Apple's says Foxconn investigation remains open

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Contrary to reports published earlier this week, Apple Computer says its investigation into working conditions at Chinese factories that build its iPod digital music players is not over.

"We are still investigating the working conditions at Foxconn's manufacturing plant in Longhua," Apple spokesman Steve Dowling told BusinessWeek. "This is a thorough audit, which includes employee working and living conditions, interviews of employees and managers, compliance with overtime and wage regulations, and other areas as necessary to insure adherence to Apple's supplier code of conduct."

On Monday, China CSR, a Web site devoted to promoting corporate responsibility in China, cited a Foxconn spokesperson in saying that Apple sent a special team to the factories to investigate but found no problems.

"Apple's supplier code of conduct sets the bar higher than accepted industry standards and we take allegations of noncompliance very seriously," Dowling added.

The ongoing probe is in response to claims made by the British publication Mail on Sunday, which earlier this month published a detailed report portraying some of Foxconn's manufacturing facilities as sweatshops.

For its part in the matter, Foxconn initially denied any wrongdoing. But more recently, a spokesman for the Taiwanese manufacturer conceded that the overtime hours demanded of its employees are in violation of some local labor laws.

In its take on the issue, BusinessWeek says Apple, which clearly wants to avoid such unpleasant appearances, should set an example for the rest of the world by taking some of its $8.2 billion in cash and building its own factory in China.


  • Reply 1 of 40
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I doubt that if this abuse was happening, Apple wouldn't immediately ditch the supplier for both ethical and public relations reasons.
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  • Reply 2 of 40
    You would think the way the media has blown this out of proportion that this is the first time it's ever happened to any fortunate 500 company. I don't get it. Wasn't Nike in the news a couple years ago for paying them like $10 a month. I mean come on and let's be real it happens everywhere (not saying it's right by any means). I just don't see why Apple should have to set the example and take some of their $8.2 Billion and build their own plant and do it all in house. Why can't other people step up to the plate too. This is what irritates me about this country. Our media has way too much control over things they only want to point out. We all know Apple will do what's best without having to have the media involved and these so called "analysis."
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 40
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Apple build their own plant in China? A ridiculous idea. If anything, they should just insist on an on-site plant monitor.
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  • Reply 4 of 40
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by O4BlackWRX

    We all know Apple will do what's best without having to have the media involved and these so called "analysis."

    Oh, that's rich! Great one!

    What's next? "Apple doesn't care about money. Its only concern is the betterment of society!"?

    Again, brilliant comedy.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 40
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by O4BlackWRX

    You would think the way the media has blown this out of proportion that this is the first time it's ever happened to any fortunate 500 company. I don't get it. Wasn't Nike in the news a couple years ago for paying them like $10 a month. I mean come on and let's be real it happens everywhere (not saying it's right by any means). I just don't see why Apple should have to set the example and take some of their $8.2 Billion and build their own plant and do it all in house. Why can't other people step up to the plate too. This is what irritates me about this country. Our media has way too much control over things they only want to point out. We all know Apple will do what's best without having to have the media involved and these so called "analysis."


    Shut up.
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  • Reply 6 of 40
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Oh for fuck's sake don't bring Nike up again.

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  • Reply 7 of 40
    o4blackwrxo4blackwrx Posts: 383member

    Originally posted by wilco


    Shut up.

    Wow that was a really informative post. I bet you stayed up all night thinking of that you're tired....At least some people found the comedy in my statement (thanks Louzer & SpamSandwich)...lighten up people....
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 40
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by O4BlackWRX

    At least some people found the comedy in my statement (thanks Louzer & SpamSandwich)

    Or maybe you just didn't recognize their sarcasm.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 40
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by O4BlackWRX

    Wow that was a really informative post. I bet you stayed up all night thinking of that you're tired....At least some people found the comedy in my statement (thanks Louzer & SpamSandwich)...lighten up people....

    Shut up.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 40
    o4blackwrxo4blackwrx Posts: 383member

    Originally posted by Chucker

    Or maybe you just didn't recognize their sarcasm.

    Hard to find sarcasm in 2 words 'shut up' I am a comical person and if you're saying 'shut up' sarcastically then I apologize for that, but it's hard with 2 words versus a real statement.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 40
    jamezogjamezog Posts: 163member

    Originally posted by SpamSandwich

    Apple build their own plant in China? A ridiculous idea. If anything, they should just insist on an on-site plant monitor.

    Or they could build a plant in the US. But that would mean expensive union wages - Apple would have to significantly raise their prices just to break even.

    No, in order to remain competitive, they've got to stay in China. That's the reality of today's cutthroat economy.

    Or maybe Apple should become a charity and give their products away... Or just make a huge donation to the Gates Foundation...
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 40
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    Bickering is always annoying on forums. Especially when it goes back and forth for more than 2 posts.

