MacWorld...but then whats Apple doing at..

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I noticed Apple is on the list at CES

Will the 'iPhone' or some other product be first shown at MacWorld,,,then at CES?

Or will Apple pull something else out of the bag at CES?

Also, I looked a few weeks ago Apple was not on the list at CES.... Does Apple always show up at CES or is this new for them


  • Reply 1 of 27
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    It would be funny if Apple showed off at Macworld, and then stole CES.
  • Reply 2 of 27
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Does Apple even attend CES? I don't ever remember them being there.
  • Reply 3 of 27
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Does Apple even attend CES? I don't ever remember them being there.

    Thats what I wondered.... Also Apples' info page does not give out to much information... but look at AMD

    Are they "Apple" trying to keep things on the downlow *(for now) that they are at CES?

    More oddness I did a google on "901 Mariners Island Blvd., Suite 300" it's a listing for Slingmedia. Just a mistake on CES listing...should not say Apple?
  • Reply 4 of 27
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Apple's Buyin Slingbox Conformed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • Reply 5 of 27
    Originally Posted by ai51240 View Post

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Apple's Buyin Slingbox Conformed!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Never Know!!!

    Sling Media is a Privately held organization. The Company raised $10.5 million in the November 2004 Series A Funding. Series A investors include Mobius Venture Capital, DCM - Doll Capital Management, Hearst Media Corporation, and other strategic investors. In January 2006 Sling Media raised an additional $46.6 million in a Series B Funding. Series B investors include Allen & Company, EchoStar Communications, Goldman Sachs, Liberty Media Corporation, and additional strategic investors.
  • Reply 6 of 27
    I just got to thinking... What is SEC backwards......CES

    and what is CES backwards........ yes it's SEC

    So What if Apple wanted to do 'iTV' with built in 'sling box' features.... So Apple had set plans to buy Sling Box ,But has/had to hold off till after the SEC clears. But Sling Box during that time went on with plans to be at CES.--as they have new products/updates-- So they got a listing under their name. 'Sling Box Media' ...Apple still wants to buy Sling Box... And so Apple and Sling Box agree for the final products of Sling Box will be shown at CES... an iTV product by Apple and will be announced at MacWorld/and CES at an Apple booth..... Then as time goes on all Sling Box products will fade out become all Apple branded

    Of note the link for Apple I gave still shows as Apple at CES

    Other New supporting facts

    Google buys YouTube.... Google CEO is on Apple's board.. could see YouTube content on iTV

    Anyone can make an 'iTV' -I don't think the Apple brand name can carry 'iTV' alone...will have to have some unique feature to 'stand out' ...Sling Box could/would offer such a thing

    So one might say the SEC went to Apple and Apple went to CES

    SEC in 2006 ---- CES in 2007 :-P

    I am glad to see the stock up today!
  • Reply 7 of 27
    I'd love to know what M.O.S.T. has been smoking. \
  • Reply 8 of 27
    arnelarnel Posts: 103member
    If you look at the floorplans, you'll see that stand 69430A is in fact marked as occupied by Sling Media (as are B to F).
  • Reply 9 of 27
    how come people aren't all over this??

    I could be wrong but it looks like this is one of the more exciting things uncovered recently...after all, they have already said that they're keeping some features of the iTV secret, and it has all the connections needed for slingbox functionality...

    it looks pretty obvious to me that they're buying out slingbox and this is one of the top secret features of the iTV and leopard...

    The fact that there's a hard drive in the iTV has to be related to some kind of secret feature too, the point of the thing is to stream media from your computer so why does it need a hard drive?
  • Reply 10 of 27
    plus, being able to access your cable tv, dvd's, tivo recordings, and media on your computer, basically ANY MEDIA YOU OWN, from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD via the internet is about as Apple-like as it gets, and may tie into the iPhone as's interesting that they're both rumored to be released around the same time too...
  • Reply 11 of 27
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    The iTV concept is very appealing to me. I would easily throw down $300 for it once I purchase my MacBook Pro. It would simplify watching home videos and playing my media A TON. No more wasting DVD's would make me a happy camper.
  • Reply 12 of 27
    You know, when I said that, I had a pretty bad feeling that people were going to seriously believe it.
  • Reply 13 of 27
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by psychobass213 View Post

    The fact that there's a hard drive in the iTV has to be related to some kind of secret feature too, the point of the thing is to stream media from your computer so why does it need a hard drive?

    You could be right, but you could be way wrong too. The hard drive might be for some local storage, you could store a few movies, and you could play them without turning on your computer.
  • Reply 14 of 27
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You could be right, but you could be way wrong too. The hard drive might be for some local storage, you could store a few movies, and you could play them without turning on your computer.

    That would make more sense. One of the main problems I have with iTV is running computer and TV at the same time. Wasteful. Saving the movie/file to an HD would eliminate that problem.
  • Reply 15 of 27
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    That would make more sense. One of the main problems I have with iTV is running computer and TV at the same time. Wasteful. Saving the movie/file to an HD would eliminate that problem.

