Apple broadens Leopard distribution, iTunes update soon

in macOS edited January 2014
Apple Computer this week made pre-release versions of its next-generation operating system available to a broader developer audience. Meanwhile, the company is aware of ongoing issues with its latest iTunes release and is working on a solution. And, yes: Apple's AirPort Extreme is becoming increasingly hard to find.

Leopard offered to ADC members

According to several developers, Apple on Monday evening extended copies of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Preview to its Apple Developer Connection -- the largest of its registered developer demographic.

The 4.3GB download is reported to be the same build distributed to developers who attended the company's World Wide Developers Conference in early August.

The Universal installer includes support for PowerPC-based (G4 and G5) and Intel Macs. PowerPC G3 support is reportedly omitted from the distribution.

iTunes update in the works

The consensus amongst some early iTunes 7.0 adopters is that the software release -- dubbed by Apple chief executive Steve Jobs as the most significant update to iTunes yet -- is not the company's best work.

Users around the Web and on Apple's support forums are reporting an assortment of quality issues since updating to the new version -- released last week -- such as frequent crashes, poor audio quality and interface graphics anomalies. New gapless playback technology is being blamed for the majority of the bugs.

People with ties to Apple say the Cupertino, Calif.-based company is well aware of the matter and that it's toiling feverishly to rectify the issues. It hopes to release an update to both the Mac and PC versions of the jukebox software -- presumably iTunes 7.0.1 -- as soon as possible, those people say.

Meanwhile, PC users of iTunes 7 are not too thrilled by Apple's decision to make the iTunes installer force application aliases onto the Windows XP Start Menu and Desktop, calling it a "Microsoft move."

"Being pedantically tidy, I have my own 'Utilities' folder in my Start Menu, which I launch apps such as iTunes from," one user told AppleInsider. "Now, when I delete the automatically created iTunes folder from the Start Menu (where I don?t want extraneous [stuff]) the iTunes installer runs next time I launch the programme, and not only replaces that, but also put an iTunes application launcher on my squeaky clean desktop!"

(Lack of) AirPort inventory suspicious

As mentioned in our "One more thing" report, Apple resellers are having an incredibly difficult time locating AirPort Express wireless base stations for their customers. The company's primary distributer in the United States has been slack of inventory for weeks and now the Apple online store is also listing no availability of the Extreme base station until mid-November.

Admittedly, we're not quite sure what's going on here. Though anything is possible, it's incredibly unlikely that Apple would update its wirless devices to the still unratified 802.11n wireless standard. According to the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Project Timelines, 802.11n is not due for final approval until July 2007.


  • Reply 1 of 73
    "The consensus amongst most early iTunes 7.0 adopters"

    Most? Seems like some guesswork or hyberbole may be at work

    I've had no problems. Maybe because I'm not using YouControl ITunes, which seems to be in need of an update for iTunes 7. I have processed all my songs for gapless, though.

    But I know others HAVE had problems, and I'll be glad for an Apple update to prevent them.

    Re aliases on Windows: bad move. How annoying!
  • Reply 2 of 73
    I have had no problems with iTunes 7.0 but my father said the music, CD and radio, sounded like it was being sung underwater so he had to quit and restart iTunes. The only complaint I have is there isn't a Music Video library like there is for audiobooks and podcasts, probably because they are considered to be music. I really like the new UI on the Mac, but the Windows version does not look as good because the buttons at the bottom are very dark.
  • Reply 3 of 73
    oh, I hope they get rid of the ugly scroll bars in the new iTunes and go back to a more aqua look.
  • Reply 4 of 73
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    I've never heard of a legit application that automatically replaces deleted aliases like that on every use. I call that a no-no. I don't even like how Quicktime installs a tray and launch bar icon every time there is an upgrade.

    The alternative views (album view & Cover Flow) are disabled in the Podcast section, which is unfortunate, because it works fine in my Podcasts smart playlist.
  • Reply 5 of 73
    Personally I'm really pleased with iTunes 7 and Im using on an old G3 iMac.

    I was more disappointed with the bugginess of Tiger compared to Panther, and the interface of iPhoto 6 which I just cant't get used to.
  • Reply 6 of 73
    I updated a couple of hours after the release and everything seems to be working fine except for the "Get Album Artwork" feature. I right click a particular song and tell it to get the artwork and then nothing happens. Kinda weird, but I've been using the Amazon Album Art Widget and iTunes Cool for a while now for artwork and lyrics so it's not a show stopper for me. I'm pleased with the look of the update ... looks a lot like the Pro Apps, althougha lighter flat blue might have looked better than the grey scheme they've adopted.

    All in all, not a bad update to iTunes, just needs some tweaking to make me thrilled again.
  • Reply 7 of 73
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by AgNuke1707

    everything seems to be working fine except for the "Get Album Artwork" feature. I right click a particular song and tell it to get the artwork and then nothing happens.

    It only fetches artwork for songs it can find in the iTunes Store.
  • Reply 8 of 73
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    And, it's picky. I had an issue (since seemingly fixed on the server end), where characters such as '[' and ']' were causing the process to hang completely. Other people have reported that not only the artist and album need to match, but so did the *release year*. ie, rereleases didn't match. I had that problem too, but it has since found a lot of artwork, so I think they loosened that restriction as well.
  • Reply 9 of 73
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    Originally Posted by nufase

    oh, I hope they get rid of the ugly scroll bars in the new iTunes and go back to a more aqua look.

