114,000 known viruses for PC...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
In the apple commercial, Mac said that there was 114,000 known viruses for PC, but not one of them can be downloaded!

I want to deploy a simple, low harm virus on my family (just bough not one, not two, but four new PCs) to get them to trade in for new Macs.

Any suggestions?


Something that I've never mentioned, even in the amendment at the end, is that I've never actually done anything destructive to the household computers. While some people understood my humor, other's did not. I want to remind new readers that I meant everything sarcastically before they continue to read any further.

What started off as a point of fact (viruses couldn't be found in a google search), turned into a "what if" kind of joke (get a mac, ha ha), to me stepping over the line. I said that I turned off the firewall in hopes of pop ups and viruses. I did honestly mean that as a joke, and did no such thing.


  • Reply 1 of 31
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Nothing civil...
  • Reply 2 of 31
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by CRHain88

    In the apple commercial, Mac said that there was 114,000 known viruses for PC, but not one of them can be downloaded!

    I want to deploy a simple, low harm virus on my family (just bough not one, not two, but four new PCs) to get them to trade in for new Macs.

    Any suggestions?

    First of all, that is kind of evil. But all you have to do is plug a computer into an internet connection that is not protected by a firewall - evidently it will get infected within half an hour.

  • Reply 3 of 31
    Originally Posted by e1618978

    First of all, that is kind of evil. But all you have to do is plug a computer into an internet connection that is not protected by a firewall - evidently it will get infected within half an hour.


    That was good information, but I want something a little more comical. Like, a message that says "Get a Mac" on the whole screen every hour. Or... "Windows Sucks."
  • Reply 4 of 31
    Well, you don't need a virus to do that. If you're connected through a router, just have all the different MAC addresses get redirected to a page that containes what text you want. Similar to what this guy did: http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/upside-down-ternet.html

    The virus idea is just mean, and even this will get everyone in your family angry with you. Especially since they just bought four new computers.
  • Reply 5 of 31
    Originally Posted by jdcfsu

    Well, you don't need a virus to do that. If you're connected through a router, just have all the different MAC addresses get redirected to a page that containes what text you want. Similar to what this guy did: http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/upside-down-ternet.html

    The virus idea is just mean, and even this will get everyone in your family angry with you. Especially since they just bought four new computers.

    Hey, that looks like fun, but I don't understand how to do it?

    And yes, it is mean... but better do it now while the warrenty sill lasts!
  • Reply 6 of 31
    Okay, since I can't install a virus, this is what I did:

    Turned off the FireWall

    Turned off security update manager (Shame on windows for making this so easy. As I can recall, My Mac automatically downloads the the protection without trying to capitolize on it!)

    Now all I need is a few pop-ups and I'll be happy as clam!
  • Reply 7 of 31
    Originally Posted by CRHain88

    Okay, since I can't install a virus, this is what I did:

    Turned off the FireWall

    Turned off security update manager (Shame on windows for making this so easy. As I can recall, My Mac automatically downloads the the protection without trying to capitolize on it!)

    Now all I need is a few pop-ups and I'll be happy as clam!

    You are one sick puppy...

    Maybe you should kill your family dog so you could get a brand new puppy too...
  • Reply 8 of 31
    Originally Posted by CRHain88

    Okay, since I can't install a virus, this is what I did:

    Turned off the FireWall

    Turned off security update manager (Shame on windows for making this so easy. As I can recall, My Mac automatically downloads the the protection without trying to capitolize on it!)

    Now all I need is a few pop-ups and I'll be happy as clam!

    That is low.

    edit: how would you feel once your kid brother sabotaged the mac cause you stole his cool PC away from him?

    Now go back there, act like an adult and turn firewall and auto-update back on!

    Man, just doing something so low and then come here AND BRAG ABOUT IT?!

    If you want a Mac so badly, find a night-time job and save for one!!
  • Reply 9 of 31
    If your parents bought 4 computers, it was probably because it was a good economical decision for the family. I'm guessing you have younger siblings, which probably don't need a $1500 dollar computer for their computing needs. I'm also guessing your parents bought the 4 computers at a relatively cheap cost, probably much less than it would cost for 4 iMacs.

