Woe-craft 3
I just bought the game, First off...its insanely great...and I had to force myself away from it.
the cinematics are unreal...and the in game cut scenes are great
now for "the issues!"
I need a beter computer to play this game!
its choking my iMac DVSE to death....the game requires a 16 meg video card....I got 8 megs...the game requires 160 megs of memory(with VM turned on...also a requirement if using OS 9 )I have 128!
the game is a wee bit sluggish at times...and that causes serious frustration in gameplay(smooth is best of course)
I'm playing with all graphics effects turned to low...and its still a bit sluggish...and sometimes all the colors get messed up and it looks like people are floating.
and now the worst part(for me at least)
the world editor requires OS X! and I haven't made the switch yet(and don't plan to until it is installed on my next new comptuer)
so there you have it.....in my opinion Warcraft 3 is a GREAT game....but it really requires alot of processing power...and ALOT of RAM....its a hybrid Cd as well....which rocks cause I have a Pc as well...with a slightly better graphics card(soon to be a much better card)and though I really dislike using the Pc....It will probably run warcraft 3 quite a bit better(after I get some more ram and a graphics card upgrade)
thats all hope you enjoyed reading my comments on blizzards latest title
I'm going to go see if there is an update!
the cinematics are unreal...and the in game cut scenes are great
now for "the issues!"
I need a beter computer to play this game!
its choking my iMac DVSE to death....the game requires a 16 meg video card....I got 8 megs...the game requires 160 megs of memory(with VM turned on...also a requirement if using OS 9 )I have 128!
the game is a wee bit sluggish at times...and that causes serious frustration in gameplay(smooth is best of course)
I'm playing with all graphics effects turned to low...and its still a bit sluggish...and sometimes all the colors get messed up and it looks like people are floating.
and now the worst part(for me at least)
the world editor requires OS X! and I haven't made the switch yet(and don't plan to until it is installed on my next new comptuer)
so there you have it.....in my opinion Warcraft 3 is a GREAT game....but it really requires alot of processing power...and ALOT of RAM....its a hybrid Cd as well....which rocks cause I have a Pc as well...with a slightly better graphics card(soon to be a much better card)and though I really dislike using the Pc....It will probably run warcraft 3 quite a bit better(after I get some more ram and a graphics card upgrade)
thats all hope you enjoyed reading my comments on blizzards latest title
I'm going to go see if there is an update!
Lemon Bon Bon
<strong>My 400mhz iMac DVSE locks up solid after about 30 seconds of gameplay. I have to use the iBook600.</strong><hr></blockquote>
What OS does your iMac use? My G4 400 did that too under 9.1. Under 9.2.2, it's fine.
<strong>...geforce4MX is worse than a geforce3.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Maybe that's because it is a GeForce 3, toned down to lower costs?
Maybe that's because it is a GeForce 3, toned down to lower costs?</strong><hr></blockquote>
I thought that it was a GeForce4 with a restricted memory bandwidth and cheaper hardware. I'm assuming that GeForce4MX is just like the GeForce2MX was.
Maybe that's because it is a GeForce 3, toned down to lower costs?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Ahem. To quote the esteemed Mr J Carmack.
"Do not buy a GeForce4-MX for Doom.
Nvidia has really made a mess of the naming conventions here. I always
thought it was bad enough that GF2 was just a speed bumped GF1, while GF3 had
significant architectural improvements over GF2. I expected GF4 to be the
speed bumped GF3, but calling the NV17 GF4-MX really sucks.
GF4-MX will still run Doom properly, but it will be using the NV10 codepath
with only two texture units and no vertex shaders. A GF3 or 8500 will be
much better performers. The GF4-MX may still be the card of choice for many
people depending on pricing, especially considering that many games won't use
four textures and vertex programs, but damn, I wish they had named it
something else."
It plays better on the iMac... should be needless to say. But it's not all that bad on the home system... I can get it smooth enough to play by turning most of the graphic options to low, I keep textures on medium and I can run it at 1024x768 at 32 bit on my 18" Viewsonic flat panel monitor. With the iMac, I can run with all the options on and set to medium... actually by default most of them were set to high, I turned a couple of them to medium to increase framerate a bit.
On the iMac I'm running it in Jaguar, and I initially had some weird OpenGL drawing weirdness but later builds cleared that up and it plays flawlessly. At home I'm running it in 9.2.2, and likewise it's flawless, just not as fast.... but it's on a bigger monitor.
So far a most pleasurable experience all around. Now I need to buy my new tower that Jobs will annouce next month with DDR and a fast FSB and faster clock speed, and a GeForce Ti... and that will make me happy.
I've got a G4-450 Ati Rage 128 16MB (AGP)
it's playable . . . but in battles and most cutscenes it CHUUGGGSSS.
and that's with EVERYTHING turned to the lowest setting (except it's in 32bit color - but I think I remember that Rages run better in 32bit color?)
S'ok though.
I'm savin my pennies.
check your PM on AI...to reveal my identity!
mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!
thanks for the playstation!
my DVSE is choking to death
I can't wait till august when I will....at least....drool over getting a new computer
<strong>hey mine locked up completly under 10.1.5 3 times!!!!! first time i have seen X go dead since the public beta. that is on my 400 dvse too. but i have 640MB of ram. on my imac 600, tho its stil sluggish on the lowest settings. and that one has 768 mb of ram. oh well i am getting a new power mac sept 1st, what ever the bottom end is at the time with *sigh* a geforce 4 mx if i had the money id get a ti, but i dont know if i can get that much more in time, i can barely convince my parents to let me buy the comp. Out of curiosity what levels are tyou guys up to. are you playing the campaign or multiplayer? how do you guys like the diferent species too. at first i hated the undead, but after playing with them, i am surprised the comoputer didnt kick my butt sooner. they get gold so fast its down right scary.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Aaaah, yes. The great Carbon OpenGL bug. Complete freeze of one's system.
Odd though, the same crash (total freeze of screen and input, looping 1 second of audio) happens in Photoshop and it uses no OpenGL...
The first thing to need upgrading on a computer is usually the RAM, second is the video card. Apple can make money off of selling RAM via the Apple store, so no problem there, but the video card...ahhhh. Imagine how fewer iMac sales Apple thinks they would get if they only added an agp slot.
I'm of the opposite opinion: I think Apple loses MANY iMac sales because no gamer in their right mind would buy a computer without an agp slot. But Mac users on a budget have no choice, it's either Windows or an iMac. Pure evil to force that decision on anyone.
Anyways, my point is, more wintel users might consider iMacs if only they had agp slots. That new iMac could have been designed with a slightly larger and differently shaped base to accomodate an agp video card, and it would have cost Apple next to nothing to do so.