Isn't it time for a plain old Macintosh again?



  • Reply 1241 of 1657
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam

    how about iMac Pro???

    Not sure what you mean by that.
  • Reply 1242 of 1657
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Well, laptops are mobile so they do enjoy one major advantage over AIOs.

    Any disadvantage in AIO is ignored in a laptop because it is portable.

    Yes portability is a very important feature of a laptop. But portability can be a liability because of wear and tear on the machine.

    I own a 3 year old Power Mac, a 7 year old iMac, and a 3 year old PowerBook. The iMac and PowerMac have never had to be repaired. The PowerBook has gone in for repair three times for three different issues. This last time was for the logic board failing.


    Disadvantages in no particular order

    I don't know about this disadvantage list. Most of these issues would not be concerns for the average computer user. Some of these issues are circumstantial and not completely because of the AIO form factor.


    In the rapidly changing world of tech - no upgrades. (USB to USB 2, Firewire to Firewire 800, Bluetooth to whatever is next) If you think this is unimportant ask anyone with an AIO with the older USB when Apple dropped the iPod's firewire port. Windows user bought inexpensive USB 2 cards and were good to go.

    Honestly I cannot think of any of my friends who use PC that bought a USB2 card so they could plug their iPod in. When the iPod first came out most PC were still shipping with P2 ports. Most people just bought a new computer.


    ....In the current iMacs the use of a more expensive laptop cpu with lower clock speeds than could be used.

    Merom is used so the computer can be a compact as possible while staying cool and creating as little ambient noise as possible.


    Desktop clutter when adding external hard drive or optical drives.

    The same clutter I have, an external Lacie DVD burner and a 250 GB Lacie HDD sitting on my desk attached to my PowerMac.


    ....No up-selling the consumer in faster graphics cards.

    ....No up-selling the consumer with additional internal hard drive.

    ....No up-selling the consumer with additional internal optical drive.

    Obviously Apple does not see this as being a drawback to selling computers.


    ...Cost - It is more expensive to design AIOs than towers or SFF computers, although I suspect the incremental cost is insignificant.

    Apple uses this as an advantage in creating designer computers.


    ....Resistance from video card manufacturers to produce video cards for an artificially constrained market(ony the Pro towers). If all the iMacs sold could use a card, don't you think ATI and Nvidia might offer more?

    At this point all they would have to do is provide firmware. But I do agree with this point.

    While I agree Apple should add another desktop. One point you guys ignore is that the iMac saved Apple Computer. The iMac helped turn Apple around in profitability and helped double Apple's marketshare.
  • Reply 1243 of 1657
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell

    Yes portability is a very important feature of a laptop. But portability can be a liability because of wear and tear on the machine.

    I own a 3 year old Power Mac, a 7 year old iMac, and a 3 year old PowerBook. The iMac and PowerMac have never had to be repaired. The PowerBook has gone in for repair three times for three different issues. This last time was for the logic board failing.

    Which powerbook? I think mine is failing too.


    Honestly I cannot think of any of my friends who use PC that bought a USB2 card so they could plug their iPod in. When the iPod first came out most PC were still shipping with P2 ports. Most people just bought a new computer.

    They still are shipping with ps2 ports. But I do know of businesses and friends that had to buy usb 2 cards (not just for the iPod but for other things too, and they were 5 bucks... no biggy)


    Merom is used so the computer can be a compact as possible while staying cool and creating as little ambient noise as possible.

    The heat difference between conroe and merom is very small. That isn't the real reason apple went with merom IMO. I believe they went with Merom for it's power usage (watts / voltage).


    The same clutter I have, an external Lacie DVD burner and a 250 GB Lacie HDD sitting on my desk attached to my PowerMac.

    And that is because of a lack of expandability in your powermac. If you could put your harddrive in your mac wouldn't you want to? I'm assuming you have all your bays filled? or is this a harddrive you go between computers with?


