First whiner thread.



  • Reply 41 of 67

    Back to the naming issue: Apple's "iPhone" isn't really a phone at all. It's really a small touchscreen Mac OS X computer, a Mac nano tablet, it you will. Here's how misnamed the iPhone is: some people are complaining that Jobs didn't spend enough time on the Mac in his keynote! Folks, iPhone is not only a Mac, it's the most radical new Mac in years! What's to stop Apple from making a 12-inch (and larger, and smaller) one of these (use the headset for the phone, please) and calling it a Mac tablet?

    Yeesh. Open your eyes, will ya...

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 42 of 67

    Seriously, how can this possibly be a smack in the face? They had a revolutionary new product to unveil. So of course they used their biggest event of the year, and of course everything else got the short shrift.

    It happens; get over yourself. The iPhone is an extremely complex computer which could potentially mean as much or more to their desktop/laptop computer business as the iPod has. They all feed off each other.

    What he said.

    This is going to be huge for Apple AND their Mac computers. We're more likely to get the Macs we want and beyond AND have a healthy Mac platform for longer because of this iPhone.

    Don't be short sighted. Look further than you can see...

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 43 of 67
    It's a 'Mac' that is being named 'a phone' ('iphone') so people with non-Mac bias and people who like phones (all 1 billion of them...) can relate to it.

    This is a trojan horse Mac. A 21st century Mac platform...that will kick back to the computer line.

    1% in 2008? That would add 10 million Mac Os 'X' users even though they mightn't be aware of it!

    Add that to about 10 million 'conventional' Mac computers? Apple's suddenly shipping 20million 'X' computers per YEAR!

    It's not the Newton? But it's something different. It's clear that this is just the beginning of a new direction. Our fragile perception of what we think Apple and computers are..? May have just been irrevocably shattered.

    Lemon Bon Bon

    That takes
  • Reply 44 of 67
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    after all, the computer part is who they are. They would be nothing without that part.

    They *were* almost nothing *because* of that part.

    How soon we forget that SJ was forced out while Sculley-era Apple focused on "that part", tried all flavors of consumer PCs, tried to go upmarket to business PCs and networking, and authorized Clone manufacturers to make Macs.

    Drove themselves to the brink of extinction, with Sun looking to buy them, stock at an all-time low - remember those dark days? It appeared as if Apple might actually cease to exist as an autonomous computer company.

    Meanwhile, SJ forms NeXT, focuses on cutting edge computer hardware - look ma, no floppy drive!! Creates his own OS based on Unix. Whoopee. Nobody cares, NeXT flounders, SJ pays more attention to Pixar.

    Some geniuses on Apple's board get the idea to bring back the visionary founder - SJ agrees, as long as they bail - umm, excuse me - buy out NeXT for $500 million, ostensibly to get the nifty NeXT OS.

    He comes in as "interim" CEO, keeps his Pixar gig and splits his time between the two companies. Insists on putting the lower case "i" in his CEO title to prove to Pixar he is only helping Apple out for a little while until they can find someone cool to run the company.

    Hmmm... what a difference a few years makes, eh? I can tell you as someone who has owned 2 computer companies, there is little to no margin in making, marketing and supporting computers for consumers. Look how far once-mighty Gateway (whose founder Ted Waiit was once offered 3 Billion!! dollars for the company by Dell, and turned it down!) has fallen. IBM got out of the PC business, and sold off their (presumedly higher margin) laptop business to Lenovo.

    I would venture to guess that Apple makes more money on iPods at $299 than they do Mac mini's at $499.

    And like it or not, they *are* a public company so they do have to provide shareholder value. I think they are a lot more valuable as a growing, thriving profitable consumer elecronics/computer company than a declining computer-only company.

    That's just my 2 cents, YMMV.
  • Reply 45 of 67
    Originally Posted by britwithgoodteeth View Post

    As opposed to dildos shaped like what?

  • Reply 46 of 67

    That's just my 2 cents, YMMV.

    He gets it.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 47 of 67
    Originally Posted by MarcUK View Post

    Fucking TV, Fucking phones. I just want a god damn headless imac with a core 2 conroe, expandable graphics card in a quiet mac mini style case.

    Shut your pie hole rear end face!!!! get the cheapest MacPro you can configure it has no monitor so its like its has no 'head'.

    Or alternatively go take an axe to your current mac and take its head off, problem solved!!
  • Reply 48 of 67
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by ChrisDaMacMan View Post

    Shut your pie hole rear end face!!!! get the cheapest MacPro you can configure it has no monitor so its like its has no 'head'.

    Or alternatively go take an axe to your current mac and take its head off, problem solved!!

    I just want a small reasonably powerful computer. AIO's are not my thing. MacPro's are too big and minis are well underpowered graphically. Laptops im considering, but I dont like small screens.
  • Reply 49 of 67
    Originally Posted by MarcUK View Post

    I just want a small reasonably powerful computer. AIO's are not my thing. MacPro's are too big and minis are well underpowered graphically. Laptops im considering, but I dont like small screens.

    Get a frickin iMac then, and max it out so it will last you for 5 years or so!!! omg why do you thing apple have that line for!!
  • Reply 50 of 67
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by MarcUK View Post

    Fucking TV, Fucking phones. I just want a god damn headless imac with a core 2 conroe, expandable graphics card in a quiet mac mini style case.

