Analyst offers update on iPod nano delays



  • Reply 21 of 39
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    And to answer your question Mr. Smarty Pants...


    Originally posted by wnurse

    but does apple always focus on mac at the developers conference?.



    Why is stating that apple would concentrate on mac an obvious statement if they do not always concentrate on mac?.

    Because they always concentrate on the Mac and/or Mac software.
  • Reply 22 of 39
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    "In addition, we anticipate a preview on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard" - There needs to be yet another post to say HOW FRACKING STUPID it is to use the word "anticipate". I mean, COME FRACKING ON. It's like saying sometime last week, "we anticipate that the Wimbledon Finals and the World Cup will take place on Sunday" WTF?!!! The thing is, Mr. Wu is not being "stupid", he is deliberately trying to position his analysis as having strong foresight by any means necessary. Using the word "anticipate" when it is blatantly not required seems to be a typical analyst sleight-of-hand. Showing that "he knows something most people dont" and that he has the ability to "predict the future". Fucking bollocks.

  • Reply 23 of 39
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by AppleInsider

    ....the new iPod nano -- which [Mr. Wu] has dubbed the "mini video iPod" -- will miss the Street's consensus view of a July or August introduction.

    I think at the size of the Nano the video experience will be dismal - I don't think that Apple will want to go this route. It's a very gimmicky move... just like those useless tiny MP4 players. Unless, it is a full touchscreen and you actually view the Nano "on it's side"...?
  • Reply 24 of 39
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    In my usual blatant cross-pimping of mockups, without further ado, the imagery below. If it's not showing up, try again later

  • Reply 25 of 39
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by solsun

    And to answer your question Mr. Smarty Pants...


    Because they always concentrate on the Mac and/or Mac software.

    Oh really?. They always do?. Since when?. I've been involved in the mac community as long as you have. No they don't.

    Yes, they always mention the mac (like i said, the analyst did not say apple would not talk about the ipod, he just said apple would concentrate more on mac)

    You seem to have difficulty with what he said.

    When the ipod came out, apple spent most of its time on that.

    When osX came out, apple spent most of its time on that.

    Maybe you need your memory refreshed.

    I understand to your mind, spending time on OSX and the mac hardware and ipod must all seem to be the same to you

    (i know newbies confuse talking about OS X and mac as the same).
  • Reply 26 of 39
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by wnurse

    When the ipod came out, apple spent most of its time on that.

    Not at WWDC.


    (i know newbies confuse talking about OS X and mac as the same).

    Because they are. Mac is a platform, i.e. a combination of hardware and software. The two are, as far as Apple is concerned, inseparable.

    WWDC is about developing applications for the Mac, that is, for Mac OS, to run on a Mac computer.
  • Reply 27 of 39
    ozboneozbone Posts: 5member
    I suspect that part of the reason behind the delay is to time its release to coincide with the release of the (rumored) MS player, and thereby diminish some of its zing.
  • Reply 28 of 39
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Of course, both the alleged "delay" and the supposed MS player are pure speculation.
  • Reply 29 of 39
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    I'll cross post too, someone on engadget came up with these ones and since sunilraman opened the floodgates for mockups here:

  • Reply 30 of 39
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member

    Originally posted by wnurse

    Oh really?. They always do?. Since when?. I've been involved in the mac community as long as you have. No they don't.

    Yes, they always mention the mac (like i said, the analyst did not say apple would not talk about the ipod, he just said apple would concentrate more on mac)

    You seem to have difficulty with what he said.

    When the ipod came out, apple spent most of its time on that.

    When osX came out, apple spent most of its time on that.

    Maybe you need your memory refreshed.

    I understand to your mind, spending time on OSX and the mac hardware and ipod must all seem to be the same to you

    (i know newbies confuse talking about OS X and mac as the same).

    Okay, I'm gonna try and put this in laymans terms for you, since you don't seem to understand the concept of the WWDC and what the purpose of the conference is for:

    I'll start by posting Apple's definition of the WWDC taken from the WWDC FAQ page:

    What is WWDC?:

    WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) is Apple's most important annual event for hardware and software developers, including in-house developers, computational scientists, IT managers, and system administrators. Thousands of developers from around the world come to California each year to receive in-depth information and instruction from Apple's technical architects and engineers.

    Does it make sense to you yet? This is not a special media event or a MacWorld Expo, this is a MACINTOSH event for MACINTOSH DEVELOPERS. The focus of the WWDC is ALWAYS on the Mac and Mac software and NEVER on iPods or other non-Mac Apple products.