    While I agree Apple should add another desktop. One point you guys ignore is that the iMac saved Apple Computer. The iMac helped turn Apple around in profitability and helped double Apple's marketshare.

    I completely agree that the iMac had a role in saving apple. I don't think it solely saved apple though. Steve Jobs, new enclosure design, new operating system, new management, new partners, high sales of iMacs, etc all played a part in the role. Even if the iMac DID save apple, we aren't saying to get rid of the iMac. As you state there is room for another computer that the iMac can never fill. Apple can / needs to grow. Someone used the buggy example earlier (snoopy), and it shows (in an extreme example) that lack of innovation and growth can kill companies. Not sure where you're going with your defense on the iMac tenobell, don't forget, I nominated you as our designated speaker... don't let me down
  • Reply 1244 of 1657
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    I doubt that the secretary knows or cares whether the parts in her computer are "laptop" or "desktop".

    As far as LCDs blowing out, IT has to keep spares anyway, so they could keep spare iMacs too. One part to inventory and track instead of two.

    No, the real reason I bring this up is that I don't think IT is going to go for it no matter if Apple releases the "xMac" or not. IT already has a perfectly usable secretary's Mac (two if you count the mini which is fine for secretaries and cheap too) and I don't think the availability of a machine with a PCIe slot and an extra hard drive bay is going to impress IT at all, seeing as how secretaries' computers don't need that stuff anyway.
  • Reply 1245 of 1657
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell

    . . . While I agree Apple should add another desktop. One point you guys ignore is that the iMac saved Apple Computer. The iMac helped turn Apple around in profitability and helped double Apple's marketshare.

    You make a nice point, but Apple cannot cling to a product for old times sake. The iMac happens to have a good name, so Apple should use it, but the iMac itself may need to change again to make it more appealing. Ford had the model T that was instrumental in getting Ford going. It was dropped. VW had the beetle, which was extremely popular. VW dropped it for many years, then revived it in a new form. There is no rule here, except "don't hang onto a favorite product for sentimental reasons." It has to make good business sense too.

    Some folks like the current iMac. I dislike it, and not just because I don't care for the AIO. The display is too bulky, and that is something that Apple cannot change with that particular design. The G4 iMac is better with regard to the display, but the dome base and swivel arm are too cutesy and '60s looking. Possibly the look of the current Apple cinema display would be better, on top of a substantial rectangular box, with the same metallic look. Then use all standard desktop components and a standard, replaceable PCI-e graphics card. If the base is large enough, it could hold two HDD. This is but one idea of many possibilities.

  • Reply 1246 of 1657
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    It actually makes me stop and think how many different designs apple has come up with on the iMac... that could be interesting looking at them all.
  • Reply 1247 of 1657
    Originally Posted by vinea

    There is no direct relationship between prosumers and consumers unlike officers and soldiers.

    Some consumers do get information from their more geek family members and friends but these are not necessarily prosumers. The most IT capable person in one family I know is grandma that makes DVDs from all the home movies of the grand kids and she already uses a mac for iLife.

    Here's a question for you: How do you define prosumer?


    The segment that includes high end consumers and low to medium end consumers. Aka people would the Performance and features of the laptop based iMac wanting, but the Mac Pro quad Xeon workstation is overkill. Specially the crowd that intel designed desktop processor and Conroe CPUs for.
  • Reply 1248 of 1657
    Originally Posted by emig647

    It actually makes me stop and think how many different designs apple has come up with on the iMac... that could be interesting looking at them all.

    Four. Five if you count the eMac.
  • Reply 1249 of 1657
    Originally Posted by emig647

    Not sure what you mean by that.

    Probably an all in one with Conroe.or Woodcrest. In the end it would be too thick, too noisy, and still not cover the segment it's intended for. Just stick a P965 or 975x motherboard in a Mac Pro case and everyone will be happy.
  • Reply 1250 of 1657
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by rickag

    Any disadvantage in AIO is ignored in a laptop because it is portable.

    Just what exactly are the advantages in the AIO's favor.

