Macworld: Apple drops 'Computer' from name, alters branding scheme

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Claiming that his company's original name no longer reflects the products it offers, Apple chief executive Steve Jobs on Tuesday announced that Apple Computer would be renamed Apple, Inc., and revealed new product branding to match.

In his opening keynote address at Macworld San Francisco, Jobs explained that the addition of Apple TV and iPhone to Apple's product range means that only one of the company's four product lines, the Mac, now represents what many would consider a true computer.

The Apple cofounder argued that traditional computing was now just a part of his firm's overall business strategy, which now focuses heavily on handheld devices and those built for the living room.

"We've thought about this... and we thought maybe our name should reflect this a little bit more than it does," Jobs said of the change.

In addition, Jobs said Apple has begun altering its product branding to emphasize origin of its electronics devices. Conspicuously, the company has rebadged its media streaming hub (once codenamed iTV) as the Apple TV, substituting its distinctive corporate logo in place of the written 'Apple' title on the product itself, the packaging, and its official website.

Apple chief executive Steve Jobs announces Apple Computer, Inc. is to be known hereafter as Apple, Inc. .

The iPhone has received near-identical treatment as part of its introduction and sees its name prefaced by the Apple logo at its own product page. Neither iPod nor Mac hardware has yet to undergo such extensive rebranding, though boxes for the second generation versions of the iPod nano and shuffle now feature a prominent logo immediately preceding their respective names.


  • Reply 1 of 31
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    I for one, already miss the "computer."

    I know it may make sense with the direction of Apple's products, and their fortune may lie outside the computer line, but to me, part of the reason I love Apple is because of the AppleIIc I bought with my own money in high school...
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  • Reply 2 of 31
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    I for one, already miss the "computer."

    Oh get over it, it's just a bleedin' name. Who really gives a shit. Everyone called them Apple anyway. And they want the living room, so. The Mac is stronger then ever, and Leopard is a comin', so chill out. Now where's my Apple television?
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  • Reply 3 of 31
    parkyparky Posts: 383member
    Sorry, It was badly written, sounded like the Apple was being substituted, not that it was substituting something else.
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  • Reply 4 of 31
    dentondenton Posts: 725member
    parky: snip, snip...

    I do hope that Apple will continue to focus a lot of attention on its Mac line: it would be a real tragedy if they were to get distracted by the other cool toys that they are developing. I know it's only a name, but a name can mean a lot. Shakespeare quotes, notwithstanding, this is sometimes the truth.
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  • Reply 5 of 31
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Oh get over it, it's just a bleedin' name. Who really gives a shit.

    Well, obviously you must give a shit as you felt it necessary to 1)use bold font and 2) use profanity.

    I don't think I was being unreasonable in expressing a touch of nostalgic sentimentality. I didn't say it was a bad idea or even complain.

    Of course, I could go farther. My Apple loyalty stems from the Apple and Mac computers that I have used for twenty-some-odd years. I like my iPod and I plenty covet the iPhone, but if the iPhone and iTV flopped and the iPod became irrelevant over time, I wouldn't care too much so long as Apple was still making computers that I loved. Don't get me wrong--I like that Apple has gained superstar status lately. Its nice not being derided by my peers for my choice of computers and to be envied, well that is just cool.

    Of course, I wasn't smart enough to buy APPL 2 years ago when I sorta had some money--I'm sure I would have a different opinion then...
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  • Reply 6 of 31
    The silicon valley company formerly known as "Apple Computer Inc."

    Sorry, I had to do it.
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  • Reply 7 of 31
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by auralaffinity View Post

    The silicon valley company formally known as "Apple Computer Inc."

    Sorry, I had to do it.

    And you couldn't even bring yourself to use "formerly"?
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  • Reply 8 of 31
    It's a very significant change in the company's direction, and I'm very excited about it. Apple can finally grow beyond the limitations of the computer business. Just as Steve demonstrated, there are one heck of a lot more phones in the world than there are computers, so it's only logical that the best place to put a far-reaching computer is in a phone. Isn't that cool? It's really great. BOOM!

    Also, if all computers were to be replaced tomorrow with curved multi-touch workpads with networked group interactivity, I would be more than happy to kick the old style computer out of my office.

    The computer is way overdue for a major re-concepting and Apple+Steve is the only company with the vision to do it.
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  • Reply 9 of 31
    Oh boy... here comes Apple Records again!
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  • Reply 10 of 31
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by Celemourn View Post

    Oh boy... here comes Apple Records again!

