Who's getting a PS3?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I'm tempted: mostly because there's a readily available Linux implementation for it (YDL!). It makes for a wonderfully cheap Cell dev kit.

I suppose it can also play games.


  • Reply 1 of 52
    maybe in a year or two... it took me almost three years to get a ps2...
  • Reply 2 of 52
    Does anybody here even know what the release games are?
  • Reply 3 of 52
    I'm planning on getting a Wii on day 1.

    I'll probably pick up a PS3 once some good games come out and the price drops a bit. Right now it's just too early. I'll probably do what I did last time which is buy the Nintendo system on day 1 and then pick up the Sony system once the greatest hits start coming out and use the PS3 as my "backup" system.

    I'm looking forward to sequels on the PS3

    God of War (3?)

    Devil My Cry

    Shadow of the Colossus (2?)

    Okami (2?)

    Katamari (3?)

    Guitar Hero (3?)

    Bully (2?)

    Resident Evil 5

    On the Wii I'm looking forward to


    Smash Brothers Brawl

    Metroid Prime 3

    Super Mario Galaxy

    Wii Music

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

    Resident Evil


    Super Paper Mario

    TONS of virtual console games

    Man that's a lot of money...urg.
  • Reply 4 of 52
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    I'm 30 hours in to Elder Scrolls IV on the 360, and only (I'm guessing) 5-10% done, so I will have no problem waiting until the PS3s are readily available - particularly because an expansion pack is due in a week. I will buy all three systems, but I want to avoid the initial problem period (when prices and initial defects are both high).
  • Reply 5 of 52
    No. Do not want. Yet.

    I am still waiting on all the technology standards to iron themselves out for TV's, DVDs and everything else. I still have an analog TV (8 years old) and last year purchased a VHS/DVD player. I am totally clueless about any of the standards and compatibility of all my audio/visual stuff I have, what (and when I can afford) I'll need to get or get rid of.

    Totally lost. And will probably wait another year. I'm slow to adapt now that my budget's tight.

    /own a PS2
  • Reply 6 of 52
    I think the Wii is cool too, but I don't play a lot of games. The ones I do play, however, are the kinds where graphics are a very important part (such as Gran Turismo, where the rest has been figured out already). I don't really see myself enjoying the Wii's "magic wand" controller -- it might be nice for games that I won't be playing. So the PS3 is the obvious winner here.
  • Reply 7 of 52
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by Splinemodel

    I think the Wii is cool too, but I don't play a lot of games. The ones I do play, however, are the kinds where graphics are a very important part (such as Gran Turismo, where the rest has been figured out already). I don't really see myself enjoying the Wii's "magic wand" controller -- it might be nice for games that I won't be playing. So the PS3 is the obvious winner here.

    I think that racing games will be great on the wii - you hold the ends of the remote like a steering wheel.
  • Reply 8 of 52
    ME!! but i have to wait untill march..... good job its my birthday in march!! that'll save me some money!
  • Reply 9 of 52
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    I used to think PS3 because of the likes of Gran Tourismo and Ratchet and Clank but Burnout is way more fun than GT and I think Ratchet and Clank has become repetitive.

    So given that there's nothing much exciting that's exclusive to the PS3 and the Xbox360 will play games just as well, is cheaper and IMO looks better, I'd pick the Xbox360 over the PS3.

    However, even that not for a couple of years yet. £50 per game is absolute lunacy. It takes just as long to make a game as it does to make a film and at the same budget so I should be able to buy games for £10-20 new.
  • Reply 10 of 52
    Originally Posted by e1618978

    I think that racing games will be great on the wii - you hold the ends of the remote like a steering wheel.

    Perhaps, but the Wii has crap hardware. I'd rather have smoother, better graphics, and I'm not really that optimistic about using the Wiimote as a steering wheel. What's more important in a driving game are pedals, and there's no really a good way to do that without getting actual pedals.
  • Reply 11 of 52
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    However, even that not for a couple of years yet. £50 per game is absolute lunacy. It takes just as long to make a game as it does to make a film and at the same budget so I should be able to buy games for £10-20 new.