    I had the same problem with it, and I was concerned Apple wasn't aware that it wont sell if people have to have their computer on to watch a movie. I hope Apple knows this, and I hope the internal hard drive wasn't a misquote or a mistake by Otellini.
  • Reply 16 of 27
    arnelarnel Posts: 103member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I had the same problem with it, and I was concerned Apple wasn't aware that it wont sell if people have to have their computer on to watch a movie. I hope Apple knows this, and I hope the internal hard drive wasn't a misquote or a mistake by Otellini.

    I was thinking the same thing, too. Having to go into another room, switch your computer on and log in before you can go back into your living room and use your iTV isn't a particularly seamless or convenient experience. I really do hope that it has an internal HD so you can store your library on the box and have it always ready.

    In fact, I hope for a little more than that. I'd love a new version of iTunes that can use the central library stored on the iTV directly, rather than having to use a local library (or possibly a local library that syncs with the iTV?). That way, you can buy a CD, pop it into any mac in your house and rip it, and it's automatically ripped to the central library on the iTV and available on your TV and all your macs - no need to copy any files about and keep all those libraries in sync. The same could be done for iPhoto libraries as well.

    A few things give me hope:

    1. On the iTV box shown in September, there didn't appear to be a power button. Is this thing meant to be on all the time? (which a sort of library server would need to be). It looks like there is a power light, though, so maybe it's just all automatic.

    2. There was an "iTunes Store Presents" menu, which makes me think that you might be able to buy things directly from the iTV. Granted, this might just instruct the host Mac/PC to download the item, but maybe it'll download direct to the iTV?

    3. There was a USB port on the back. My two immediate thoughts were a) attach an iPod directly to the iTV and sync it, or b) add more HD storage.

    I guess I'm hoping for too much, though. It's a lot to go into a $299 box, and I haven't measured any of it but I'm not even sure you'd fit a logic board, wireless card, PSU and a HDD into that case! It would have to be whisper quiet as well, if it's going under your TV. If they could pull it off, though, it would be fantastic.


    a.k.a. Arnel
  • Reply 17 of 27
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by M.O.S.T View Post

    I just got to thinking... What is SEC backwards......CES

    and what is CES backwards........ yes it's SEC


    M.O.S.T. whoaaaaa
  • Reply 18 of 27
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I'd love to know what M.O.S.T. has been smoking. \

    Dude, i WANT what he's smoking

    From Futurama... Lurr of Omicron Persei 8:

    "Whoa... my hands are like... so big.... I can almost... but not touch them....

    Wait... I CAN touch them.... Whoooaaaaa........

    One of the the last few times I had pot in 2004 when I was high I scribbled in chalk all over my room walls about how "Buddha closed the loop"*

    *Notice in classic Buddha lotus position with the fingers in a loop-like position, it is indicative of a total awareness of self. In otherwords, closing the loop of the external and internal, pure forgiveness of the world and detachment of self from self-image and external-image.
  • Reply 19 of 27
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Arnel View Post

    I guess I'm hoping for too much, though. It's a lot to go into a $299 box, and I haven't measured any of it but I'm not even sure you'd fit a logic board, wireless card, PSU and a HDD into that case! It would have to be whisper quiet as well, if it's going under your TV. If they could pull it off, though, it would be fantastic.

    I was thinking small flash hard drive, but now that you mention it, regular hard drives are getting smaller all the time. So what about a small perpendicular 60GB HD, and a 100GB HD version, both with intel mother boards with flash built onto them. Remember Apple doesn't need to make a lot of profit on this item. If Apple made $5 for every iTV sold, and were able to do all those things I just suggested, they could easily sell them for that $299 price then. This is not a profit item, it's a leveraging item IMO. The Halo-effect and the things that would be possible because of this iTV would be HUGE for Apple's living room, music player, computer sales, and OS market share plays.

    People have to remember, this will be the first time many Non-Mac users will see Apple software besides iTunes at work, VERY BIG DEAL!!

    If the specs were like I just thought, this would faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar outweigh the small profit made of this individual device. Although known Apple they could probably make at least $50 on each one, even with 100GB HD's inside them. Wishful thinking, I know.
  • Reply 20 of 27
    I don't know, I could be wrong, but the hard drive for iTV storage just doesn't seem right to me. It doesn't seem Apple-like to have things stored in all kinds of different places. They want you to have your stuff on your computer and your iPod, period, they're about convergence and simplicity. Who turns off their Macs anyway? You wouldn't have to go turn on your comp just to use iTV, it could just wake it up automatically when you try to access your media. I don't see what the big deal is about this.

    I stand by the fact that there's something bigger going on, even if it's not the slingbox-buyout thing. Even if it's not, slingbox is still cool as $hit!!
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