    .....I see only one true advantage - space

    .....Ease of set up, maybe slightly

    An additional advantage to Apple:

    Using 500K more mobile parts to get higher volume discounts to make their laptop line more competitive. In addition to looking sexier (which was likely the primary motivation) there is currently additional synergy to make their major growth area even more successful (or profitable). Sell 500K Conroe based machines and you don't get that synergy anymore.

  • Reply 1251 of 1657
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by snoopy

    You make a nice point, but Apple cannot cling to a product for old times sake.

    No, Apple clings to the iMac because of a vision that was evident in the original Mac. In other words not a tower or desktop. This could be seen as either old school or that Jobs had a vision of computing in the 80s that survives in the 21st century.


    The iMac happens to have a good name, so Apple should use it, but the iMac itself may need to change again to make it more appealing.

    The iMac appears to be appealing to the demographic that Apple wishes to chase.


    Ford had the model T that was instrumental in getting Ford going. It was dropped. VW had the beetle, which was extremely popular. VW dropped it for many years, then revived it in a new form. There is no rule here, except "don't hang onto a favorite product for sentimental reasons." It has to make good business sense too.

    And the current iMac is different from the original Mac except its still an AIO form. The originial iMac was the rebirth of the Mac like the new Beetle. Like the Beetle its the same form factor (ie Volkswagon didn't turn it into a mini-van) and appeals to the demographic that VW wants to get with that particular car.

    Perhaps Apple doesn't much care to pursue the demographic that buys cheap towers or gamers?

  • Reply 1252 of 1657
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig

    Probably an all in one with Conroe.or Woodcrest. In the end it would be too thick, too noisy, and still not cover the segment it's intended for. Just stick a P965 or 975x motherboard in a Mac Pro case and everyone will be happy.

    Pretty much...and if you say it costs > $1699 I doubt anyone in this thread would disagree its something that Apple could do, should do and has done in the past. The only caveat is they might leave the bottom end a single Woodcrest over Conroe just to keep workstation part volume up higher.

    The real debate is for a $399-$1299 tower.

  • Reply 1253 of 1657
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    And I will ask again, who in their right mind would pay $1299 for a "tower" with no monitor when they can get an iMac WITH monitor for $999?
  • Reply 1254 of 1657
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell

    Yes portability is a very important feature of a laptop. But portability can be a liability because of wear and tear on the machine.

    I own a 3 year old Power Mac, a 7 year old iMac, and a 3 year old PowerBook. The iMac and PowerMac have never had to be repaired. The PowerBook has gone in for repair three times for three different issues. This last time was for the logic board failing.

    I don't know about this disadvantage list. Most of these issues would not be concerns for the average computer user. Some of these issues are circumstantial and not completely because of the AIO form factor.

    Honestly I cannot think of any of my friends who use PC that bought a USB2 card so they could plug their iPod in. When the iPod first came out most PC were still shipping with P2 ports. Most people just bought a new computer.

    Merom is used so the computer can be a compact as possible while staying cool and creating as little ambient noise as possible.

    The same clutter I have, an external Lacie DVD burner and a 250 GB Lacie HDD sitting on my desk attached to my PowerMac.

    Obviously Apple does not see this as being a drawback to selling computers.

    Apple uses this as an advantage in creating designer computers.

    At this point all they would have to do is provide firmware. But I do agree with this point.

    While I agree Apple should add another desktop. One point you guys ignore is that the iMac saved Apple Computer. The iMac helped turn Apple around in profitability and helped double Apple's marketshare.

    Nice post and you make many good points in an effort to explain away the disadvantages, but why on earth should you have to?
  • Reply 1255 of 1657
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig

    Probably an all in one with Conroe.or Woodcrest. In the end it would be too thick, too noisy, and still not cover the segment it's intended for. Just stick a P965 or 975x motherboard in a Mac Pro case and everyone will be happy.

