Steorn "free energy" device
Saw this in the page of an Economist a few weeks ago but didn't bother to go to the website or research it at all until now.
I bet they're gonna find out that somebody forgot a zero in some hundred-digit-long calculation.
I bet they're gonna find out that somebody forgot a zero in some hundred-digit-long calculation.
We'll see what this "Steorn" yields, but it's quite possible that they're onto something, even if it's misunderstood and can't be realized easily with our current knowledge of Quantum Physics or our current level of manufacturing capabilities.
You may remember that a couple of years ago a Japanese guy made a fan motor that had "better than 100% efficiency." It turned out that he was just lucky and was getting some assistance from ambient electromagnetic sources. It's more than likely that this is the same deal.
Just sayin'.
But, the most compelling evidence that this is complete and total shite, is Steorn's about page. Steorn, as a company, combats counterfeiting. How does a anti-counterfeiting operation grab genius-level physicists to work on perpetual motion machines?
In 2003 Steorn undertook a project to develop more efficient micro generators. Early into this project the company developed certain generator configurations that appeared to be over 100% efficient. Further investigation and development has led to the company?s current technology, a technology that produces free energy. The technology is patent pending.
The implication here being that they were developing "more efficient micro generators" for reasons pertaining to their business and just sort of stumbled on a physics violating configuration.
The technology has a coefficient of performance greater than 100%.
The operation of the technology (i.e. the creation of energy) is not derived from the degradation of its component parts.
There is no identifiable environmental source of the energy (as might be witnessed by a cooling of ambient air temperature).
I love that "no identifiable environmental source", leaving open the possibility of trans-dimensional pixies.
I think this is obviously a hoax, what I don't get is why. If it is to create publicity for their core business it doesn't seem like a very good idea-- "We're the wankers that jerked you around! And you fell for it, so we must be good!"
You are a dupe Plac.
Perhaps you're a little on the slow side. I said I believe that they have a technology which is a bit of a riddle and they want to see it proven/disproven, while I don't believe passionately that it's going to turn out to be some miracle breakthrough; I'm pretty skeptical myself.
I heard it even supports open doc...
Sweet, how I missed CyberDog....
Whatever is going on here (if anything), one thing we can be sure of is that this has nothing whatsoever to do with "perpetual motion", and I am sure the people involved are not making irresponsible and frankly stupid claims along those lines.
The whole area (pseudoscience?) of "free energy" (for want of more appropriate terminology) is populated with charlatans and hoaxers. The link below is interesting though... especially since this Moray came up with solid state devices long before Shockley, Brattain and Bardeen introduced the transistor shortly after WW2.
Can anyone pour cold water on this one?
How is this better than the MEG power source?
There's some truth to that MEG stuff. A few years ago one of my friends in college tore apart a CRT computer monitor, salvaged the high voltage switching source, and used it to build the gravity engine as discussed on that site. It worked, but it didn't break any laws of physics.
There's some truth to that MEG stuff. A few years ago one of my friends in college tore apart a CRT computer monitor, salvaged the high voltage switching source, and used it to build the gravity engine as discussed on that site. It worked, but it didn't break any laws of physics.
You know, I've seen other sites claim they've replicated the things they prove on that MEG site too but could never discern if they were genuine or not.
The real evidence that that's a hoax is that the oil companies would have had the administration shut them down a long time ago.
True. Fuck Iran, we need to invade Erin.