Zoom button functionality, on a 20" or smaller display!!
What is going on with that button? The optimal size "Zoom" button. Who cares about that when you can use each app in fullscreen with the use of exposé. It's one thing that annoys me and many other Mac users, a lot. Most Mac users prefer the Maximize button in Windows.
The solution: copy and post this or similar (without this sentence) to Apple feedback. HERE!
It's really rather simple from the users point of view. In System Preferences, in either the Appearance or Exposé section there should be an option to change the function of the "Zoom" button, from Zoom to Maximize. And when the user changes the buttons function the color of the button should change from Green to blue!! Easy as that, job done.
Please implement this a.s.a.p., as it is the most annoying part of the Mac OS. If someone wants to fill the screen with an apps window, then must drag the window up to the left placing it exactly where it should be, and then streach it from the left bottom corner. Oh my, how user friendly is that? (and there's still a tiny gap down the bottom if the dock is hidden, where you can see a slither of the desktop, that's not needed either)
I can't say it any clearer than that. Do it, do it, do it!!!
The solution: copy and post this or similar (without this sentence) to Apple feedback. HERE!
It's really rather simple from the users point of view. In System Preferences, in either the Appearance or Exposé section there should be an option to change the function of the "Zoom" button, from Zoom to Maximize. And when the user changes the buttons function the color of the button should change from Green to blue!! Easy as that, job done.
Please implement this a.s.a.p., as it is the most annoying part of the Mac OS. If someone wants to fill the screen with an apps window, then must drag the window up to the left placing it exactly where it should be, and then streach it from the left bottom corner. Oh my, how user friendly is that? (and there's still a tiny gap down the bottom if the dock is hidden, where you can see a slither of the desktop, that's not needed either)
I can't say it any clearer than that. Do it, do it, do it!!!
Most Mac users prefer the Maximize button in Windows.
I'd really like to see you back that assertion up, because I, and most others I know, loathe and laugh at the Maximize 'feature'. It's braindead to the edge of pointless.
Nein! You shall haff ein kleine drag area, und you shall luff eet!
I have an idea what you saying, but English is really the language I speak, so.
Additionally, I don't think most Mac users prefer the maximise button. I think that Windows switchers who can't be bothered to learn the benefits of not maximising everything prefer the maximise button.
I would like to know which windows you are maximising to full screen, because in most situations, that is a deeply inefficient way of working.
Having said that, I can see how there could be rare occasions where it might really be a good idea to fill the screen with one window. Therefore, I think your idea of a preference to permanently alter the function of the "zoom" button is not the best. A better idea is to implement the button such that if you press the "option" key whilst clicking it, the function changes from zoom to maximise.
Also, placebo's suggestion of being able to resize from any edge makes sense to me. don't know why they don't do it. Again, it could be implemented with key combinations rather than adding extra pixels to a window:
press and hold ctrl, option and command together and the window becomes resizable from any edge. I'd like to see this complemented by a ctrl-command combination (or something else if that combo is already used in conjunction with the mouse) that causes the pointer to become a "hand", so you can "grab" a window anywhere and then move it, rather than only being able to grab a window by its title bar.
Having said that, I can see how there could be rare occasions where it might really be a good idea to fill the screen with one window. Therefore, I think your idea of a preference to permanently alter the function of the "zoom" button is not the best.
This option is not permanent, if you want to change it you go to System Preference.
A modifier key on Zoom to go full screen on rare occasions is fine, but to do so all the time in an environment with rich drag-and-drop is so, sorry, idiotic, that it boggles the mind why any reasonable, rational, tool-using monkey would want to do so.
This option is not permanent, if you want to change it you go to System Preference.
You misunderstood. Kickaha has elaborated nicely on what I meant.
And you haven't said what it is that you like to maximise so much.
You misunderstood. Kickaha has elaborated nicely on what I meant.
And you haven't said what it is that you like to maximise so much.
I shouldn't have to say, anyway I did. You guys should ckeck out digg, over 50% prefer maximize.
I shouldn't have to say, anyway I did. You guys should ckeck out digg, over 50% prefer maximize.
Sorry, I must have missed it? Where did you say? Do you maximise everything? Why?
link for the digg poll? Are the people voting experts in UI design, or mostly Windows switchers who can't be bothered to learn new, better ways of working?
Now I don't want to appear like a Nazi on this issue, if you really really want to maximise, then of course that's your prerogative. I'm just genuinely interested in which things you are maximising, and why?
Sorry, I must have missed it? Where did you say? Do you maximise everything? WhyAre the people voting experts in UI design?
Why are Apple only listening to experts these days?
Am I being dumb? Is there an easy way of verifying your "over 50%" claim, or do you have to read through all the comments, identify all unique posters, and their preference one way or the other?
And what is it with your refusal to say whether it is some windows or all windows that you like to maximise, and to give your explanation for why you want them maximised?
Because they might be the people who have a fucking clue?
The point being Apple is about ease of use, and sometimes it's about listening to the people who have no clue too. You get me?
The zoom functionality should be improved (i.e. actually zoom to the optimal width/height of the window), not replaced. I don't have a need to maximize anything, and I like being able to see a bunch of different apps overlapping each other. Maximizing to full-screen is just a hold-over from Windows that needs to be erased from your memory.
You'll have to contact individual application developers on that, sadly.
click: zoom
option-click: maximize
The zoom button should return to the OS 9 behavior:
click: zoom
option-click: maximize
My OS 9 Finder does not do that.