iCal feature wish-list



  • Reply 21 of 22
    [quote]Originally posted by Luca Rescigno:

    <strong>Here's what would be nice:


    iSync. I have my schedules entered in but they're not really useful now because I can't see them on my iPod.


    It should handle events that last less than an hour better. Right now it keeps changing things back to one hour even if I don't want it to be that long.



    Mount your iPod as a FW HD. Go to iCal. Choose File/export then select the Caledar file on your iPod. Export the calendar to that folder. Now you can see your schedules on your iPod. Works for me.

    Create an event. Use the inspector to set the end time to whatever you want. It will not reset it to one hour. I just created an event 20 minutes long then changed it to 15 minutes then selected some other events and it didn't change. First create an event. Next do get infor or press the i button to open the event inspector. This lets you set any time legth to the event that you like.
  • Reply 22 of 22
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    [quote]Originally posted by dividend:

    <strong>Escher - I managed to import my palm desktop calendar by Export -&gt; vCal format, and then import it into iCal. Worked nice. I agree that iCal is pretty useless without iSync, but that is coming end of this month, no point in telling Apple that.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Thanks for the tip, dividend. I read about the vCal export trick elsewhere, and it's a good temporary solution. There's now <a href="http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/16230"; target="_blank">vCal Exploder</a>, which is supposed to further streamline the Palm Desktop 4.0 to iCal 1.0 migration.

    My issue now, however, is that iCal is a lot slower than Palm Desktop. I really like iCal's interface, but not for the price of glacial operation. I will wait for iSync and iCal 1.1 at the very least.

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