    I agree that it is pretty stupid the way the media has blown this way out of proportion. Still, that's always the way it's going to be when you're on top; and Apple is definitely on top in the portable music player market (with good cause). Still, I think it's stupid to worry too much about conditions of workers in other countries. 3 reasons:

    1. The amounts people earn are reported in dollars, and they don't translate over very well in my experience. When I lived in a foreign country for a couple years, everything sounded RIDICULOUSLY cheap if you converted the prices into dollars at the current exchange rate. Exchange rates are not very accurate reflections of the buying power of a currency in terms of things like food or rent.

    2. I like getting cheap consumer products and it is really easy for me to ignore what might or might not be happening on the other side of the world. I still sleep great at night.

    3. If you raise the cost of doing business somewhere, then you may quite likely just lose that business altogether. I think the people who work in so called "sweat-shops" are really quite happy for the opportunity. If the "sweat-shops" left, they might have no jobs at all. People cannot be worse off with the option to work in a "sweat-shop", since they still have available any options that were there before the "sweat-shop" came. Hooray for sweat-shops!
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  • Reply 13 of 40

    Wasn't Nike in the news a couple years ago for paying them like $10 a month. I mean come on and let's be real it happens everywhere (not saying it's right by any means).

    Well, as a matter of fact you are, you are just apparently unaware of the fact. Its a pretty poor argument, by any means. Its not an affront to Apple anyway, its their supplier but my question is why do you have such a profound emotional investment in whether or not Apple is 'blamed' by the media? True, it happens all the time but your examples also bear witness to the fact that 'the media' (whatever this obscure abstraction refers to) is not only 'blaming' Apple; other companies are also called to account for their business practices. However, this is necessarily beside the point since the issue is with Foxconn, not Apple.
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  • Reply 14 of 40
    You're right, though: Let's be real! Let's be real and actually confront the issues instead of blaming some kind of abstract, phastasmatic 'media with an agenda' picking on 'my favorite corporation'. Corporations don't have feelings. If you want to be real, you should accept that fact, too.
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  • Reply 15 of 40
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    The issue isn't really with Foxconn. The only reason this is in the news is because it is an Apple factory. People care very little when obscure corporations are breaking labor laws. Your editor is only going to publish your peice if the readers will care about it. That's why it seems like the winners always get picked on--because people know them care about what they do. Plus I think at least a little part of a lot of people's nature is to want to tear down the guy on top.
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  • Reply 16 of 40
    Whether or not it is true that the only reason it's in the news is because it's an Apple company (maybe the instigating reason is that it's a NORTH AMERICAN or perhaps a multinational corporation, which is different, but I think it would be pretty difficult to substantiate your claim), I don't see anywhere in these articles an insinuation that Apple is therefore a 'bad' company. I think its pretty obvious or at least reasonable to believe that Foxconn is responsible here, that they are allegedly in violation of Apple's code of conduct for manufacturers by the fact that Apple is investigating and rather promptly at that. In anyThe problem should be determined and dealt with whether or not there is an 'unfair' amount of coverage. Believe it or not there are actual, real people behind the words of these articles. To displace the issue of possible human rights violations onto an issue of media bias so we can continue to bask in the illusion of an innocent globalization seems to me a most insidious form of lying.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 17 of 40
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by bdj21ya

    Bickering is always annoying on forums. Especially when it goes back and forth for more than 2 posts.

    There's the door...


    Originally posted by bdj21ya

    Still, I think it's stupid to worry too much about conditions of workers in other countries.

    Why is it stupid to care? Because you're an asshole?


    Originally posted by bdj21ya

    When I lived in a foreign country for a couple years, everything sounded RIDICULOUSLY cheap if you converted the prices into dollars at the current exchange rate.

    Thanks for the tip! You mean, not every country uses the same currency?


    Originally posted by bdj21ya

    2. I like getting cheap consumer products and it is really easy for me to ignore what might or might not be happening on the other side of the world. I still sleep great at night.

    I fucking hate you.


    Originally posted by bdj21ya

    Hooray for sweat-shops!

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  • Reply 18 of 40

    Why is it that the people who call upon you to 'face the facts' or to 'be realistic' are always the ones with their heads farthest up their asses?

    "Let's be realistic and demand the impossible."
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  • Reply 19 of 40
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    I like the way you think Scientifics. Insightful comments, fun to read.
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  • Reply 20 of 40
    miquetmiquet Posts: 16member
    Have you seen the problems that apple are having with it's staining Mac books and for the past 3 years have you noticed the plastics getting thinner and cheaper . Why should Apple have to go to China , they abuse the countries that have set up there and given them work . Why not set up in India or what about all the illegal immigrants from Mexico? Why do they have to set up in China . When Mac were looking at changing to intel the word was that they were looking at Vaio as a role model to designing the new range . Maybe just the inside motherboard and drives but kept the cheaper looking plastics . Vaio have brushed aluminum , slick free from finger prints black Plastics.

    They could even go one better and do as HP does they manufacture in Tokyo with physically or mentally challenged people .

    There are other countries and even now in Japan a job is better than no job.

    China has many double standards and only wants companies to invest for the short term and then the technology and production rights get taken over after 5 to 10 years . BMW USA I am sure use many non- american staff at it's plants.

    Even better designed in California built in USA? Just can't skim so much off the top. I guess.
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