AAPL stock



  • Reply 21 of 26
    Notice that Mac announcements eg. Mac Pro, Leopard, iMac do not jog the stock market as much as iPod related announcements. I still feel that get in now at $70, the iPod and "iHome" and "iPhone" stuff will lead to a good rally going into Christmas, going past $80. If you get in at $70 pull out once it hits $80. Just my short-term two cents for the next three.5 months.
  • Reply 22 of 26
    The Mac line-up has never looked better in terms of price, features, full Intel transition, and OMFG a decent line of graphics cards*. Not only that, all new Macs can run Windows, and for the 2nd half of the Mac line up, you can play the latest PC games at decent settings.

    IMO there are some really quite good growth options in the Mac, given they can meet supply (I'm sure there's a massive ramp up in production for the Oct-Dec quarter). Oct-Dec 2006 will be another "best ever" profit report for Apple.

    Somehow, the stock market does not understand the growth potential on the Mac side of things, or they are not interested in pushing AAPL as much because of Macs. It's the iPod stuff that gets them going because of it's very strong, front-facing, "the gadget everyone has to have" type of appeal.

    Maybe I'm trying to say the market is generally dumb when it comes to AAPL because they do not understand the evolution and potential of the Mac platform, and so they are not so interested. But given the widespread adoption of iPod, the market understands that better and in fact, how many people with iPods really know or care about Macs? More than ever before, but still, 3% market share Macs, 75% market share iPods.

    IMHO that's how the market looks at AAPL. I'm no expert or even close to understanding the stock market (who does anyway?) but I'm not sure where the upward pressure is coming from or why since P/E is 33.25 how that affects things.

    *Yes limited choice but better than it has ever been. Plus, nVidia 7600GT could be a "hackintosh" [drivers, firmware, etc] option since OS X works with 7600GT (7600GT is option on 24" iMac)


    Just random thoughts hope some of it makes sense.
  • Reply 23 of 26
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Notice that Mac announcements eg. Mac Pro, Leopard, iMac do not jog the stock market as much as iPod related announcements. I still feel that get in now at $70, the iPod and "iHome" and "iPhone" stuff will lead to a good rally going into Christmas, going past $80. If you get in at $70 pull out once it hits $80. Just my short-term two cents for the next three.5 months.

    Pull out at $80, nonsense. Pull out when they hit $80 after the next split. I said it before and I say it again 2007 will be the year of Apple. (and 2008 & 9...)
  • Reply 24 of 26
    Originally Posted by Ireland

    ...Pull out when they hit $80 after the next split...

    That means the equivalent of AAPL hitting $160 from its $70 now
  • Reply 25 of 26
    So everybody will be pulling out at 80$... maybe I should sell at 79$

    Don't see any reason to pull out now, when it's going so great? What's to stop them from hitting 100$ before new year's?
  • Reply 26 of 26
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    That means the equivalent of AAPL hitting $160 from its $70 now

    Back in the internet bubble days, Apple hit $150 solely on the basis on ONE product (the iMac). Although one could argue that the iPod has taken that role, Apple has many other products and is in a much better position (better OS, intel....) to gain revenue/marketshare/sales...

    I'm not saying the stock will hit 150, I'm just saying that this price would be more justifiable now then it was back then.

    I agree with akerman. If Apple releases the products that we are hoping they release (touch screen iPod/iphone) in time for the Christmas/Hanukah shopping season the stock price WILL hit 100 by year's end. Heard it here first (or maybe second )
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