Apple to drop ship MacBooks for 47-store Best Buy expansion



  • Reply 21 of 26
    Originally Posted by Ireland

    Now where Ireland's fuckin' store.

    Um, you can buy a Mac in O2 shops and PC World. Also, there are a few other computer and camera shops around Dublin that stock Macs. I get my Mac stuff from the online store where I can avail of the student discount *hugs never expiring uni email address*
  • Reply 22 of 26
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    Yeah, they suck to him 'cause he's getting kickbacks for PC sales. Best Buy retards.

    Yeah, because the part-time sales guy making $8/hr is getting all kinds of kick backs. Whatever. As long as they train the employees on the new product, which it seems they are making a priority, then I think this is a great way to increase sales and exposure. I'll bet 90% of customers looking at computers don't even know there's a difference and would never go to an Apple store for a new computer.
  • Reply 23 of 26
    I used to work at BBY-- hating every moment of it, though they paid decently, it wasn't nearly enough for me to put up with all the BS they sent their employees through.

    I always sent people to the Apple stores (if they were looking for a Mac in particular...), because the people there I've always had experience with love Apple, and were like mini-steve-jobs running about. To top that off, in the 9 months I worked there, I only had one or two people coming in asking for them specifically. The other hundreds I dealt with probably didn't know what a Mac was, much less desired to buy one.

    Personally, after my experience working at BBY, I wouldn't buy a computer from them. *It was that bad*. But whatever makes Apple happy.

    I really doubt the majority of the PCHO workers will know anything about Macs, or care to learn anything about them. Just like at CompUSA the Apple guy didn't really make me too excited about getting one.... ;/ They sell PCs more than anything, and usually push whatever gets them the most money. (They'd want us to push the other MP3 plays over iPods because we got more of a markup on those... etc..)

    I'd go back and work as their apple specialist (they might add that in!) just to get the employee discount, but to be honest, If I wanted a job for the discount I'd prolly go to the Apple store instead. I'd rather get apple products discounted... (though, saying, BBY's emp discount fucking ROCKED. but yeah...)
  • Reply 24 of 26
    This is stupid. Just like selling Macs at CompUSA.
  • Reply 25 of 26
    The CompUSA in Lansing, MI has been selling macs for a few years now. I think its better than selling them at Best Buy. I went to BBY to try the Zune last night and some chick couldn't tell the family next to me why the 2GB iPod was cheaper than the 4GB!!!!!

    By the way - I just wanted to see how horrible the Zune really is... and it is HORRIBLE. The navigation is reverse polish notation, and the click wheel is definitely not more intuitive than the scroll wheel, as the asshat in the interview said. Face it Microsoft - you rushed to get this product out, and you will pay for it...more than you already are!

    No vista support, no video support, crappy store, crappy brown, and no scroll wheel.... I can't wait to see the Zune phone!!!!! yes - that was sarcasm
  • Reply 26 of 26
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    The CompUSA here in Greenville, SC sells Macs like they are going out of style. They sold 24 MacBook Core 2 Duo models on the first day.
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