    Point conceded, even though we do not know at what volumes Apple receives discounts, but OK, Point 3 advantage for AIO, begrudgingly.
  • Reply 1256 of 1657
    Originally Posted by lundy

    And I will ask again, who in their right mind would pay $1299 for a "tower" with no monitor when they can get an iMac WITH monitor for $999?

    -Those who want more 2gb of memory yet have no need for expensive FB-DIMMS

    -Those who want full size, full speed optical drives that can be easily changed when newer models come out.

    -Those who want more than one hard drive.

    -Those who want some leeway with the graphics card

    You seem to value Simplicity above all else Lundy, but not everyone thinks as you do or uses the Mac as you do.
  • Reply 1257 of 1657
    Originally Posted by vinea

    Pretty much...and if you say it costs > $1699 I doubt anyone in this thread would disagree its something that Apple could do, should do and has done in the past. The only caveat is they might leave the bottom end a single Woodcrest over Conroe just to keep workstation part volume up higher.

    I was thinking more $1299 or $1499 for a 2.4ghz Conroe in the "standard" configuration.


    The real debate is for a $399-$1299 tower.


    The Mini and iMac fill that area well enough. The problem is that Apple's offerings are too upscale for the intended audience. The ironic part, is that Apple has one of the cheapest dual core desktops out there. Half, if not more of all desktop sales are in the Celeron/Sempron class.
  • Reply 1258 of 1657
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by lundy

    And I will ask again, who in their right mind would pay $1299 for a "tower" with no monitor when they can get an iMac WITH monitor for $999?

    All else being equal, your point is very well taken. The iMac would be the obvious choice for most buyers. My question to whomever suggested such pricing is, why on earth would Apple price a "tower" with iMac performance and features for $300 more?

    In previous posts, I suggest that a tower with iMac performance and features be priced just a little bit under the iMac, maybe $25 or $50. The logic is that a tower would likely have a higher cost case and power supply, but it would still be less than the iMac, with its LCD display. Most towers proposed have had higher performance and/or more features however.

  • Reply 1259 of 1657
    Originally Posted by lundy

    And I will ask again, who in their right mind would pay $1299 for a "tower" with no monitor when they can get an iMac WITH monitor for $999?


    - If it contains a desktop Core 2 Duo CPU with the higher clock speeds (2.66 or 3.0).

    - It it contains a desktop HDD with 7,200 or 10,000 RPM

    - If it contains a desktop Graphics Card with 512Mb of RAM.

    I've got a nice monitor. I want a nice computer to go with it that has desktop performance.
  • Reply 1260 of 1657
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Which powerbook? I think mine is failing too.

    15" Aluminum G4. I got it in December 2003.

    Luckily the logic board is failing on my last month of Apple Care.


    The heat difference between conroe and merom is very small. IMO. I believe they went with Merom for it's power usage (watts / voltage).

    From what I've read there is little heat difference between Merom and Yohan. How could Conroe be more powerful than both and not produce significantly more heat? And why would Apple need to be concerned about power usage in a desktop?


    Not sure where you're going with your defense on the iMac tenobell,

    The iMac is a fine machine. I drool over it when I visit friends who own one. If I didn't need at least one PCI slot. The iMac would be perfectly fine for me.

    I think there is no need to shun the iMac just because you want a midlevel tower. They both are two machines that would serve two different purpose.


    Nice post and you make many good points in an effort to explain away the disadvantages, but why on earth should you have to?

    Well there are advantages and disadvantages to everything.


    And I will ask again, who in their right mind would pay $1299 for a "tower" with no monitor when they can get an iMac WITH monitor for $999?

    I would actually say I fall into that category.

    I currently own a Power Mac. But I doubt I will get a Mac Pro. I don't need all four PCI slots, I don't need four hard drive pays, and I certainly will not use 16GB of RAM. I will rarely give all four CPU's a workout. The two optical bays are the new feature I would find most useful.

    I'm the market for a smaller dual core midlevel tower. I need at least one PCI slot for my Blackmagic Decklink card.

    The iMac does not fill this need and the Mac Pro is way more than I need.
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