What will Apple call their Phone? THE BIGGER PICTURE!!



  • Reply 21 of 63
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Why do you, ya prick. Go back to your house in Tramore David, or come up with something meaningful fo say.

    "Yawn", with your 6 measly posts.

    Oh, so you're talking to me now? As opposed to, say, completely fucking ignoring me for no reason? I like how you make me out to be the douche here...

    Anyway, your threads suck. Actually caring about what name the speculative product might be just wastes way too much of humanity's collective time to be rational. And I don't get the whole "Go back to your house in Tramore"... Beats me.
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  • Reply 22 of 63
    mgkwhomgkwho Posts: 167member
    You spelled 'your' wrong, Ireland.

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  • Reply 23 of 63
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    uh oh.

    Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays!

    and david used the F-word!

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  • Reply 24 of 63
    20 bucks on iPod Mobile.
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  • Reply 25 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by hjordis71 View Post

    20 bucks on iPod Mobile.

    You're on.
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  • Reply 26 of 63
    Awhile back, the general guess was ichat mobile. I still think that that'll probably be the name or as people were mentioning up above, it could be aloha. That would be unique. Either one sounds pretty cool.
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  • Reply 27 of 63
    I consider a lot of Apple's public announcements-- even in the form of trademarks or patents-- as strategic, as much as business oriented. "Mobile Me" sounds SOoooOooooOOOO Microsoft to me. Like a fake pass.

    I've been wrong before, but I'll throw in a penny to the bet. No Mobile Me for me.
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  • Reply 28 of 63
    Assuming Apple actually does release a phone I believe they will give it a name totally unexpected. Apple is very good at totally surprisingly people, and even though analysts like to think what they know what they're talking about, in actuality no one can ever guess what Apple is truly up to.

    Anyway, I imagine a possible name being the MacPhone, iPod Phone, or iChat Mobile.
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  • Reply 29 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by CharlesP2009 View Post

    Assuming Apple actually does release a phone I believe they will give it a name totally unexpected. Apple is very good at totally surprisingly people, and even though analysts like to think what they know what they're talking about, in actuality no one can ever guess what Apple is truly up to.

    Anyway, I imagine a possible name being the MacPhone, iPod Phone, or iChat Mobile.

    Oh, so we're allowed have three guesses are we? In that case I say iPod Phone, iPhone or iMobile. Now who's gonna put money down that it wont be called any of these.
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  • Reply 30 of 63
    Originally Posted by hjordis71 View Post

    20 bucks on iPod Mobile.

    As opposed to those non-mobile iPods, that hard as I try, just stubbornly refuse to be moved from my house...
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  • Reply 31 of 63
    There will be no Apple phone.

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  • Reply 32 of 63
    iPod Phone doesn't have the same "click" of rightness that the iPod Mini, iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle has. Maybe too many p's in it? Besides people call the iPod Nano "The nano." or "Is that a nano?" Not "The iPod Nano," or "Is that an iPod Nano?" I don't think people will call it "The Phone" or "is that a phone?" lol. It needs to be more unique than just phone.

    Your logic is sound though
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  • Reply 33 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by krispie View Post

    There will be no Apple phone.


    You're alone there.
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  • Reply 34 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by Shadow Slayer 26 View Post

    iPod Phone doesn't have the same "click" of rightness that the iPod Mini, iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle has. Maybe too many p's in it? Besides people call the iPod Nano "The nano." or "Is that a nano?" Not "The iPod Nano," or "Is that an iPod Nano?" I don't think people will call it "The Phone" or "is that a phone?" lol. It needs to be more unique than just phone.

    Your logic is sound though


    So they will call it the Apple phone then. I'm out of ideas. I thought I had a point, but we'll see. A least I put my ideas out there anyway.
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  • Reply 35 of 63
    I'm right though.

    And I think you might even agree if you think about it hard enough and look at the business model.
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  • Reply 36 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by krispie View Post

    I'm right though.

    And I think you might even agree if you think about it hard enough and look at the business model.

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  • Reply 37 of 63
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    iPod Mobile and iChat Mobile both have a nice ring to them.
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  • Reply 38 of 63
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by davidod315 View Post

    Anyway, your threads suck. Actually caring about what name the speculative product might be just wastes way too much of humanity's collective time to be rational.

    Ummmm... buddy speculating about what future products and their names will be is what this forum is for, hence Future Hardware. People were doing this all the time with the macbook's name and no one cried afoul.

    Ireland's post talked about both the name and the potential feature set (being more ipod then phone) fit right in line with this forum, if you don't like his idea that's another thing but why come in here raising hell and attacking him for nothing?

    If he was wasting humanity's time posting then surely you were doing the same responding.
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  • Reply 39 of 63
    "is what this forum is for, hence Future Hardware"

    That doesn't make it any less bullshit.

    "If he was wasting humanity's time posting then surely you were doing the same responding."

    You're an idiot. Obviously I came here and not anywhere else just so I could shit all over his thread. Seriously, did you even read my post that you quoted?
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  • Reply 40 of 63
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    At least Jason Snell of Macworld agrees with me about the phone's name.

    He too thinks the phone will be called iPod Phone. Thanks Jason, I respect your sanity.

    Sometimes the most obvious things are indeed right under our noses.
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