    And chances are, even if you successfully screw up the computers, they're not going to take them back. They've already bought them, put them together, and placed them in each of the rooms. If anything, they'll make YOU fix them.

    So be a good young chap and fix what you've tried to break and enjoy the new computers.
  • Reply 10 of 31
    Originally Posted by CRHain88

    In the apple commercial, Mac said that there was 114,000 known viruses for PC

    plus 2 million unknown
  • Reply 11 of 31
    Well, they did have a free price tag...

    But nah, this will not be a Window's dominate house for long! I will show them that my Mac is better!

    So you can accuse me of doing what ever it takes to get rid of Microsoft, and I'll walk around with a big smile on my face!
  • Reply 12 of 31
    Ahh Shoot!

    I just had a change of thought! I didn't realize that they had important documents on their HD. I guess I'll let the thing die by itself.

    Unless I back up the information...?
  • Reply 13 of 31
    Originally Posted by CRHain88

    Ahh Shoot!

    I just had a change of thought! I didn't realize that they had important documents on their HD. I guess I'll let the thing die by itself.

    Unless I back up the information...?

    And that won't look suspicious...
  • Reply 14 of 31
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by CRHain88

    Okay, since I can't install a virus, this is what I did:

    Turned off the FireWall

    Turned off security update manager (Shame on windows for making this so easy. As I can recall, My Mac automatically downloads the the protection without trying to capitolize on it!)

    I'll byte. This is sabotage, and not a proper way of getting your family to see Macs as a superior choice. Why not try a little persuasion, some third party information (or see apple's website) and if all that fails, get a job and buy your own as others have suggested.

    Grow up and turn the security features back on.

    How old are you anyway?
  • Reply 15 of 31
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by CRHain88

    Okay, since I can't install a virus, this is what I did:

    Turned off the FireWall

    Turned off security update manager (Shame on windows for making this so easy. As I can recall, My Mac automatically downloads the the protection without trying to capitolize on it!)

    Now all I need is a few pop-ups and I'll be happy as clam!

    It is smart-ass douchebags like you that keep Geeksquad in business.

    If you want to "switch" them, find out what it is that they do on the PCs and find an equal or better way of doing it on the Mac then show them a side-by-side.
  • Reply 16 of 31
    pubguypubguy Posts: 108member
    Here is the standard anti-virus test file. It is non-distructive virus used for testing by virus scanners.

  • Reply 17 of 31
    Originally Posted by Neruda


    Grow up and turn the security features back on.

    How old are you anyway?

    Not old enough to do this...
  • Reply 18 of 31
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Haha, this is hilarious.....
  • Reply 19 of 31
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    Let me tell you what is not a good idea - convince them to switch and get the Mini Core Solo with 512MB Ram and then discover that Word, Photoshop etc. run about 1/4 speed they should and the machine is practically unusable. Then you end up running Windows in Parallels anyway. I firmly believe OS X is a better system than Windows but with Rosetta still needed for most high end apps, it's not a viable alternative to a Windows PC at the moment. Apple also has a pretty limited hardware lineup and don't cover all the market requirements. I'd say your family made a pretty good decision and it will remain so until large companies get their asses in gear and make universal apps and Apple expands their product range.
  • Reply 20 of 31
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    Let me tell you what is not a good idea - convince them to switch and get the Mini Core Solo with 512MB Ram and then discover that Word, Photoshop etc. run about 1/4 speed they should and the machine is practically unusable. Then you end up running Windows in Parallels anyway. I firmly believe OS X is a better system than Windows but with Rosetta still needed for most high end apps, it's not a viable alternative to a Windows PC at the moment. Apple also has a pretty limited hardware lineup and don't cover all the market requirements. I'd say your family made a pretty good decision and it will remain so until large companies get their asses in gear and make universal apps and Apple expands their product range.

    waaaahhhh.... Pooor Marvin....
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