    Steve Jobs has NEVER introduced a new iPod at the WWDC keynote. Steve Jobs ALWAYS focuses his WWDC keynote on new Macs and/or Mac related software. Macs and Mac software are the sole purpose of the conference. The developers who attend this conference do not pay $1500 to learn about the latest and greatest iPod, they come to learn about Apple's latest and greatest Mac technologies.

    So back to my original point regarding Wu's comment:


    Originally posted by AppleInsider

    Meanwhile, Wu speculates that Apple chief executive Steve Jobs is likely to focus his upcoming World Wide Developers Conference keynote exclusively on the Mac, refraining from any iPod related announcements.

    It's a no brainer. A stupid comment by Mr. Wu.
  • Reply 31 of 39
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member

    Originally posted by wnurse

    Oh really?.



    Originally posted by wnurse

    They always do?.



    Originally posted by wnurse

    Since when?.



    Originally posted by wnurse

    I've been involved in the mac community as long as you have. No they don't.


    You obviously haven't been paying attention. I'd suggest checking your facts before you publicly make yourself look like an idiot by arguing a point of which you are clearly wrong.

    From Wikipedia:


    "The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference, commonly abbreviated WWDC, is a conference held annually in California by Apple Computer. The conference is primarily used by Apple to showcase its new software and technologies for developers.

    In recent years the conference has been used to demonstrate and distribute preview versions of upcoming Mac OS X versions. The number of attendees varies between 2000 to 3500 developers.

    The conference starts with a keynote presentation which has been delivered by Apple CEO Steve Jobs since 1998, resulting in the event becoming known as "Stevenotes".

    The first WWDC was held in Monterey, California in 1983. From 1998 to 2002, WWDC was held in mid-May. From 2003 to 2005 it was held in June to better distribute Apple's show commitments. In 2006, WWDC will be held two months later in August, possibly to allow extra preparation time before the release of the expected developer preview version of Mac OS X v10.5 "Leopard".

    Every single year since 1983, the focus of the WWDC has been on Mac and Mac software technologies. The only non-Mac product ever announced at the WWDC was the iSight camera in 2003. However, it was introduced alongside the PowerMac G5. iPod announcements have NEVER been a part of WWDC.
  • Reply 32 of 39
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member

    Originally posted by wnurse


    When the ipod came out, apple spent most of its time on that.

    Yes, you're right. Jobs did spend most of his time on the iPod because it was a SPECIAL APPLE MUSIC EVENT, not the WWDC. And if you do a little further research, you will find that EVERY subsequent iPod related announcement has been at either a special press/media event or a MacWorld. NEVER has an iPod announcement come at the WWDC.

    Watch the first 2001 iPod introduction here:
  • Reply 33 of 39

    Originally posted by wnurse

    Kinda demonstrates how little you understand the investor mindset. ... Everything works out in the end, don't fret.

    You should have been a better investor and bought in when they were at $35 about a year ago and you knew the transition was coming. If you were an even better investor you would have sold your your stock at around $80 after the Mac Mini / Leather iPod Case / Hi-Fi announcement because it was clear then that the Intel transition momentum wouldn't last for much longer. What have we had since then? The 1GB Nano? The new Macbook that apprently sucks for (take your pick of reasons...). It's been analyst after analyst saying Apple is facing delays, Apple is having issues. Apple is doomed. Here comes Microsoft to kill the iPod at Christmas with their Swiss Army xPod that shits out free music and has x-ray goggles. Please. Nobody holds their cards closer than Steve Jobs ... does anybody else think he'd tell a bunch of analysts what's in the works?
  • Reply 34 of 39
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    wnurse pretty much got owned.
  • Reply 35 of 39
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by wilco

    wnurse pretty much got owned.

    I got owned?. Wow.. owned?.. what is that?.. the teen slang?.

    First of all, no one has proven anything (not even me.. we both have been making statements without really backing it up), secondly, i don't expect to be right all the time so even i am wrong this time, owned?.. we are not playing a video game here where he is beating the crap out me of.. we are having a discussion.
  • Reply 36 of 39
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member

    Originally posted by wnurse

    I got owned?. Wow.. owned?.. what is that?.. the teen slang?.

    First of all, no one has proven anything (not even me.. we both have been making statements without really backing it up),

    Re-read my posts, I've backed up all my statements with facts and web links to support those facts. And yes, I've successfully proven that you are wrong. In other words, 'You got owned!"
  • Reply 37 of 39
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by solsun

    You obviously haven't been paying attention. I'd suggest checking your facts before you publicly make yourself look like an idiot by arguing a point of which you are clearly wrong.

