Stupid NFL Rules to Change Next Year

in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
So I'm sitting here watching NO v. Dallas and the idea for this topic comes to mind. Alright, so it's been coming for a while. I've felt that this year has been the worst officiated of any season in recent memory, certainly. However, a good portion of it is stupid rules that the refs must enforce:

1. "Roughing" the passer calls when the momentum of the defender clearly carries him into the QB. This has been a rampant call this year. When multiple (and qualified) announcers start saying things like "you have to let the guys play the game" and "I don't know what they are supposed to do," there's a problem.

2. "Taunting" for 15 yards. I mean really...taunting? Boo hoo mommy...he hurt my feelings! This should not even be a penalty at all. It's the with it.

3. Too many false start and holding penalties. It's getting to the point where if a lineman has a piece of snot fall from his nose, he's called for a false start. I say let them fake the defense....the defense shouldn't move until the ball moves. If the offensive line actually starts too early, then call a false start or offensive offsides. Holding should be called only when blatant. It's being called inconsistently now anyway.

4. Let me preface this one by saying "I hate Dallas." That said, calling a coach on "unsportsman-like conduct" for throwing a challenge flag inside of two minutes? This just happened to Parcells a few minutes ago. It was clear Parcells just didn't realize the rule was in effect (I know, not an excuse). How about just walking over and telling the coach "you can't challenge" or just ignoring the flag altogther?

5. Add accountability to "booth initiated review." This also comes from tonight's game: The refs said the booth wanted to review a play (complete pass and fumble or incomplete pass) before the Saint's QB ran up to the line and started the next play. Really? How do we know that? It sure didn't look like the play was stopped before the snap. Maye the rule should be just that..if the ball is snapped before the officials stop the play, no booth review.

6. Repeal the stupid anti-endzone celebration rules, at least most of them.

7. This one's for fun: Change the two feet in bounds rule to one foot in bounds.

That's where I stand for now. Other thoughts or comments?


  • Reply 1 of 28
    I have decided to express my distaste with the NFL (and also the cartel they operate in conjunction with the NCAA) by not watching football.
  • Reply 2 of 28
    The taunting call was very stooopid. It didn't look like he really said much to TO after watching the replay, but whatever.

    Also, the head ref for tonights game needs to retire. Most of the calls tonight he didn't even know the correct signal or even what the call should be.

    With all that said....I DONT CARE>>>>>WHO DAT WHO DAT

    I think Katrina washed the voodoo lady away from NO

    Never question Mr. Nibbles!
  • Reply 3 of 28
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member
    The refs need their old uniforms back.

    The new baggy shirts look disheveled.
  • Reply 4 of 28
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    1.) I agree, it's gotten a little out of hand

    2.) I assume you're referring to the penalty on McKenzie. I didn't agree with that call either. It was just normal jawing that happens on almost every play. I do think overall though, the taunting penalty has its place, for things like spiking a ball in an opposing players face.

    3.) Don't agree. The fact that you can't move once your set is one of the few rule-given advantages the defense has, and it should be enforced vigorously. Also, I haven't sensed an abnormal amount of holds this season. Offensive lineman in the NFL, I think by necessity, actually get away with quite a lot. If you threw some high school refs in an NFL game, you'd get a holding call on virtually every play.

    4.) I thought Parcells new EXACTLY what he's doing. That said, it's stupid to be forced into doing something like that to prevent a team from running a play before replay officials can make a decision. Coaches either need to have the ability to challenge in the last 2 minutes, or there needs to be a way to give replay officials enough time to decide.

    5.) This goes back to my point in #4, and I do agree there needs to be accountability.

    6.) agreed, as long as they're short, and don't delay the game, let them celebrate how they want, as long as it's not in the face of the opponent.

    7.) Strongly disagree! The second foot in bounds toe-tap is one of the most thrilling and athletically amazing plays in the NFL. I'd be incredibly sad to see it go.

    Me, I'd change one of two things (both at the same time might be too much).

    Either 1.) Make defensive holding and illegal contact just a five yard penalty, rather than a five yard penalty and an automatic first down. I can't stand it when a team is facing 3rd and 15, throws an incomplete pass, and some holding or illegal contact penalty in a direction the quarterback never even glanced gives the team a first down. or 2.) Make pass interference a 15 yard penalty rather than a spot foul.
  • Reply 5 of 28
    I agree with everything except the false starts. If the offensive line could move it would mess up everything. It would be too easy to run the ball. For example, if all your lineman did a counter right. The defense would have to react before the ball is even snapped...
  • Reply 6 of 28
    I hate that football starts before the end of the baseball season.
  • Reply 7 of 28
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    I hear you on the false starts. I might reconsider that. But it just seems ridiculous sometimes. It's like every other play, or so it seems on occasion.

