First whiner thread.

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Fucking TV, Fucking phones. I just want a god damn headless imac with a core 2 conroe, expandable graphics card in a quiet mac mini style case.


  • Reply 1 of 67
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Originally Posted by MarcUK View Post

    Fucking TV, Fucking phones. I just want a god damn headless imac with a core 2 conroe, expandable graphics card in a quiet mac mini style case.

    Your not going to get it. Apple is all about technology gadgets now. Not computers.

    I was looking forward to Macworld keynote. Not the iPodworld keynote.
  • Reply 2 of 67
    Originally Posted by MarcUK View Post

    Fucking TV, Fucking phones. I just want a god damn headless imac with a core 2 conroe, expandable graphics card in a quiet mac mini style case.

    and a Leopard release date!!
  • Reply 3 of 67
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    I was looking forward to Macworld keynote. Not the iPodworld keynote.

  • Reply 4 of 67
    applepiapplepi Posts: 365member
    I used to think it might be possible. But I now believe Apple will never release a consumer tower. At least as long as Steve is in control.

    I am surprised this keynote had nothing to do with computer news. Aren't macworlds usually for computer news and Apple special events for stuff like ipods?
  • Reply 5 of 67
    yes, but we're not dealing with Apple Computer anymore, its Apple, Inc.
  • Reply 6 of 67
    applepiapplepi Posts: 365member
    I thought they already dropped the word computer like 6 months ago?
  • Reply 7 of 67
    All I wanted was iLife/iWork 07. Not even that big of a wish! And NOOOO!

    A phone I can't afford or want, and an tv thing that doesn't work with my TV.
  • Reply 8 of 67
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by MoonShadow View Post

    All I wanted was iLife/iWork 07. Not even that big of a wish! And NOOOO!

    A phone I can't afford or want, and an tv thing that doesn't work with my TV.

    I couldn't agree more. My brother is SOOO pissed about iWork. He needs his Keynote fix.

    I am a bit pissed too. Did they even do a preview of leopard or just iPhone and then only tell me you have to be with Cingular. Until they do verizon, I am stuck with a Blackberry.

    Then iTV only works with like 20 tv's and guess what, I don't have any of them because I am not a rock star. Sucks!
  • Reply 9 of 67
    Originally Posted by MoonShadow View Post

    All I wanted was iLife/iWork 07. Not even that big of a wish! And NOOOO!

    A phone I can't afford or want, and an tv thing that doesn't work with my TV.

    - I think you miss the point; This thing puts OS X into the hands of people who would never ever ever consider a Mac..... its a massive step... huge..... most of all business uses might start to embrace the simplicity of OS X......

    One further point... the iPhone not on-sale until June.... expect all iPod 5g to get the full screen treatment in July.........

    again you've all missed the point.... step by step.... introduce Leopard.... the rest is history......
  • Reply 10 of 67
    g_warreng_warren Posts: 713member
    I'm slightly disappointed, but I understand. iPhone is HUGE for apple, so they were right to introduce it along with Apple TV and an airport update, as any other updates would be overshadowed.

    I guess they are holding iLife off until nearer Leopard time, since apparently they tie in very well together. Realistically Leopard was never going to be out today anyway, so no loss there.

    Looking forward to a special announcement next month for mac updates and Leopard and iLife announcements. I'd put money on there being one within 8 weeks. The two things I need from Apple are a Mac mini update and a leopard ship date - I'll buy a mini when the specs are better and it ships with Leopard. I knew this wasn't going to happen today anyway, so I'm still crossing my fingers for March.

    The iPhone does interest me - my contract is up in September, so whichever UK network supports it will be getting a contract from me.

    My only disappointment is that there are still no movies in the UK. I thought that they would announce this to tie in with Apple TV, but maybe there is still a chance that it will be announced on ship date.

    Of note, the front page of the UK site hasn't been updated yet, so me may yet see speed bumps tomorrow or next week for those looking for Mac releases. As I say though, I'm pretty certain we'll see Mac announcements within 8 weeks.