    I agree. Or at least, if metal is now going to have no glass, make ALL metal apps that way! One metal theme, one white glass theme. Not a dozen Where's that attention to detail?

    I would hope for excellent UI consistency in Leopard, along with res-independence... but I notice that iTunes 7 is NOT res-independent at all, even when you enable Tiger's hidden scaling ability. Some things in Tiger (like some buttons in Finder) ARE res-independent, so I had hoped iTunes 7 would show some of that too.

    PS, some tech notes on iTunes 7 issues:
  • Reply 10 of 73
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Well, one thing to remember is that iTunes is rather a platform in and of itself now. It's not a Mac app, it's not a Windows app, it's THE iPod app. Asking it to look and feel just like another Mac app is rather like asking it to look and feel just like another Windows app on the PC side. I mean sure, they *could* do that, but keeping one unified UI makes the brand stronger. Also, it gives potential switchers a taste of the Mac UI. Sort of. Eh, hopefully enough.

    Anyway, it doesn't surprise me that the iTunes UI is a bit... different. It has to fit in in MacOS X, and XP, and look like it's ready for Vista. Given all of that, I don't think it's horrible.
  • Reply 11 of 73
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider

    "Being pedantically tidy, I have my own 'Utilities' folder in my Start Menu, which I launch apps such as iTunes from," one user told AppleInsider. "Now, when I delete the automatically created iTunes folder from the Start Menu (where I don’t want extraneous [stuff]) the iTunes installer runs next time I launch the programme, and not only replaces that, but also put an iTunes application launcher on my squeaky clean desktop!"

    That is the fastest way to go from great software to crapware in an instant. I cant beleive that Apple would be that fucking idiotic! that cant possibly be right, and if it is, someone needs to be fired!

    What they really need to do if FIX COVER ART SCROLLING in windows...that is absolutly pathetic!
  • Reply 12 of 73
    I want to know if a Student ADC membership will allow me to download the preivew of OS 10.5, I really really want to try that software out.

  • Reply 13 of 73
    It's a shame some of the US-based Mac sites didn't pick up on the failing Airport Express story a little quicker. Apple may have reacted better if they had some pressure coming from closer to home.

    There are hundreds, if not thousands, of AX owners whose protests have been totally ignored over the past year or so. They could have done with the likes of Appleinsider getting involved in looking into why so many AXs were croaking just out of warranty.
  • Reply 14 of 73
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Originally Posted by iGrant

    I want to know if a Student ADC membership will allow me to download the preivew of OS 10.5, I really really want to try that software out.

    No. Student ADC members get no pre-release software. But you *do* get a free copy (or several) when it ships.
  • Reply 15 of 73
    Would there be any chance of them trying to beat Microsoft out with Leopord before Vista?
  • Reply 16 of 73

    squeaky clean desktop

    What does that suppose to mean, a squeaky clean desktop? Anyway.

    Btw, no probs at all both on an older G3 iMac and a not too old PB12".

    Personally i like that implementation of cover flow, but i don't like

    how it behaves sometimes. Example: If i have selected Music by Genre

    (with classic iTunes GUI on), say, Jazz, and i switch on Cover Flow mode, i'd expect

    to browse through all Jazz Albums, instead Cover flow presents the

    entire library. This can't be a feature.
  • Reply 17 of 73
    buckbuck Posts: 293member
    It's an old joke: they're just making the lives of Windows users even more miserable (iTunes "untidiness")
  • Reply 18 of 73
    Originally Posted by Kickaha

    Anyway, it doesn't surprise me that the iTunes UI is a bit... different. It has to fit in in MacOS X, and XP, and look like it's ready for Vista. Given all of that, I don't think it's horrible.

    I installed iTunes 7.0 on Vista today just to see if it would work and it does, mostly. I imported the same CD into both WMP and iTunes and the sound quality was better in iTunes. The only problem I saw was the music video was very choppy, but I think it has more to do with QuickTime that iTunes. The iTunes UI is still the solid gray color, but the preferences window got the aero glass effect.
  • Reply 19 of 73
    Originally Posted by Vox Barbara

    What does that suppose to mean, a squeaky clean desktop? Anyway...

    I believe the writer was referring to her/his Microsoft Windows desktop.
  • Reply 20 of 73
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    iTunes 7 is a complete disaster.

    My G5 is steaming to an Airport Express box, which in turn is hooked up to my $3000 Paradigm speakers.

    I played the same audio files from version 7 and 6, and there is quite a big difference. In iTunes 7, there is hissing and background noise, not to mention very sharp and piercing bursts in the high (tweeter) range. EQ on both is set to flat.

    The gapless playback seems to work for some albums, but not others.

    One huge gripe I have with cover flow, is that even with a dual 2ghz G5 with 4.5 gigs of ram and an ATI X800 card, if i don't flip very slowly, i get the music icon before the art appears. And my cover art is small (from

    Also, there is no way to go to current song when in Cover flow or Album views. Thats really annoying and not thought out at all.

    I like the new look thou.

    However, while I can live with the Cover flow and other small annoyances, having crappy audio is not an option.

    Oh, I should also add, that on my $400 desktop speakers, I can't really notice any distortion from iTunes 7. So it is a subtle flaw.

    I've read from Windows users too that they have found one fix, to go to the new Quicktime and reset the audio from 24bit back down to 16bit audio. When I checked, my settings were normal, so it's not that issue on the Mac.

    Bad release from Apple... but the first one in a while.
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