Two studios seen joining Disney on iTunes post holidays



  • Reply 21 of 23
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    To be honest, I don't see iTunes movies being anything more than a novelty for the time being.

    Possibly its difficult to say at this point. It will require a cultural change that people are willing to make. The same as people changed from vinyl records to CD's. People changed from VHS to DVD. The iPod itself has been a drastic cultural change.

    There are advantages to being able to carry a whole season of television shows or several movies on one iPod. You are free from carrying a stack of DVD's that can be lost or damaged. Its practical to have multiple copies of an iTunes movie. From a convenience standpoint that can outweigh extras or slightly lower quality.
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  • Reply 22 of 23
    Originally Posted by TenoBell

    The iPod itself has been a drastic cultural change.

    I agree it's too early to know how popular iTunes movies will be. However, I argue that the iPod (with iTunes, and MP3 players generally) is so attractive because it offers functionality that simply wasn't there with CDs, cassettes or LPs working with stereos or Walkmans - the playlists, the sheer volume of songs, the software, the hard drive and the portability all came together in a revolutionary product. To some extent the same applies with DVD - it was more than just a movie on a CD, it offered more content in a smaller medium with added features, and popularized multi-season collections. While less revolutionary it still provided significant new functionality over VHS, Beta or laserdisc.

    To me watching movies on an iPod, monitor, cell phone or iTV is either something I don't want to do or can do better already. If given an option to watch on a TV sitting on a couch I'll do so, and would probably rather wait until that is possible. Sure I'd like to fly or commute with the option to catch up on my TV or enjoy some Simpsons (or as a demo reel for creatives I think it's an amazing tool) and who knows maybe it will take off.

    I would want the ability to push recorded programming from a DVR to the iPod. The iTV I think could work in conjunction with a Pay-Per-View model, a la carte or subscription, to open the market and drive partner's recorded media sales: download the movie for a week, if you like it buy the so-so video download, if you like it a lot get the low-tier DVD, if you're a fanatic for it get the high-tier DVD.

    But for me, a product that allows me to watch a 2-hour feature film on a small screen at relatively low quality while going or being somewhere is like a product that allows me to sit still and listen to the radio while focusing on a television screen: not so practical.
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  • Reply 23 of 23
    Originally Posted by davidzLA

    But for me, a product that allows me to watch a 2-hour feature film on a small screen at relatively low quality while going or being somewhere is like a product that allows me to sit still and listen to the radio while focusing on a television screen: not so practical.

    Or on a big screen. Or in your car. Or show a vacation slideshow on a TV. I just got an ipod with video, and have used it more for video than audio, and more for watching on a TV than watching on the small screen.
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