    Chill out guys! At least we don't have to hear any more iPhone rumours! 8)
  • Reply 11 of 67
    Originally Posted by whiteboytrash View Post

    - I think you miss the point; This thing puts OS X into the hands of people who would never ever ever consider a Mac..... its a massive step... huge..... most of all business uses might start to embrace the simplicity of OS X......

    One further point... the iPhone not on-sale until June.... expect all iPod 5g to get the full screen treatment in July.........

    again you've all missed the point.... step by step.... introduce Leopard.... the rest is history......

    I think that everybody understands the point point of the iPhone. There's all kinds of reasons why today's announcements were a good idea for Apple. But there's a lot of us who have no interest in either of the devices in the keynote. On the contrary, I'm going to be doing a lot of writing over the next few months, and I was ready to buy a new version of iWork as soon as it appeared on Apple's site.
  • Reply 12 of 67
    applepiapplepi Posts: 365member
    Everybody always finds the one thing Apple didn't update to complain about


    I think you'll still hear rumors about the iPhone. But now they will be about upgrades to the unit.
  • Reply 13 of 67
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by whiteboytrash View Post

    I think you miss the point; This thing puts OS X into the hands of people who would never ever ever consider a Mac..... its a massive step... huge..... most of all business uses might start to embrace the simplicity of OS X......

    One further point... the iPhone not on-sale until June.... expect all iPod 5g to get the full screen treatment in July.........

    again you've all missed the point.... step by step.... introduce Leopard.... the rest is history......

    Nope, the point is this is Macworld about Macs. The people who support Apple most are the users of Apple computers. This iphone targets a small minority of business users and however cool, is something you'd see in t3 magazine and then go yeah, it's cool but I'll never own one.

    This is not a device that will change people's perception of Apple, it will merely propagate the notion they make expensive devices for a niche market and that's what some of us hope to get away from. The Intel and OS X switch were the best things they've done to open up the Mac to a wider audience.

    iphone does widen the market but not significantly. It would be different if this portable OS could run on multiple palmtops like Windows CE but we all know it will be solely on the expensive iphone so it's a gimmick and it should've been shown last year at the showtime event.

    I wanted what MarkUK said, a headless Core 2 Duo iMac and good graphics. I also wanted something about Leopard. Anything computer related would have been nice. iTV is about Front Row and itunes. iphone is about smartphone users. The 802.11n update is the closest they got to having anything interesting for Mac users but we've had 802.11n draft for ages now.

    Originally Posted by ApplePi

    Everybody always finds the one thing Apple didn't update to complain about

    Except in this case, Apple only updated airport, which is useless for anyone without updated airport cards. iphone is a not an updated ipod, it's a different device for a new market - only a true music lover would spend $500+ on an MP3 player and they'd need way more than 4GB. iTV is for people who use a TV to view content. I use my computer because I'm a Mac user not a TV user.

    Y'know what I say to Steve Jobs?


    Step into my office. Why? Cuz you're f*ckin fired!

  • Reply 14 of 67
    I'll add to the whiner thread by saying "WHY DOES IT TAKE HOURS AND HOURS TO UPLOAD THE KEYNOTE ADDRESS!!?? sheesh, that thing should be up by now...
  • Reply 15 of 67
    Again you want software for your Mac cos your a MAC user ! This thing brings OS X (ie the MAC) to non-MAC users... yes you want iLife and yes some people want Leopard etc. but this thing brings OS X to those who wouldn't ever want a MAC.... just wait... a leap frog product..... you already own a MAC.. they don't care about you...

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Nope, the point is this is Macworld about Macs. The people who support Apple most are the users of Apple computers. This iphone targets a small minority of business users and however cool, is something you'd see in t3 magazine and then go yeah, it's cool but I'll never own one.