    Yeah, sorry mate but it is business as usual in the Mac and iPod department. The third plane has taken off, that is, iTunesConvergence+iPhone. Let's not expect anything super-revolutionary with Mac and iPod this year.
  • Reply 51 of 67
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by britwithgoodteeth View Post

    As opposed to dildos shaped like what?

    There's also the double-penis big-curved dildo thingy. 8)
  • Reply 52 of 67
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by ChrisDaMacMan View Post

    Get a frickin iMac then, and max it out so it will last you for 5 years or so!!! omg why do you thing apple have that line for!!

    Newsflash, iMac is not headless.

    The point is quite clear, Mac Mini is headless, Mac Pro is headless, one is too powerful, the other is not powerful enough.

    The iMac doesn't satisfy because why pay extra money for a built-in screen if you already have say a cinema display?
  • Reply 53 of 67
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Newsflash, iMac is not headless.

    The point is quite clear, Mac Mini is headless, Mac Pro is headless, one is too powerful, the other is not powerful enough.

    The iMac doesn't satisfy because why pay extra money for a built-in screen if you already have say a cinema display?

    Exactly! ChrisDaMacMan just does not get it! Until Apple opens OS X to run on any hardware they better be willing to build many different configurations. We're at Apple's mercy as far as hardware options so they better give us a cheap, headless Mac tower if we want one!
  • Reply 54 of 67
    The announcements made during the Keynote have HUGE implications for Mac-branded computers. The word is convergence - not the phone-meets-pda-meets-ipod-meets-stapler gadget convergence, but core technology convergence, here done in a very impressive 1.0 way.

    Consider the technologies Apple has been pursuing (and now merging (some)):
    • Resolution independent UI

    • Touch screen

    • Multi-touch input devices

    • Multiple avenues of connectivity/"always online"

    • Intel inside

    • Mac OS X

    • Subsets of OS X (AppleTV, iPhone)

    How can this NOT affect the Mac platform?
  • Reply 55 of 67
    Originally Posted by Macvault View Post

    Exactly! ChrisDaMacMan just does not get it! Until Apple opens OS X to run on any hardware they better be willing to build many different configurations. We're at Apple's mercy as far as hardware options so they better give us a cheap, headless Mac tower if we want one!

    Wow you are the headless one, your the one who doesn't get it! I hope Apple never open their OS to any hardware because then it will just be PCs and lots of incompatibility.

    And erm hello Headless tower is the MacPro, ffs get the one with lowest specs if you people don't want a powerful computer.

    Some people will never be happy with what they have!!
  • Reply 56 of 67
    Originally Posted by ChrisDaMacMan View Post

    And erm hello Headless tower is the MacPro, ffs get the one with lowest specs if you people don't want a powerful computer.

    Some people will never be happy with what they have!!

    For a lot of people, the MacPro is just too much of a computer - the chassis is huge, it's got a zillion fans blowing air (though the Intel MacPro is much better in this regard than the previous G5 tower) and it can't easily be "tucked away" like a Mac mini.

    It would be nice if Apple re-visited the Cube. I liked that product - small, but not microsopic. Powerful, but not too much so. Nice looking, with a high SAF (Spousal Approval Factor).

    I myself bought the new 24" iMac for the office, and run both Windows XP and OS X on it. I gave my 23" HD display to the graphics guy - he is thrilled.

    The iMac is close to perfect. I have a 20" PowerPC model at the house, connected to my home stereo. I am going to put it on ebay so I can get the Intel version, as the older model only had VGA out and the Intel one has DVI, so I can connect it to my HDTV and HT receiver.

    Many people don't realize that the headphone jack on the iMacs is a dual jack, analog and digital. There is a special 1/8" mini optical to TOSLINK optical cable available, when you plug that in the iMac senses it and switches to digital out, with full 5.1 Dolby Digital. This is a very powerful feature that I can't believe Apple is not pushing or publicising more.

    Anyway, the iMac form factor is simple and elegant, and the new Intel models are very powerful and come with monster nVidea chipsets, the graphics are amazing.

    Highly recomended.
  • Reply 57 of 67
    Originally Posted by gilwave View Post

    Many people don't realize that the headphone jack on the iMmacs is a dual jack, analo and digital. There is a special 1/8" mini optical to TOSLINK optical cable available, when you plug that in the iMac senses it and switches to digital out, with full 5.1 Dolby Digital. This is a very powerful feature that I can't believe Apple is not pushing or publicising more.

    this on the G5?

    if so...THANK YOU
  • Reply 58 of 67
    Originally Posted by icibaqu View Post

    this on the G5? if so...THANK YOU

    Yup! It works beautifully. Super-double-secret 5.1 digital audio interface.
  • Reply 59 of 67
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    There's also the double-penis big-curved dildo thingy. 8)

    They're my favourite!
  • Reply 60 of 67
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Originally Posted by ChrisDaMacMan View Post

    Get a frickin iMac then, and max it out so it will last you for 5 years or so!!! omg why do you thing apple have that line for!!

    while I think you are probably just a joke or joking or something , I'll pretend to be upset with your comments and just humour you.

    I did say AIO is not my thing, this means the iMAC is not my thing. And how in the hell could you possibly max out an imac to last you 5 years? The graphics card is already 3 years out of date, being a minor upgrade to the original ATI X600.
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