    The market for a specific game is, generally, much smaller than the market for a movie. You can get 1,000,000 people to pay $10 to see the Borat movie but the likelihood of getting the same number of people to buy a specific video game is low.

    Pricing on games in the UK is pretty insane, though that's a function of the worth of currency. If you're in the UK and earn 40,000 pounds/year, you basically have the same purchasing power as someone earning $40,000 dollars/year. Rent/food/games/etc. basically cost the same in Pounds as Dollars. That's a great bonus for anyone visiting North America from Europe ... visiting Europe from NA, on the other hand, is painful.
  • Reply 12 of 52
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    So given that there's nothing much exciting that's exclusive to the PS3 and the Xbox360 will play games just as well, is cheaper and IMO looks better, I'd pick the Xbox360 over the PS3.

    If you are only getting one of the three - get the PS3. Replacing the hard drive is easy on the PS3, and it supports any notebook drive - drive space on what will eventually become a media station is important. Also, the 360 may look nicer at first glance, but the PS3 has a built in power supply and the 360 has an ugly gray brick (and you can't hide the brick or it overheats, and it has a bright orange light on it).
  • Reply 13 of 52
    macrrmacrr Posts: 488member
    I'll wait for the next Grand Theft Auto to come out.
  • Reply 14 of 52
    The next GTA will have the entire map of the state of Montana.
  • Reply 15 of 52
    The Wii is the best of the three next-gen consoles. That controller is worth more than any pretty graphics or Bluray drive..
  • Reply 16 of 52
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by mbaynham

    ME!! but i have to wait untill march..... good job its my birthday in march!! that'll save me some money!

    March? Don't you mean May? "Ken Kutaragi recently admitted that supply problems for Japan and North America could force the European PS3 launch to be delayed until May"
  • Reply 17 of 52
    Originally Posted by Splinemodel

    I'm tempted: mostly because there's a readily available Linux implementation for it (YDL!). It makes for a wonderfully cheap Cell dev kit.

    I suppose it can also play games.

    What is it that you're going to develop for the Cell using this development kit?
  • Reply 18 of 52
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by audiopollution

    The market for a specific game is, generally, much smaller than the market for a movie. You can get 1,000,000 people to pay $10 to see the Borat movie but the likelihood of getting the same number of people to buy a specific video game is low.

    That's true but I think there has to be a correlation between game price and average price that is acceptable to the largest target audience. If that is the young teens then I'd say £50 is unreasonable. Plus, although games make less than movies, I'd say not significantly so:


    Not enough to justify 3-4 times the price. Double maybe. They seem to forget that more people will buy the game if it's within a certain price bracket. Movies and games differ from other consumer products in that price does not necessarily reflect quality. The cost of the physical product is negligible.

    Originally Posted by audiopollution

    Pricing on games in the UK is pretty insane, though that's a function of the worth of currency. If you're in the UK and earn 40,000 pounds/year, you basically have the same purchasing power as someone earning $40,000 dollars/year. Rent/food/games/etc. basically cost the same in Pounds as Dollars. That's a great bonus for anyone visiting North America from Europe ... visiting Europe from NA, on the other hand, is painful.

    Yeah it sucks, my Mac Mini should've cost about £320 instead of £400. I think this is going to affect UK movie sales. I've read of the next-gen movies coming without region coding and some people are already buying movies online from America. If the same is true of games then the same might apply. I think the biggest problem is NTSC vs PAL but I think we should come to a decision on one of them. Given that PAL is the better format, the minority should be made to change:

  • Reply 19 of 52
    I may get a PS3 at some point, but not for several years. Economically it doesn't make any sense to buy one now, and if I can buy one used in a few years, then that would be even better. By then there will be more games available. So in the mean time, I will store my dollars away for that rainy/snowy Tuesday.
  • Reply 20 of 52
    Originally Posted by Ireland

    March? Don't you mean May? "Ken Kutaragi recently admitted that supply problems for Japan and North America could force the European PS3 launch to be delayed until May"

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