.mac, how is it?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
I'm thinking of joining .mac, I'd like to know if you think its worth the price and if using it goes smoothly.


  • Reply 1 of 22
    vikingviking Posts: 127member
    I just joined last week and I'm pretty happy with it so far. There is only a few things that I think should be changed.

    One, email attachments can't be larger than 3mb. A lot of people have been complaining about that so I would expect Apple to increase it soon.

    Two, I don't use backup or the anti virus software. I think those are pretty much useless. Apple should replace those with something else.

    Three, I hate logging in all the time. I wish there was a "keep signed in" button like in hotmail.

    Other than that, I'm pretty satisfied. Maybe $99 is a little much as well since I don't use a few things. I just finally got an email address that is web based and is exactly what I wanted. Thats pretty hard to find these days.

    Also, as a sidenote, I really like how easy it is to post things on your website. Thats Apple cool!
  • Reply 2 of 22
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    I do use Backup and virex. Backup 1.2 addresses some of my criticisms/requests but they still can't compress archives nor create custom file type "shortcuts." Not bad though. Now you can backup your iTunes music and iPhoto pictures over several CDs in one step. To me, that makes a big difference. Virex seems simple enough, but I wish it had a more seamless way of updating virus definitions in the app and more control over where it scans and what to do with files. Again, it's mostly fine by me but many seem to spend a lot more time on these things. I just like to click stuff and not fiddle. Homepage is Homepage. Again, simple enough. WebMail is convenient for me, but I suppose I'd change a bit of the layout, especially for folders. No biggie.

    I think it's worth $50, though $100 seems steep. If they make Backup and Anti-virus more robust, add maybe more options/layouts for HomePage, get calendar publishing up, and maybe one more service (that I can't think of) -- better "personal" support pages? -- it should be worth the ful price to me anyway. I'm all for the less fuss less muss kind of stuff, not power features.
  • Reply 3 of 22
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    [quote] Originally posted by viking:

    Three, I hate logging in all the time. I wish there was a "keep signed in" button like in hotmail.


    I think if you go into you're browser's prefs, and tell it to keep all the cookies from apple.com, mac.com, it should stay logged in.

    [ 08-25-2002: Message edited by: CubeDude ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 22


    Originally posted by viking:

    Three, I hate logging in all the time. I wish there was a "keep signed in" button like in hotmail.


    I think one reason they don't allow that is just incase if you are on a public computer, but I'm not totally sure. I have had .Mac since day one I find it very useful considering I can upload my photo's to my web page in mins rather than taking the time to do it myself. Virux works good enough although updating it could be a little easier and I am sure that will be fixed some time soon. I use the email on a regular basis and also use my storage to put a local bands mp3s on so people can download them from my site. All and all .Mac is worth it although many people don't like paying 100$ I think Apple has some plans in the works. Also I use the iCards some times. :cool:
  • Reply 5 of 22
    donnydonny Posts: 231member
    At first, I protested the change to the .Mac service, but eventually, I joined at the introductory price for current iTools members. I liked it enough to cough up the money, and I find myself enjoying the new features. I figure if it does not still meet my expectations after a year of improvement, then I can drop it and have a year to work on another solution.

    I wish Virex would check new files and not just try to scan my entire Home directory every boot. But I like how Backup 1.2 allows me to use my external CDRW drive now.

    I have had a problem with making a Menu page for my homepage site, also. It will make the last 3 or 4 entries the same when I go to preview the page. I have updated the site links, remade the entire page after deleting it, and recreated the entire site to make another menu page. I still run into this same problem.

    Otherwise, it is great for me so far.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member
    I like .mac. I think it's going to be worth it, in the long run. I can't wait for iCal, though. That'll be a hot addition. As far as virus scan, knock on wood, but right now it's pretty useless. I think it would be a cool sell for "switchers", though. I don't believe most of them can imagine a lifestyle without virus checkers. As for Backup, I think it's a great option. Since I have broadband and am always online, I have certain folders and files backed up to Apple everyday at 4am. It really doesn't make sense not to, because while I've never had a catostrophic crash in all these years, you never know.

    It's worth it and it'll only get better.
  • Reply 7 of 22
    vikingviking Posts: 127member
    I have owned 4 Macs over a period of twelve years. In that time I have only had one virus. It was that stupid "Auto start" virus that everyone got from the Macaddict CD about 5 years ago.

