30th Anniversary Mac

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Hey, it's temporary insanity afterall.

What are the chances of a 30th anniversary machine, and what featuires would you like to see on it?


  • Reply 1 of 10
    • 60 inch touchscreen

    • 16 cores

    • 2TB HD array

    • 2 of the fastest GPU's out there

    • BlueRayDrive/recorder that also plays the other kind of hd-disc

    • Built-in complete iTV functionality with hdtv recording and every necessary connector

  • Reply 2 of 10
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    I couldn't care less, I would never be able to, or really need to, own it. If I was in a position to splash $30,000 on it I'd probably spend my tons of money instead to buy an Apple reseller chain in Australia...*

    *So that I could play with every conceivable Apple product anytime I wanted to, for however long I wanted to...

    Now that! is the ultimate 30th Anniversary Mac -- Not a piece of machine, it's the Total Apple Experience(TM). How many people can afford THAT?!!!
  • Reply 3 of 10
    Some other sites are beginning to toss the idea of a TAM. I get a feeling that something is coming, but that it will not be as over-priced as the 20th. It will be more mass-marketed and in the 5000 dollar range (as opposed to 10,000 for the 20th).

    Possibly a notebook, and possibly the sub notebook that people are convince ain't coming.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    Originally Posted by dutch pear View Post

    BlueRayDrive/recorder that also plays the other kind of hd-disc

    the OTHER kind... yes ..lest we mention its name

    TAM .. i like that

    sub note book, i dont see it, but id LIKE to
  • Reply 5 of 10
    The 30th Anniversary Mac is actually a brain implant.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    It'll be a cube.

    Apple store design is a cube.

    You had the Next Cube.

    30 has the number 3 in it, which represents cubic measurements.

    The old cube failed because it was too expensive, that shouldn't be the case now. Damn nice looking machine the G4 cube was too.
  • Reply 7 of 10
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It'll be a cube.

    30 has the number 3 in it, which represents cubic measurements.

    and 6 is a factor of 30.... 30 has the number 3 in it... and three sixes are...


    Satan cometh in the form of the thirtieth anniversary mac!

    /ends sarcastic representation that you can numbers can 'prove' anything

    I actually do think that a cube would be the best guess at the form of a thirtieth anniversary mac, although as i stated in another topic, I don't think such extravagances are a good idea for Apple right now, whatever they have to celebrate; if they want to be around another thirty years they should just get on with their products that will win them market share.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    Originally Posted by b3ns0n View Post

    they should just get on with their products that will win them market share.

    the only problem i seem to remember people having with the cube was its price, so a cheaper, easier upgradable, cube shaped mini ticks a few peoples boxes for an xMac
  • Reply 9 of 10
    b3ns0nb3ns0n Posts: 95member
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    the only problem i seem to remember people having with the cube was its price, so a cheaper, easier upgradable, cube shaped mini ticks a few peoples boxes for an xMac

    For an xMac, something to which I am certainly not opposed, definitely. If an xMac was introduced as a permanent product as a way of marking Apple's 30th I'd be happier than anyone; however I don't feel Apple needs another elaborate "30th Anniversary Mac" in the same vein as the 20th anniversary model, that's what I meant
  • Reply 10 of 10
    Originally Posted by b3ns0n View Post

    For an xMac, something to which I am certainly not opposed, definitely. If an xMac was introduced as a permanent product as a way of marking Apple's 30th I'd be happier than anyone; however I don't feel Apple needs another elaborate "30th Anniversary Mac" in the same vein as the 20th anniversary model, that's what I meant

    agreed, but as the man says at the start of the thread.. it IS temporary insanity after all
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