Briefly: Intel delays, new product, Apple Expo



  • Reply 61 of 66
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    Originally Posted by Kickaha


    Does anyone else remember the Sooper Kryptik Posts we had here a while back, that included the clues "Rosetta", "Trinity" and "Dolphin"? I could swear the last was used with the word 'blue' as well. At the time, it was assumed to be related to the Nintendo GameCube.

    Hmm. Search is, of course, busted. Will try google caches...

    Nevermind - PowerMac G4/Codename was tossing about things like:

    Here is the original thread from Dave Gee and the original original was Codename


    09-08-2002, 12:19 AM

    I was going over some old files before they were sent to the trash I found these quotes from back in Dec 2001.

    Someone who went but the nick codename wrote them.


    "A little bird told that Trinity shall return, after eating pie, more voluminous than a dolphin..."

    "El Capitan's hamartia shall lead to Trinity's return and its rise to the throne, Its little brother shall rule in the great desert where the dolphins roam."

    "The filling shall reveal a crust made from the Rosetta Stone."

    "When the third sucessor of Artemis shall eat pie in the great desert, Artemis' twin shall rein with the agile Mercury and the obstinate Mercury before being eaten by the goldfish and this shall signal Trinity's return."


    They seem like a random spew of old Apple code names (cube = trinity, rosetta = Ink, etc) but I figured why not post em here before I shitcan the file.

    Someone... I can't remember who... had/has a sig that said 'I am (or I was) codename' so this could just been some pre-MWSF BS prank but either way rosetta (Inkwell) has since turned up and is real... (got lucky I guess).

    Also I'm really hazy about this but I also remember something about a code name 'apple pie' (or Apple 3.14 something like that) and people trying to figure out what it was... I'm sure it was here but the dern search be broken... Does anyone remember that?

    Oh well... comment if any of this rings a bell


  • Reply 62 of 66
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    A recent blog posting had alluded to excitement among Intel executives about the way Apple was "thinking different" about the chip maker's technology and the possibility for future Intel/Apple gadgets.

    "That's really what's interesting about Apple, is they look at our technology in a very Apple way," Deborah Conrad, vice president and director of Intel's Apple team has been quoted as saying.

    I remember this quote and it's well over 3 months old - closer to 5.

    I think Apple should be worried about that Chocolate phone add I keep seeing on TV. Thing looks cool.
  • Reply 63 of 66
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by onlooker

    I remember this quote and it's well over 3 months old - closer to 5.

    I think Apple should be worried about that Chocolate phone add I keep seeing on TV. Thing looks cool.

    Yeah, but just like their other recent model, it gets good hardware reviews, but poor software reviews. Apparently, the only music that can play reliably, is the music you buy from them.
  • Reply 64 of 66
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by melgross

    Yeah, but just like their other recent model, it gets good hardware reviews, but poor software reviews. Apparently, the only music that can play reliably, is the music you buy from them.

    I think that chocolate phone is 100% based on previous iPhone mockups.

    I think Apple should try something new, and something that I see from two companies that advertise what I think is a refreshing change in the way these things are done. The companies I see on TV are Ampd Mobile. and Helio. More so Helio. They make it seem like they both have a strong grip on 3G, with refreshing brand new services, at great prices, but they already have their Sh*t together in an emerging 3G future. Maybe you have seen their adds, but I think they are by far the most attractive phone adds I've seen ever because they are original, and fresh, and not the same old crud you see with every other phone add.
  • Reply 65 of 66
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by onlooker

    I think that chocolate phone is 100% based on previous iPhone mockups.

    I think Apple should try something new, and something that I see from two companies that advertise what I think is a refreshing change in the way these things are done. The companies I see on TV are Ampd Mobile. and Helio. More so Helio. They make it seem like they both have a strong grip on 3G, with refreshing brand new services, at great prices, but they already have their Sh*t together in an emerging 3G future. Maybe you have seen their adds, but I think they are by far the most attractive phone adds I've seen ever because they are original, and fresh, and not the same old crud you see with every other phone add.

    They both look nice, particularly the Helio, which looks somewhat like the HTC phones.

    But the only place I've seen either one was on:

    I've never seen ads for either.
  • Reply 66 of 66
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    For me It's not really the phones that are attractive it's the fact that it's an all new 3G service provider, THe Helio that is. Ampd is starting look more of the same now that I've been to the website.
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