    Do Macs really need anti-virus software? I think .mac should drop it all together. If I had a PC, that would be a different story.
  • Reply 8 of 22
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Perhaps that the idea. One year from now they dump Virex because it hadn´t caught one single virus and they have the basis for a new campaign <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> :cool: <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    I like .mac very much. The increased space and the ease of updating first your iDisk and then you homepage is amazing. Backup is incredible useful for me. It actually found four "lost" word documents I had hidden deep below in my home folder.

    So $50 is a fair price and I think Apple will make it worth $100 in a year from now.
  • Reply 9 of 22
    There is a problem with HomePage. If you build a site page that has more than 7 items on it, it won't display correctly. The additional items will all be listed as the 7th item. Apple is working on a fix.

    Aside from that, I've noticed access to my iDisk has been very fast. Virex takes forever to run, and isn't very useful (how many of us have viruses?).
  • Reply 10 of 22
    iq78iq78 Posts: 256member
    Hey, well, call me a doofus but I was already paying $100.00/yr for iTools. I opted for the increase in harddrive space (100MB). So, obviously I think .Mac is worth $100.00 to me.

    However, my brother and parents are getting a little screwed because they only used the e-mail address... that's another story though.

    Anyway, I find it worth the $100.00 simply from the Homepage feature with iPhoto. My wife who knows next to nothing about any computer applications can publish family pictures with 3 clicks! Don't tell Apple, but for our family this would be worth $200/yr. The combination of the ease of use of iPhoto with it's ability to create a really slick album style webpage with the slideshow feature AND no crappy advertising is just typical Apple goodness.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    I'm unimpressed with Homepage. It's fine for putting pictures up, but their canned templates are just too limiting.

    You can upload regular webpages that you build yourself, but then you can't use Homepage at all, even if you want to use iPhoto for the automatic upload.

    I'd like to be able to just use iPhoto/.mac to upload pictures for family, and then create my own web pages without using the (IMO) worthless templates .mac provides.
  • Reply 12 of 22
    i personally find it worthwhile. easy to learn, and fun to use. i have the trial version but am upgrading very soon!

    btw, anyone know if i can change my user name on .mac? do they allow that? i dont want to keep the same one i had when i convert my account.
  • Reply 13 of 22
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    [quote]Originally posted by mac's girl:

    <strong>btw, anyone know if i can change my user name on .mac? do they allow that? i dont want to keep the same one i had when i convert my account.</strong><hr></blockquote>Apparently quite a few other people have wanted to do this (including me), because there have been several discussion of this on Apple's support forums.

    Last I heard, people had tried it, and Apple said they couldn't do it, but they could cancel one account and then let you open another. The problem is that the new account you open would be $100 instead of $50. So I don't know if you can do it. Seems like a feature they should allow.
  • Reply 14 of 22
    gambitgambit Posts: 475member
    BRussell: as a totally unrelated side note, I just want you to know I almost fell off my chair from laughing so hard when I read your signature. Thanks, mate.

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 15 of 22
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    [quote]Originally posted by Gambit:

    <strong>BRussell: as a totally unrelated side note, I just want you to know I almost fell off my chair from laughing so hard when I read your signature. Thanks, mate.

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>hahah

    I think it's one of Jack Handey's "Deep Thoughts" from Saturday Night Live, but I'm not positive.
  • Reply 16 of 22
    jbljbl Posts: 555member
    I use .mac solely for iDisk. It is the easiest option for putting things on the web and fairly competitively priced (although there are obviously cheaper options).

    Why doesn't Backup allow you to back things up to an external hard disk? I have 4GB in my iPhoto library alone. Apple wont sell me enough iDisk space to back my stuff up and I don't want to be feeding the machine a dozen CDs.
  • Reply 17 of 22
    my 2 cents...

    .mac is worth the $50. I have always used the eMail address, but rarely used iDisk .... now that it is a useful size, i find I'm using iDisk ALL the time.

    ...and HomePage is SUPPOSED to be simple... if you have the time/inclination to build a site yourself, then you can build in the Homepage features if you so desire.... (and that's not a flame, so don't be offended) !
  • Reply 18 of 22
    randycat99randycat99 Posts: 1,919member
    Hey, is my [email protected] email address going to be locked out at some point if I don't subscribe, or is the .mac email address something entirely different?
  • Reply 19 of 22
    [quote]Originally posted by Randycat99:

    <strong>Hey, is my [email protected] email address going to be locked out at some point if I don't subscribe, or is the .mac email address something entirely different?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yes it will be locked very soon some time in September I think. I can't remember the specific date.
  • Reply 20 of 22
    randycat99randycat99 Posts: 1,919member
    Man, that SOCKS!!!
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