    Every single year since 1983, the focus of the WWDC has been on Mac and Mac software technologies. The only non-Mac product ever announced at the WWDC was the iSight camera in 2003. However, it was introduced alongside the PowerMac G5. iPod announcements have NEVER been a part of WWDC.

    they have introduced monitors at wwdc also (i'm not sure an apple monitor can be called mac related). The problem is, anything that is not ipod, seems to get lumped into the category mac and mac related. All apple products are mac related either hardware or software. I took his message to mean apple would focus more on the mac computer itself and perhaps the operating system however i can see how people can consider the monitor to be mac hardware. I consider it apple hardware, not mac hardware and apple has introduced monitors at their wwdc conference. Also they did intro podcast and new versions of itunes. Now, is that ipod related or OS X related? (both itunes and podcast can exist outside apple hardware). Apple monitors can be used without using apple computers or any apple software.

    also, i never claimed that apple ever used WWDC to intro third party hardware/software.. why would they?.

    Now, i'm not Mr Wu but i would not be surprised if he meant his statement as you took it. When he said mac, he could have meant everything but the Ipod.

    But silly me to be confused. According to a prior post, you own me.
  • Reply 38 of 39
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member

    Originally posted by wnurse

    they have introduced monitors at wwdc also (i'm not sure an apple monitor can be called mac related). The problem is, anything that is not ipod, seems to get lumped into the category mac and mac related. All apple products are mac related either hardware or software. I took his message to mean apple would focus more on the mac computer itself and perhaps the operating system however i can see how people can consider the monitor to be mac hardware. I consider it apple hardware, not mac hardware and apple has introduced monitors at their wwdc conference. Also they did intro podcast and new versions of itunes. Now, is that ipod related or OS X related? (both itunes and podcast can exist outside apple hardware). Apple monitors can be used without using apple computers or any apple software.

    also, i never claimed that apple ever used WWDC to intro third party hardware/software.. why would they?.

    Now, i'm not Mr Wu but i would not be surprised if he meant his statement as you took it. When he said mac, he could have meant everything but the Ipod.

    But silly me to be confused. According to a prior post, you own me.

    I don't know how much more clearer I can explain the purpose of the WWDC without repeating myself.

    WWDC is a developers conference. Developers are the people who develop applications for the Macintosh platform. That means when Steve Jobs kicks of the 5 day conference with his keynote, he is speaking to the attendees of the conference which largely consists of Macintosh DEVELOPERS. And you can bet your life, that the contents of his speech are going to pertain to the interests of those who are attending the conference, the developers. Sure, it'd be safe to say that many of those developers have iPods too, but that is not why they paid $1500 to attend the conference. They came and paid $1500 because they want to learn about what Apple is doing that is going to help them in their job of developing applications for OSX. There is a time and place for non-Mac related announcements, the World Wide Developers Conference is NOT IT!

    Typically, Jobs begins the keynote with a brief summary of Apple's recent accomplishments. You can expect him to announce things like how many iTunes songs have been sold. iPod marketshare, Apple retail success etc etc..

    However after the summary of all things Apple, Steve moves on to the meat and potatoes of his speech which is ALWAYS largely focused on the Mac and Mac software. Since the first release of OSX, Steve's keynote has generally focused on the new upcoming technologies in the next version of OSX (apart from 2005 where he announced and explained the transition to Intel.) The preview of the next version of OSX is the number one reason developers attend the conference. This gives them a firsthand look at Apple's newest innovations and gives them the tools they need in developing their applications to take advantage of these new innovations before the OS is officially released by Apple.

    Afterwards, Steve typically announces one or more of Apple's newest Mac related hardware offerings, and yes, a Cinema Display is Macintosh related. A computer screen is directly connected to the computer, right?

    My point is, Wu's comments were ridiculous. It does not require any speculation or "analysis" to determine that this years WWDC will preview OSX Leopard. Apple have already publically announced they would do this.

    It also does not require any speculation or analysis to determine that iPod, iPhones, or any other non-Mac related product won't be introduced during the WWDC keynote. They never are. Those types of product announcements are reserved for special press announcements or for events like the MacWorld Expo. The WWDC is a Macintosh conference for Macintosh developers. It is only logical that the keynote and product introductions will all be Macintosh related.
  • Reply 39 of 39
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member

    Originally posted by wnurse

    The problem is, anything that is not ipod, seems to get lumped into the category mac and mac related.

    Well, it's not really a problem, but you are right. Apple officially has two business divisions inside its Cupertino offices:

    The iPod (music-related) business, and the Mac (computer-related) business.

    The WWDC is specifically geared toward its Mac business.
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