iChat Wishlist



  • Reply 21 of 23
    pyr3pyr3 Posts: 946member
    [quote]Originally posted by MGossett:

    <strong>I heard something about the videoconferencing. Apparently, when AOL and Time Warner merged, they had to agree to never pursue videoconferencing due to anti-trust laws. So I guess we won't be seeing it (as long as iChat is on the AIM network).


    If Apple does video conferrencing in iChat they just have to make sure that it doesn't use the AIM network and AOL/Time Warner doens't have anything to do with the project. If Apple adds it to iChat then AOL/Time Warner won't be doing anything with it. iChat is not an official AIM client.

    On the video conferrencing note though, would be nice to make it compatible with MS video conferrencing. What is the name of that MS program that is video conferrencing?
  • Reply 22 of 23
    pyr3pyr3 Posts: 946member
    I don't know how well 'using your @mac.com email address as your screenname' will work. AIM was supposed to be compatible with ICQ for the longest time and I could never get logged in with my ICQ number. As for file transfer, the guys at trillian figured it out. I'm surprised that so many others haven't added it to the other AIM-clone clients. I don't see why he couldn't just have masquerade as a newer version of the AIM client. Maybe he should talk to the guys at trillian and maybe they'll give him some hints or something. Worth a try, no?
  • Reply 23 of 23
    frawgzfrawgz Posts: 547member
    [quote]Originally posted by pyr3:

    <strong>I don't know how well 'using your @mac.com email address as your screenname' will work. AIM was supposed to be compatible with ICQ for the longest time and I could never get logged in with my ICQ number. As for file transfer, the guys at trillian figured it out. I'm surprised that so many others haven't added it to the other AIM-clone clients. I don't see why he couldn't just have masquerade as a newer version of the AIM client. Maybe he should talk to the guys at trillian and maybe they'll give him some hints or something. Worth a try, no?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think AIM was never supposed to be officially compatible with ICQ, although it was reported to be slightly integrated. I think I had some spotty success with it.

    As far as Mac.com support goes, it's going to be implemented client-side rather than server-side. AOL's word: "AOL has built compatibility into the latest versions of AOL 8.0 for Windows, the new AOL for Mac OS X , and both of the AIM clients currently in Beta! Until Apple releases the necessary software to use iChat, you can still use AOL and AIM to IM with other @mac.com buddies. Here are the combinations of Instant Messaging clients that are available:

    1) Between AOL for Mac OS X and any of these AIM clients: 4.5 .651 for Mac OS X and 4.8.2790, 5.0.2867 or 5.0.2892 for Windows, or

    2) Between AOL 8.0 for Windows and any of the AIM clients listed above, or

    3) Between the AIM clients listed."

    Trillian gets file transfer by piggybacking on the private Oscar protocol. All of the third party clients on Mac OS X use open libraries that access the open TOC protocol, which lacks file transfer. (Actually, Iser himself said recently that file transfer IS possible on TOC, I think. I forgot what stopped him from implementing it. There is still strong demand among Adium users for file transfer). It's a tradeoff. If Iser had transitioned Adium to Oscar, we would have been in the same boat as Trillian when the AOL gorilla decided once again to roll over and squash the squatters.
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