Forbidden Lust



  • Reply 21 of 42

    Originally posted by turnwrite

    Apple's software is LIGHTYEARS ahead of PCs. Windows sucks and we all know it. And iWork is better than Office. Etc.

    Why do people make Windows and PC's synonymous? To say Apples software is lightyears ahead of PCs is simply wrong and to me smacks of trying to be 'in' as it were.

    I own a Mac and a laptop running ubuntu linux, but all this crap i hear is making me sick and tired of the apple community.

    I would say that OSX is better than windows in quite a few respects, but in others it is lagging behind. If you say otherwise then you clearly have your head in the clouds.

    I would also point out that a few linux distros have made a huge gap up recently and unless leopard is something very special indeed, apple might not actually have "the most advanced OS" on the planet come release time.

    Oh and calling iWork better than office is bull! I'm sorry but where do you get this stuff?
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  • Reply 22 of 42
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    So uh, were you planning on giving any examples?
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  • Reply 23 of 42

    Originally posted by Chucker

    So uh, were you planning on giving any examples?

    Examples of where windows is better than OSX? This is all in my experience but here goes; UI responsveness, games, the sheer amount of hardware that works with windows, the fact that i can turn off the bloody eye candy if i like (i don't want the animated open/save dialog box), i've had untold problems getting ANY messaging service working in osx, windows on the same connection has no problems what so ever. I asked for help on another mac forum and all i got was "windows sucks".

    Finder vs explorer? No contest. There are a few things i would like to be able to do with finder that i cannot, i'd like to mount a shortcut to an ftp server on my desktop so i can use it as a drop box, this is possible in windows, why not osx? Oh right i can mount it but i can't actually upload files to the server. Great one.

    Oh and why the hell can't i cut a file in finder like i can in windows, i want to move this file to my external drive, not copy it. Why can't i do this? It's fairly basic stuff.

    I use osx as my main desktop and i'll give you that it's better, but to say it's lightyears ahead is bull. How exactly is it lightyears ahead? Spotlight? Right! Automater? The fact it has ties to bsd? So what!

    It's horses for courses, if osx suits you better then fine, but get your heads out of your bloody arses.

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  • Reply 24 of 42
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by AndrewLondon

    I use osx as my main desktop and i'll give you that it's better, but to say it's lightyears ahead is bull.

    Never claimed it was.
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  • Reply 25 of 42

    Originally posted by Chucker

    Never claimed it was.

    I never claimed you did. My first post was replying to turnwrite. All i'm basically saying is that all this "we're superior" speak is really off putting. It gets embarassing after a while, espically when people are saying it just to be 'in' with the crowd.

    He said iWork was better than Office.... wtf?
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  • Reply 26 of 42
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    iWork and Office don't directly compete. Many people use Office applications (especially Word) without using even a tenth of their features. For those people, iWork can indeed be a better choice, simply because it focuses more on the needs of such people.
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  • Reply 27 of 42

    Originally posted by Chucker

    iWork and Office don't directly compete. Many people use Office applications (especially Word) without using even a tenth of their features. For those people, iWork can indeed be a better choice, simply because it focuses more on the needs of such people.

    Well it does depend on what you need. BUT, saying something is better for the sake of making you look cool only makes you look like a nob.
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  • Reply 28 of 42

    Originally posted by turnwrite

    But its BLUE.

    Well howbout this one:

    HORRIBLE company!!! I am a former Alienware customer. I purchased the top of the line 5700 with the latest body style, waited over 30 days to get it and wham!!! nice big dead pixel looking right at me. Only problem was, it was within the acceptable limits per Alienware. Total BS!!! I waited that long and paid that much money for the "best" laptop made, it had better be perfect! BTW as the unit was being built, I kept receiving status emails telling me how great the build was coming along. Of course, they never mentioned the dead pixel.

    Fit and finish on the MBPro cannot be beat by any other manufacturer.

    I ended up giving it to our local children's home.
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  • Reply 29 of 42
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by AndrewLondon

    Oh and why the hell can't i cut a file in finder like i can in windows, i want to move this file to my external drive, not copy it. Why can't i do this? It's fairly basic stuff.

    I'll tell you what's getting tiring -- it's people who come and want Mac OS X to work exactly like Windows. It's not going to. Enough already. The "cut file" action is absent for a reason.


    get your heads out of your bloody arses.

    That kind of comment isn't welcome here. In fact, it is going away in a few hours. If you want all the features exactly like Windows, USE WINDOWS. The Mac GUI was here first, and was copied by Windows, with the pathetic pencil-neck Gates whining to his programmers, "make it like a Maaaaaaac!! Make it like a Maaaaaaac!".

    Apple can do exactly as they please and have no obligation to make the Mac "be like Windows".
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  • Reply 30 of 42
    Deleted for the following reasons

    - Blatant flaming

    - Ad hominem attack
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  • Reply 31 of 42
    Oh and the reason for not including the cut option on the filesystem?

    "Apple's apparent philosophy here is that it would be confusing to the user if they were to cut a file in the filesystem, then cut something else (such as text from a document) without having first pasted the cut file (where does the file go?). To avoid this situation, Apple has opted to prevent the user from using cut in the filesystem entirely. Unforunately, this means that if you want to move a file from one location to another using the keyboard, you'll need to copy the file, paste it into its new location, and then delete the original file."

    Awwww, didn't want to confuse the poor darlings. I'm sorry but what a load of bull. Surely if you had any sense at all you would paste item you wanted to move before cutting another one?

    Obviously not. Maybe your average Apple user isn't as clever as you give them credit for?
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  • Reply 32 of 42
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by AndrewLondon

    Oh and the reason for not including the cut option on the filesystem?