    Actually, that was my first thought too!

    Apple Corp. Vs. Apple Inc. I'll never get through those articles...
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  • Reply 11 of 31
    OH! \

    For shame...

    Sorry folks, I'm tired

    Thanks Chucker, I owe you one.
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  • Reply 12 of 31
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by auralaffinity View Post

    OH! \

    For shame...

    Sorry folks, I'm tired

    Thanks Chucker, I owe you one.

    Heh, that's fine. I realize they're pronounced virtually the same, so the mistake is somewhat explicable.
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  • Reply 13 of 31
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by Chucker View Post

    And you couldn't even bring yourself to use "formerly"?

    Well, it was formal.
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  • Reply 14 of 31
    That's exactly what I was thinking, SpamSandwich.

    How amazing would it be to have multi touch on a notebook (although expensive and heavy), or, better yet, a 30" cinema display?

    So cool to think about, but I digress.
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  • Reply 15 of 31
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Here's to the future sony! Eventually bigger, better, smarter, and using their own OS!
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  • Reply 16 of 31
    mkanemkane Posts: 41member
    Might as well drop the computer name since it seems all Apple is interested in is the Ipod, etc... Might as well uplift what is making you $$$$$ and promote what they have become over the years.

    Let's face it without the iPod Apple would be in a mess.

    It would not surprise me if in the years to come Apple drops making PC's and starts selling it's OS to who ever wants to buy it etc.... Macs are behind when it comes to hardware and Apple's current business models prevent their PC's from having the best hardware on the market. This is a weakness in Apple and the Mac in general.

    My hats off to Apple for turning it around and becoming a great gadget company.
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  • Reply 17 of 31
    Originally Posted by Mkane View Post

    It would not surprise me if in the years to come Apple drops making PC's and starts selling it's OS to who ever wants to buy it etc.... Macs are behind when it comes to hardware and Apple's current business models prevent their PC's from having the best hardware on the market.

    Excuse me?

    You obviously have NO concept as to where Apple reaps the largest amount of profit. Sure, the iPod garners them a great deal of money, but the Mac (in all its forms) is where Apple makes most of its money. It IS in the hardware.

    Clearly, like so many others, you think Apple can simply stop making Macs and license the Mac OS and everything will be just fine. Sorry, but you, and the rest of the people who think that way, are living in dream world.
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  • Reply 18 of 31
    mkanemkane Posts: 41member
    Originally Posted by initiator View Post

    Excuse me?

    You obviously have NO concept as to where Apple reaps the largest amount of profit. Sure, the iPod garners them a great deal of money, but the Mac (in all its forms) is where Apple makes most of its money. It IS in the hardware.

    Clearly, like so many others, you think Apple can simply stop making Macs and license the Mac OS and everything will be just fine. Sorry, but you, and the rest of the people who think that way, are living in dream world.

    Oh ok....without the iPod Apple stock would not be what it is today..

    We shall see in years to come about Apple licenses their OS. What was it the Mac faithful used to say about Intel and the x86 chips? Oh thats right... no way would a Mac every use an Intel CPU...Apple thinks different! I'm sure the Mac faithful said the day an Intel chip is in a Mac is a dream world also.

    Show me the numbers where Apple has made more off the Macs vs the iPods in the past 3 years. I would like to see some legal documentation to support this idea. With the huge success of the iPod and iTunes vs. a mere 2% PC market share I simply do not see them making more off Macs.

    Yes the Macs are nice but it seems Apple is more interested in gadgets than PC's. If Apple was fully interested in the Mac lines they would be using better hardware and a better variety of hardware. Intel has a licensed chipset that supports ATI's Crossfire which Apple should have offered in a Mac line. Where is the mid tower Mac to give the consumer a choice other than a Mac mini, iMac, or the Power Mac?
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  • Reply 19 of 31
    Originally Posted by Mkane View Post

    Show me the numbers where Apple has made more off the Macs vs the iPods in the past 3 years. I would like to see some legal documentation to support this idea.

    I'd be happy to. I just need to get a copy of my Apple Annual SEC Filing that all Apple stockholders get, and I'll give you the numbers.
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  • Reply 20 of 31
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    I'm curious: Which division of Apple has the helm on the iPhone and Apple tv? Mac or iPod? It seems to me the lines are VERY blurred now.
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