    I really don't think Parcell's knew what was going to happen with that challenge flag. I saw his reaction...did you? He was really pissed. He was clearly saying "come on, that's bullshit." I agree with him. Ignore the flag or tell him he can't challenge...don't penalize him. And remember...I hate Dallas!
  • Reply 8 of 28
    Originally Posted by AquaMac

    I hate that football starts before the end of the baseball season.

    Ok? Care to elaborate?
  • Reply 9 of 28
    pt123pt123 Posts: 696member
    Originally Posted by AquaMac

    I hate that football starts before the end of the baseball season.

    I think this is a baseball problem. I mean what is the deal with rainouts during the world series?
  • Reply 10 of 28
    It rains during the summer all the time in the East. How can they start the season any earlier? They would have no spring training and they would still have rainouts.
  • Reply 11 of 28
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    It rains during the summer all the time in the East. How can they start the season any earlier? They would have no spring training and they would still have rainouts.

    Make the season 30 games shorter? It'd be less god-awful boring that way.
  • Reply 12 of 28
    How is it more boring that there's more games? I guess that's true if you root for a team that's at the bottom of the division. Other than that, I don't see how it's a problem. I happen to enjoy the fact that during baseball season, it's more than likely that my team has a game almost everyday. I don't have to wait a week for them to play. If I have a shitty day on a Tuesday, my night will be better knowing that I have a Giants game to watch when I get home. Shortening the season still does nothing to solve the original post which mentioned rainouts as a problem. It rains all throughout baseball season, especially in the East. No matter what season you play in you're dealing with rain. The only way to fix the problem is to play in a closed field, which that in itself ruins the hora of the baseball tradition, IMO.
  • Reply 13 of 28
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    How is it more boring that there's more games? I guess that's true if you root for a team that's at the bottom of the division. Other than that, I don't see how it's a problem. I happen to enjoy the fact that during baseball season, it's more than likely that my team has a game almost everyday. I don't have to wait a week for them to play. If I have a shitty day on a Tuesday, my night will be better knowing that I have a Giants game to watch when I get home. Shortening the season still does nothing to solve the original post which mentioned rainouts as a problem. It rains all throughout baseball season, especially in the East. No matter what season you play in you're dealing with rain. The only way to fix the problem is to play in a closed field, which that in itself ruins the hora of the baseball tradition, IMO.

    How does watching a Giants game make your life better? ZING!
  • Reply 14 of 28
    Those fightin' words BR...
  • Reply 15 of 28
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Hah, we stole Schmidt AND you're stuck with Bonds for another year. Oh how fun it is to be a Giants fan now, eh?
  • Reply 16 of 28
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Guybrush Threepwood, I was just taking a cheap shot at baseball

    Unless I'm attending an actual game in person, I find baseball incredibly boring until the post-season. I'll follow some box scores, keep track of standings, and maybe read an article or two, but I won't watch any actual baseball.
  • Reply 17 of 28
    Originally Posted by BR

    Hah, we stole Schmidt AND you're stuck with Bonds for another year. Oh how fun it is to be a Giants fan now, eh?

    You can have his old ass. He doesn't have much left in him. Colletti gave him way too much money. If he was smart he would have switched leagues and gotten a fresh new start. And the NL West will be the same as last year. Terrible. We may win less than 80 games, but we'll still have a chance like everyone else.

    I fuckin' hate Dodger fans...
  • Reply 18 of 28
    They have gotten way out of hand with the quarterback thing. They might as well have the qb's have flags on them the way they are calling roughing penalties. I disagree with most of the other points though. I really can't stand the celebrating. I mean if you make a great play that wins the game that's one thing, but guys celebrating first downs or routine tackles?!!! You're supposed to make a fecking first down or tackle.
  • Reply 19 of 28
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    You can have his old ass. He doesn't have much left in him. Colletti gave him way too much money. If he was smart he would have switched leagues and gotten a fresh new start. And the NL West will be the same as last year. Terrible. We may win less than 80 games, but we'll still have a chance like everyone else.

    I fuckin' hate Dodger fans...

    With folks coming back from injuries last year we actually have a bullpen so Schmidt doesn't have to go 8 or 9 innings each time out. How's that Armando Benitez working out for you? *maniacal laugh*
  • Reply 20 of 28
    Just about as good as JD Drew did for you guys...
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