*sigh* Another update down the drain

in macOS edited January 2014
Yet another major update to the operating system and it looks like they forgot to FTFF yet again


  • Reply 1 of 34
    Don't forget about the TOP SECERET stuff they didn't want to show.
  • Reply 2 of 34
    It's not even done yet
  • Reply 3 of 34
    akheron01akheron01 Posts: 152member
    But you can see the finder in many of the currently available screenshots, and if they had a totally cocoa, totally cool, fixed up, funked up finder, I think we would notice more of a change.
  • Reply 4 of 34
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I didn't see the Finder hang at any time, what needs to be fixed? Get used to the metal, it's easy enough to remove, if that's what you're bitching about.
  • Reply 5 of 34
    akheron01akheron01 Posts: 152member
    Originally Posted by Placebo

    Get used to the metal


    Yeah, I just use interface builder to turn on the unified interface. I just figured if there was a major update to the finder we would have already noticed at least a few graphical differences, but my fingers are still crossed!
  • Reply 6 of 34
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by akheron01

    Yet another major update to the operating system and it looks like they forgot to FTFF yet again

    "The Finder" isn't any magic voodoo it's just another OS X application. Nothing I've seen today indicates that the finder isn't going to see some type of update (at some point in time over the beta cycle for 10.5). IIRC even with OS X 10.0 Steve was able to pretty successfully keep the 'OS X' look a secret for quite some time. Nothing is preventing the same thing from happening in 10.5

  • Reply 7 of 34
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    the finder is an app, just like everything else (admittedly, a CORE app, but an app nonetheless). if the finder is not ready to show off (i.e. still crashes a lot), then i bet they are calling it "top secret", using the tiger finder for today's demos, and waiting until they can get it to not bring down the whole demo machine on steve over and over and over again.
  • Reply 8 of 34
    akheron01akheron01 Posts: 152member
    Originally Posted by rok

    the finder is an app, just like everything else (admittedly, a CORE app, but an app nonetheless).

    Originally Posted by DaveGee

    "The Finder" isn't any magic voodoo it's just another OS X application.

    I'm sorry, did I say anything that suggested that I thought otherwise?
  • Reply 9 of 34
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    Originally Posted by akheron01

    I'm sorry, did I say anything that suggested that I thought otherwise?

    sorta. at least i guess both davegee and i inferred that you thought the finder so integral a part of the os that it would HAVE to be on display with leopard running, and we're simply saying, no, it doesn't. that's why there is still hope that the FTFF movement has some legs to it.
  • Reply 10 of 34
    Originally Posted by rok

    sorta. at least i guess both davegee and i inferred that you thought the finder so integral a part of the os that it would HAVE to be on display with leopard running, and we're simply saying, no, it doesn't. that's why there is still hope that the FTFF movement has some legs to it.

    But he could have at least mentioned that the Finder was being overhauled if that was in fact the case. It's not like Microsoft is going to copy the Finder.

    By the way, that whole thing was a letdown to me.
  • Reply 11 of 34
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Daffy_Duck

    It's not like Microsoft is going to copy the Finder.

    Yea? What on earth gave you that silly idea.... Microsoft has been copying Apples visual and UI ideas since Windows first reared it's ugly head.

  • Reply 12 of 34
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    Originally Posted by Daffy_Duck

    But he could have at least mentioned that the Finder was being overhauled if that was in fact the case. It's not like Microsoft is going to copy the Finder.

    By the way, that whole thing was a letdown to me.

    the WHOLE thing? i'll grant you the "top secret" stuff was a bit cheesy for leopard, but even the mac pros? i mean, is anyone else shipping woodcrest in a consumer level desktop right now? and check out the apple store... the level of customizing the mac before it leaves the factory is insane. (almost unprecedented, but i seem to recall the original g3 towers - pre-imac - being pretty customizable, too)
  • Reply 13 of 34
    age234age234 Posts: 27member
    I think Finder will be updated. Looking at the videos on Apple.com, the metal is out of iChat. They probably didn't have it done in time, that's all. Today was just an early preview. If it's out next spring, then the real preview will be in January (Macworld, right?), I think.
  • Reply 13 of 34
    cougarcougar Posts: 55member
    Anyone notice how iChat is the only app to get removed of its metal? Why didn't everything else get changed too?

    Apple's UI consistency is going further down the drain...

    Edit: That's what I thought at first, age234. But then I wondered why Safari and iCal didn't undergo the same treatment.
  • Reply 15 of 34
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Because iChat (and Mail) were the only two updated apps we saw. We didn't see iCal and we probably saw a special version of Safari 2 - I'll let you know when the Developer Preview is installed.
  • Reply 16 of 34
    cougarcougar Posts: 55member
    iCal got group scheduling features and Safari got the new Dashboard functionality. Both are still metal at apple's site.
  • Reply 17 of 34
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Actually the fact that the finder looked exactly the same as in Tiger makes me think it IS going to be updated but they just decided not to include the changes in the current builds yet. They've always made at least some changes to the finder. If they knew what was going to change, they would have shown it.
  • Reply 18 of 34
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Anyword on QuartzExtreme 2D? I was hoping it's be ready for Leopard...

    And why can't the dock look like the dock in this link from Apple's own web page?

    - Mark
  • Reply 19 of 34
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Originally Posted by Cougar

    iCal got group scheduling features and Safari got the new Dashboard functionality. Both are still metal at apple's site.

    I hope that when your in month view, you can set each day's background color to whatever you want. For me, white is ok but there are always those few days where I have something important and it'd be nice to see them easily in the month view.

    - Mark
  • Reply 20 of 34
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    Notice this line:

    "All features referenced in the Mac OS X Leopard Sneak Peek are subject to change."
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