Official September 12 Event Countdown Thread !!



  • Reply 21 of 171
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by icfireball

    According to my calculations, no more than four, and probably four new products will be released Sept 12. You can consider the Leopard preview, MacPro and the ads off for sure. The new mac minis should be off (it was a mini update), but the new iMacs will retain a small square. iTunes will receive a square, the first small product. This leaves two small squares and one big square. Lets assume we have two new ipods and a grab back product. Grab bag could be AV Airport Express, or a media hub. If there is only one product, the mac mini will stay on in a small box, or there will be (my hope) a new cinema display with IR and Remote. After all CINEMA display. Cinema is showtimeish.

    Squares? Boxes? Small? Big?
  • Reply 22 of 171
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Oh, and, just for you, Sunilraman:

    One day, eight and a half hours to go!
  • Reply 23 of 171

    I really hope they reveal a new GPU for the Mac Pro...that would be class.

    7950GX2 anyone ?
  • Reply 24 of 171
    //image: what y'al think?

  • Reply 25 of 171
    29 Hours to Go. Word.
  • Reply 26 of 171
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    29 Hours to Go. Word.


    Right now it is 1:12 PM, On SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. Assuming the event were at 12:01 am on September 12, and it is not, that would be 35 hours. Now taking into account the fact that the media event isnt until 10am PST, that means 12:00pm CST. Thats 12 extra hours.

    47 hours. or 1.985 days.

  • Reply 27 of 171
    Didn't you have this problem last time sunilraman? I'm starting to get excited.
  • Reply 28 of 171
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Damn. Sucked into Sunilraman's RDF again.
  • Reply 29 of 171
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    If they update the Mac Pro on the day mine arrives I will go veritably bullshit.
  • Reply 30 of 171
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Oooh! Could you do it here, please? Hell hath no fury like a Mac purchaser scorned.
  • Reply 31 of 171
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    You still around, Sunilraman?

    I'm afraid that having to insert an extra 24 hrs. into your internal count down clock made your head explode.
  • Reply 32 of 171
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    That's my bread and butter technique for post count boosting. Nah, seriously, I do try and make meaningful posts, it's just the sillyness and "comic relief" that I try to bring to things. Anyway 50% of posts here all go off topic anyway.

    You still gotta make sure to post in each and every "for sale" thread, if you wanna beat out Placebo :P
  • Reply 33 of 171
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Didn't you have this problem last time sunilraman? I'm starting to get excited.

    ARGH. I know. I keep thinking Steve like a normal person starts the week with a nice announcement on Monday. But he loves Tuesdays for some bloody reason

    Please wait while Countdown is recalibrated... [insert beachball spinning]
  • Reply 34 of 171
    1 Day 16 Hours 45 Minutes to go.
  • Reply 35 of 171
    5:14 pm in San Francisco, Sunday.

    1 Day brings it to 5:14 pm PST, Monday.

    17 Hours brings it to 10:14 am PST, Tuesday Sep 12.

    Recalibration complete. *DING*
  • Reply 36 of 171
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    But he loves Tuesdays for some bloody reason

    Obviously I understand why Monday Sep 11 is not an option. My heart goes out to all those affected by this anniversary. Peace.
  • Reply 37 of 171
    Originally Posted by addabox

    You still around, Sunilraman?

    I'm afraid that having to insert an extra 24 hrs. into your internal count down clock made your head explode.

    Nah. Like I said, I'm all covered. My birthday is Sep 20 so any new iPods announced before then (99.999% chance of this happening) is sweet. F*CK another 24 hours. No worries mate. 8)
  • Reply 38 of 171
    Originally Posted by addabox

    Oh, and, just for you, Sunilraman:

    One day, eight and a half hours to go!

  • Reply 39 of 171
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    ...I'm starting to get excited...

    Hah...!! Aren't you the one that said you didn't care about the countdown.... Muah hh hhahah ah ah a you're sucked in now mate... No escape.

    We've got our little hype-club going now on this thread. Sweet. 8)

    1 Day 16 Hours 29 Minutes.
  • Reply 40 of 171
    I don't remember saying I didn't care. Or did I? It's not really the countdown that I care about. It's the event, and the sweet new products/services that will be released on Tuesday. I'm so glad it's on a Tuesday also. I would die if it was Monday because I wouldn't be able to see or hear about anything until after marching band practice which ends at 8 o'clock central time.
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