    "Apple's apparent philosophy here is that it would be confusing to the user if they were to cut a file in the filesystem, then cut something else (such as text from a document) without having first pasted the cut file (where does the file go?). To avoid this situation, Apple has opted to prevent the user from using cut in the filesystem entirely. Unforunately, this means that if you want to move a file from one location to another using the keyboard, you'll need to copy the file, paste it into its new location, and then delete the original file."

    Awwww, didn't want to confuse the poor darlings. I'm sorry but what a load of bull. Surely if you had any sense at all you would paste item you wanted to move before cutting another one?

    Obviously not. Maybe your average Apple user isn't as clever as you give them credit for?

    Before you spout off on a feature that is not there you should maybe try and LEARN, ask a question, maybe someone can tell you how to do it so you don't run around whining... As it is I believe holding down command or option (I don't remember which) will move a file to an external disk instead of copying-the same modifier key you use when you want to copy a file in the same disk instead of just moving it...

    Before you spout off on Apple UI design philosophy you should learn to read with better comprehension and understand what the paragraph you quoted means. Because this: "Surely if you had any sense at all you would paste item you wanted to move before cutting another one?" doesn't make any sense....
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  • Reply 33 of 42
    It is saying that apple doesn't allow cutting files in the filesystem because if you cut another item i.e text then the file would go where?

    Well that isn't good enough reason to leave the function out. And if there is a modifier key to let you move an item instead of copying it, well that is far from an elegant solution.

    Also, i just tried the command AND option key on 10.3.5 (work machine) and it doesn't move the file at all.

    Anyway this is besides the point. I said that turnwhite was bad mouthing other systems just to look cool in front of you Apple arse lickers and he didn't reply. Says it all really.
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  • Reply 34 of 42
    Well done lundy, somebody bad mouths apple and you delete the post. Nice one.

    You've just proved what an idiot you are.
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  • Reply 35 of 42
    turnwriteturnwrite Posts: 372member
    Well jeezus.

    I'm not saying that OSX is lightyears ahead of Windows to make me LOOK cool. I'm saying that because it's what I honestly believe. No need to draw nasty conclusions. And I'm not just some apple n00blet who says that without any knowledge, I'm a pretty confident user of both OSX and Windows, and I really don't like Windows very much.

    Well yes of COURSE it's better for games, but that's just because it's used by the majority of the free world. It has nothing to do with the actual quality or design of the OS.

    And Windows Vista is cool, I drool over THAT. But I'm comparing what Apple and Microsoft both have out RIGHT NOW.

    I'm sorry, but Linux just sucks. Awfully. Horribly. Ubuntu is probably the best distro, but Linux is just a horrible ripoff of the Windows UI and it's always behind the times. Like it doesn't offer any of the graphical enhancements of Vista, or the instant search, or anything like that. Even compared to XP it is basically very similar only why not just use Windows?

    The whole IDEA of an open source OS is GREAT, and I like the community of Linux, but the OS itself SUCKS.

    iWork is better than Office for a couple resons, and I will gladly elaborate there. First, Word is awful at doing layout. Really awful. I've seen a TON of people become insanely frustrated just trying to move a picture around in it. The idea of combining a layout app with a word processor is really good. Another app which pulled this off really well is RagTime ( As for Keynote, I just think it produces slicker presentations that Powerpoint. I like walking into a room and doing a Keynote presentation and all the PPT users drool over the sexy 3D transitions.

    And Office 2007 may have a nice new interface, but it still sufferes from these lackings of its predecessors.

    I think I covered all of your baseless insults there, but if I missed any, let me know...

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  • Reply 36 of 42
    I have never seen a good looking PC Laptop / NoteBook. It's like the designers just cant be arsed as they know any effort will just be spoilt by the shitty components inside!
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  • Reply 37 of 42
    slugheadslughead Posts: 1,169member
    I don't get it.. there are no specs listed?

    Well SH*T man, buy me a macbook, I'll buy you a cheap dell and paint it blue for you! Hell, I'll even add sequins and ribbons, I'll make it look real 'sharp'.

    What's it with people and form over function? Function first, unless form is a function!

    Regardless of what that thing has in it spec-wise, I left something in the toilet earlier that looked more innovative.
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  • Reply 38 of 42
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by skatman

    Another gay piece of shit made by south asian sweatshop.

    There he goes again, race-baiting. Trolls should be ignored.
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  • Reply 39 of 42
    Even though it says AndrewLondon in banned, I would just like to add, his arguments for windows being better than OSX are pathetic.

    This is quite obviously a windows fan boy, that can't get to grips with the superior Mac operating system. This is sad, my 56 year old father has just switched to Mac after using Windows for the past 16 years and has not had any problems. He now can't understand why he didn't switch earlier.

    As for myself, I have been in PC support for 10 years, finally I made the switch last year and stopped supporting PC's. The main problems with Windows and PC's is the incompatability between hardware and software in generic built PCs. This however doesnt effect the branded PC's as the brand has done all the hardwork for you. Now on my Mac's I still use Windows through Parallels for my accounts software and I must say Windows does run much better on Macs.

    My old man pointed something out, the fact that all Mac apps tie in together to make the users time less stressfull and spotlight makes finding things a doddle. Where as when he had the PC hardly any apps where compatible with each other and the search feature was slow and not very accurate.

    Thats my hangover rant done with! Sorry to bore people!
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  • Reply 40 of 42
    trobertstroberts Posts: 702member
    I like the iPod mini green color, which is what I will get when I order my MacBook sometime in the future. Leopard will have to come installed on the MacBook before I make my purchase since getting one falls into the want category.
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