    This is not a device that will change people's perception of Apple, it will merely propagate the notion they make expensive devices for a niche market and that's what some of us hope to get away from. The Intel and OS X switch were the best things they've done to open up the Mac to a wider audience.

    iphone does widen the market but not significantly. It would be different if this portable OS could run on multiple palmtops like Windows CE but we all know it will be solely on the expensive iphone so it's a gimmick and it should've been shown last year at the showtime event.

    I wanted what MarkUK said, a headless Core 2 Duo iMac and good graphics. I also wanted something about Leopard. Anything computer related would have been nice. iTV is about Front Row and itunes. iphone is about smartphone users. The 802.11n update is the closest they got to having anything interesting for Mac users but we've had 802.11n draft for ages now.

    Except in this case, Apple only updated airport, which is useless for anyone without updated airport cards. iphone is a not an updated ipod, it's a different device for a new market - only a true music lover would spend $500+ on an MP3 player and they'd need way more than 4GB. iTV is for people who use a TV to view content. I use my computer because I'm a Mac user not a TV user.

    Y'know what I say to Steve Jobs?

  • Reply 16 of 67
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member

    Because the software they use to encode the video runs on Rosetta.
  • Reply 17 of 67

    - I think you miss the point; This thing puts OS X into the hands of people who would never ever ever consider a Mac..... its a massive step... huge..... most of all business uses might start to embrace the simplicity of OS X......

    One further point... the iPhone not on-sale until June.... expect all iPod 5g to get the full screen treatment in July.........

    again you've all missed the point.... step by step.... introduce Leopard.... the rest is history......


    (That doesn't stop me from wanting Mac Cube Conroe, Leopard, iLife/Works, new iMac, OctoMac...etc...heh.)

    I expect a storm of newly designed Mac announcements over the next four months. 07 is going to be Mac massive. Steve said as much and after the iPhone announcement...think the impossible.

    Let iPhone steal Vista's thunder. It IS revolutionary and deserves the spotlight. It IS the 'Mac' of the future...

    When Leopard arrives, it will bring new hardware and if iphone is anything to go by, an awesome new interface.

    The iPhone buys Apple time to blow the doors off Vista. Bug squashed and done right.

    The iPhone will sell more Macs than the iPod has. (I remember people being rubbed up the wrong way regarding the iPod attention. But it has helped Apple's renaissance. No question about that...and may the iPhone do likewise.) We'll more likely get our 'Conroe' Macs if the iPhone can indirectly school Mac sales to 3 million plus! per quarter...

    A checkmate move by Apple. And Leopard isn't even here...

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 18 of 67
    You can just see a tablet Mac on the cards now. Maybe an iMac variant with removable screen...from stand/dock...

    ...and laptops we can 'paw' over the interface of Leopard?

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 19 of 67
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Yeah, I have to admit that I did feel really disappointed.

    We've waited all this time, and we've been presented with a long overdue update to an existing product, AppleTV, and a phone that is currently Vaporware. I'll get excited about the iPhone when I can actually hold one in my hands and buy it, which seeing as I live in the UK will probably be well after June.

    Like I said before, this Keynote smacks of two steps forward - when everyone wanted to see what was one step forward. Well I hope YOU had fun Mr. Jobs!

    There are more pressing issues at the moment, like producing a non-workstation Mac that can actually support more than 3GB of DDR2 SDRAM. This is MACworld after all. Is is too much to ask to have access to a decent production machine that doesn't use those bloody proprietary FB-DIMMs? All the 'real' software is still stuck with Rosetta and try seeing how far you can get with 3GB of RAM.

    And for fucksakes, have we not waited long enough to find out what Leopard actually looks like?

    I hope that there are a number of additional announcements over the following days...
  • Reply 20 of 67
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. View Post

    It IS the 'Mac' of the future...

    No, that's the whole point, it's not the Mac of the future. It might be the phone of the future. It might be the iPod of the future. It might be the Blackberry of the future. But if there's one thing it most certainly isn't, it's the Mac of the future.

    Yes it's a great execution of a great idea, but how am I meant to layout annual reports on it?

    Apple should have had a special event for the launch of the iPhone, and left the Macworld Expo to what it does best... Macs.
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