just make them options. Can't be that much extra coding, and it'd please lots of Tab People, like me. God I love Tabs. It's probably because I have a 12" screen.

    -Finder: err...FTP uploading...how hard can it be? why the heck wasn't it ever added!?

    -New Minimizing effects for the Dock. Hehe cmon now that we have Core Image that is key, come on guys I know you're with me here.
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