Official September 12 Event Countdown Thread !!

in General Discussion edited January 2014
San Francisco *\tFri 3:54 AM

3 Days 6 Hours To Go.


  • Reply 1 of 171
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    San Francisco *\tFri 3:54 AM

    3 Days 6 Hours To Go.

    Any countdown widgets?
  • Reply 2 of 171
    Use this widget and customize it:

    If someone could post a screenshot on how it is working, that would be great.

    Apple invite image is here:

  • Reply 4 of 171
  • Reply 5 of 171
    2 Days 15 Hours 55 Minutes. Recalibrated widget in screenshot above, world times etc. should sync now for 10AM USA PST 12 SEP 2006.
  • Reply 6 of 171
    According to my calculations, no more than four, and probably four new products will be released Sept 12. You can consider the Leopard preview, MacPro and the ads off for sure. The new mac minis should be off (it was a mini update), but the new iMacs will retain a small square. iTunes will receive a square, the first small product. This leaves two small squares and one big square. Lets assume we have two new ipods and a grab back product. Grab bag could be AV Airport Express, or a media hub. If there is only one product, the mac mini will stay on in a small box, or there will be (my hope) a new cinema display with IR and Remote. After all CINEMA display. Cinema is showtimeish.
  • Reply 7 of 171
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    According to my calculations, no more than four, and probably four new products will be released Sept 12. You can consider the Leopard preview, MacPro and the ads off for sure. The new mac minis should be off (it was a mini update), but the new iMacs will retain a small square. iTunes will receive a square, the first small product. This leaves two small squares and one big square. Lets assume we have two new ipods and a grab back product. Grab bag could be AV Airport Express, or a media hub. If there is only one product, the mac mini will stay on in a small box, or there will be (my hope) a new cinema display with IR and Remote. After all CINEMA display. Cinema is showtimeish.

    Nah, Showtime connotes the video download service and possibly a media device. The most obvious thing will probably be the announced thing.

    It's gotta be hard being an Apple employee if you read these posts and you see that a number of posts here which are dead-on correct and a lot that are close to reality. Tough for Apple to exceed people's expectations.
  • Reply 8 of 171
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    Nah, Showtime connotes the video download service and possibly a media device. The most obvious thing will probably be the announced thing.

    It's gotta be hard being an Apple employee if you read these posts and you see that a number of posts here which are dead-on correct and a lot that are close to reality. Tough for Apple to exceed people's expectations.

    Most Apple employees do NOT know much or anything about Tuesday's products.

    In addition, the new iTunes would be inclusive of a film download service. The media products would range from new iPods (very likely) to a AV Airport Express (likely) to a media hub (less likely) to a new Cinema Display (very unlikely).
  • Reply 9 of 171
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    According to my calculations, no more than four, and probably four new products will be released Sept 12. You can consider the Leopard preview, MacPro and the ads off for sure. The new mac minis should be off (it was a mini update), but the new iMacs will retain a small square. iTunes will receive a square, the first small product. This leaves two small squares and one big square. Lets assume we have two new ipods and a grab back product. Grab bag could be AV Airport Express, or a media hub. If there is only one product, the mac mini will stay on in a small box, or there will be (my hope) a new cinema display with IR and Remote. After all CINEMA display. Cinema is showtimeish.

    Thanks for posting various ruminations and thoughts here besides countdown. It's a sly tactic of mine, I setup these Countdown threads so that a smaller number of people can go nuts here in our own smaller "space" leading up to, during, and after the event. With big announcements like iMac and Sep12, I usually never jump in on those "appleinsider official" threads, too crowded. 8)

    Interesting how you are thinking of the launches in terms of the Apple front page. Heh. The showtime DEVICE + SERVICE will IMHO be the main box. Iphone one square. Fresh Ipods next square. Imacs last square. A nice solid line up leading into Oct-Nov-Dec christmas.

    My brother has asked me what I want for my birthday!! (Sep 20) Hmmm....... Heh heh ehe muah hah ah ahh aha hah ah hh aha ha hh ah
  • Reply 10 of 171
    2 Days 8 Hours. 8)
  • Reply 11 of 171
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    According to my calculations...

    Sounds scient-ta-fic
  • Reply 12 of 171
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Sounds scient-ta-fic

    Damn staight!
  • Reply 13 of 171
    When are you lazy b*st*rds going to post countdowns?

    1 Day 16 Hours.
  • Reply 14 of 171
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    When are you lazy b*st*rds going to post countdowns?

    1 Day 16 Hours.

    It has nothing to do with lazy. It has everything to do with having better things to do.
  • Reply 15 of 171
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    It has nothing to do with lazy. It has everything to do with having better things to do.

  • Reply 16 of 171
    Actually, this thread is about boosting my post count, Melgross and Placebo are ahead of me in the race to 6000 posts

    In the words of old skool southpark, "Screw you guys, I'm going home...!"
  • Reply 17 of 171
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Actually, this thread is about boosting my post count, Melgross and Placebo are ahead of me in the race to 6000 posts

    In the words of old skool southpark, "Screw you guys, I'm going home...!"

    Oh come on that's lame. You should at least try to have meaningful posts. Or do what melgross does and put each thought in a new comment box. I really hope an iPhone is released, but I really doubt it will be. I think I doubt because I don't want Apple to hurt me.
  • Reply 18 of 171
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Oh come on that's lame. You should at least try to have meaningful posts. Or do what melgross does and put each thought in a new comment box. I really hope an iPhone is released, but I really doubt it will be. I think I doubt because I don't want Apple to hurt me.

    By meaningful posts does that mean doing what melgross does and argue with everyone about everything

    1 DAY 11 HOURS TO GO

    I know why y'all ain't getting so hyped up about Sep 12 and counting down and all. Like you said, I think a lot of people are going to factor the dissapointment in to protect themselves from getting hurt.

    Like the craptastic Motorola "iCrapPhone" - which was luckily salvaged by the iPod nano announcement that came right after that.

    I'm gonna not be lame, I AM going to get hyped by the Sep 12 announcement. Bring it on. Nothing can dissapoint me......!!! muah ha haha haahh haah
  • Reply 19 of 171
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Or ... put each thought in a new comment box ...

    That's my bread and butter technique for post count boosting. Nah, seriously, I do try and make meaningful posts, it's just the sillyness and "comic relief" that I try to bring to things. Anyway 50% of posts here all go off topic anyway.
  • Reply 20 of 171
    1 DAY 9 HOURS. The witching hour is near, while the moon wanes, it is time for Apple to close out this quarter and moon cycle by consolidating their AWESOME offering across the consumer, prosumer, pro, server, and music, tv and movie media distribution. Locking things in place for another record-shattering Oct-Dec 2006 Christo-Hannu-Kwanzaa-kah* quarter.

    *Do they all still happen around the same time? Anyway, Ramadan (Robomadan if you watch Futurama ) is 24 September thru 23 October 2006.
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