You CAN play Wii on your Mac screen. PC Gaming is DEAD.



  • Reply 41 of 45
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    No, do you have a link?

    I'm debating getting a Wii (I already have an XBOX 360, and my mom owes me a PS3), but I'd really only get it for Zelda and a future Mario Kart, unless some other killer game comes out for it. Since I can just get Zelda for the GameCube, I might just pass it up entirely.

    This is what I meant when I said the Wii has no legs past this XMas. The good games for the 360 and PS3 are appearing in larger numbers and the disparity in graphics is going to make the difference.

    That said I enjoy Wii Sports. The rest of the titles leave me a bit cold. I was never a huge fan of Mario but the kids like them so that should sell.
  • Reply 42 of 45
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    This is what I meant when I said the Wii has no legs past this XMas. The good games for the 360 and PS3 are appearing in larger numbers and the disparity in graphics is going to make the difference.

    That said I enjoy Wii Sports. The rest of the titles leave me a bit cold. I was never a huge fan of Mario but the kids like them so that should sell.

    Mario revolutionized nintendo.
  • Reply 43 of 45
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,394moderator
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    This is what I meant when I said the Wii has no legs past this XMas. The good games for the 360 and PS3 are appearing in larger numbers and the disparity in graphics is going to make the difference.

    That said I enjoy Wii Sports. The rest of the titles leave me a bit cold. I was never a huge fan of Mario but the kids like them so that should sell.

    I don't like the Wii but that video seems a bit biased. They didn't even de-interlace the Wii video. Plus they show more action shots from the other two.

    Still the Wii isn't HD so the output will look less sharp on a higher resolution screen.

    The Xbox is the clear winner there though.

    Originally Posted by Rich-Myster

    Mario revolutionized nintendo.

    I think it will be their downfall too. Nintendo are hyped to be the innovative company who come out with new ways to play games. Then you look at their titles and all the main ones are Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc - all old rehashed games and beyond the classics you get gimmicky sports titles and family games.

    The interesting games that shake things up with regard to player immersion without relying on controller gimmicks are on the more powerful consoles because they can handle the advanced physics and AI. The PSP completely kicks the DS's ass in this respect and the games I've played on the PSP are way more interesting. When I see a DS player I hear the usual coin collecting noise of the Mario games and I just think to myself that I don't want to play another mario game, that was fine 10 years ago but they need to branch out more or Nintendo will just be a one trick pony.

    Once the more powerful consoles come down in price, Nintendo's good start will become irrelevant and I think that they will seriously challenge the PC platform. If you can get a PS3 or XBox for £200 or so and it can rival a £1000 custom PC then there's no point in buying a computer for gaming. I think the deciding factor will be how Crysis looks and plays on the consoles relative to the PC. It's a pretty demanding benchmark and if the console versions aren't as cut down as the developers are saying it will be then using a PC to play games is unnecessary.
  • Reply 44 of 45
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    1. Screw PS3 and XBOX360. Long live the Wii and games which are *fun* 8)

    2. Connect the Wii video output to your Mac screen: use the Elgato EyeTV Hybrid - particularly helpful for those also in DTT broadcast countries (HDTV capable eg. Australia) eg. Europe, UK.

    "Connect game consoles to your Mac

    Connect your game console and enjoy an excellent live play experience ? EyeTV Hybrid?s uncompressed analog video signals appear on the screen with virtually no latency."

    S-video input from Wii output supported.

    Score. No more need for PC gaming. Just your Mac, a Wii and an EyeTV Hybrid. No big TV needed though, which may affect the "social" aspect of Wii gaming, but no need for special separate TV -- or you could -- just have a Mac Mini hooked up to the bigass Plasma, EyeTV Hybrid with analog/digital receiver, and Wii hooked up to the Mac Mini. A great solution, it looks like....... 8) Fsck the overblown and bloated a55es of PS3, XBOX360 and GPU-obsessed PC Gaming scenes.

    Long live the Wii !!! In Australia launching Dec 7th.!!!

    Yay, I can now trade in the first person shooters and RTS games for console types that I haven't touched in years.
  • Reply 45 of 45
    I'm starting a new thread about all things Wii, since there was such good response to this thread, even as it was raised from the dead. This one is dated a year ago, if you noticed.
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