Chance Of A Touch Screen Cinema Display?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I know this is probably a long shot, but do any of you think we'll see a touch screen Cinema Display within the next year or two?

With Apple releasing the iPhone, a device with a 3.5 inch touch screen display, is it possible they might take that concept and technology even further and release a full size touch screen cinema display?

I would like to see such an item eventually replace the mouse for almost all simple commands, and I imagine it is only a matter of time, but such technology, I find, is usually drawn out for as long as possible to maximize profits.

But imagine the possibilities, and the level of desire such a device would garner over the rest of the computer monitor industry. It would be a new revolutionary device.....only available from Apple...albeit, probably at a substantial price point.

Want to open something from the dock? Just touch it. Want to scroll around a page? Just use your finger, multi-directional. They've already developed the software to work with the mighty mouse. That's just the basics of course. I imagine Apple, being the ultimate in creativity, could come up with some really amazing features.

It would also illeviate a lot of medical issues related to using a mouse.

Any thoughts?


  • Reply 1 of 26
    Next year or two? Not likely.

    Next five years? Definitely.

    I imagine this will likely come at the same time as Apple starts ramping up for whatever will come after OS X.
  • Reply 2 of 26
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    The main problem with such a scenario is that obliges you to extend your hands in front of you for extended periods of time, and that's not really all that comfortable a working environment.

    Try it-- reach out and start touching things on whatever screen your using. If it's fair sized, chances are it's at least a couple of feet away from your torso. Just holding your arms extended like that for more than a few minutes is tiring-- you want to drop them down in front of you where your (surprise!) keyboard is.

    I could see this working for a tablet sort of thing, where the working surface was flat in front of you, but I can't figure out how it would be ergonomically sensible for a traditional upright screen, much as I like the tech.
  • Reply 3 of 26
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    The main problem with such a scenario is that obliges you to extend your hands in front of you for extended periods of time, and that's not really all that comfortable a working environment.

    Try it-- reach out and start touching things on whatever screen your using. If it's fair sized, chances are it's at least a couple of feet away from your torso. Just holding your arms extended like that for more than a few minutes is tiring-- you want to drop them down in front of you where your (surprise!) keyboard is.

    I could see this working for a tablet sort of thing, where the working surface was flat in front of you, but I can't figure out how it would be ergonomically sensible for a traditional upright screen, much as I like the tech.

    I don't know, think of it as a display/tablet, approximately at sitting waist high (or slightly higher) level affixed to your normal work table, and inclined at perhaps a 20 degree angle from the horizontal. Again we've become accustomed to displays oriented vertically and seperated from the data entry devices (and ergonomically those data entry devices might be a better place for our hands and eyes).
  • Reply 4 of 26
    NO. Vertical touch screens don't work unless your standing up, and even then, they still don't usually work for most computing.
  • Reply 5 of 26
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Bad idea, IMO. Since reaching out to touch the screen is the last way I'd want to make a selection, and the greasy fingerprints that would result, I can't imagine anyone preferring this to a mouse. Voice activation of certain routine functions makes more sense, but I don't want to talk to my computer either.
  • Reply 6 of 26
    No... do you know how tired your arm would be
  • Reply 7 of 26
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    The main problem with such a scenario is that obliges you to extend your hands in front of you for extended periods of time, and that's not really all that comfortable a working environment.

    Try it-- reach out and start touching things on whatever screen your using. If it's fair sized, chances are it's at least a couple of feet away from your torso. Just holding your arms extended like that for more than a few minutes is tiring-- you want to drop them down in front of you where your (surprise!) keyboard is.

    I could see this working for a tablet sort of thing, where the working surface was flat in front of you, but I can't figure out how it would be ergonomically sensible for a traditional upright screen, much as I like the tech.

    Voice activated is as likely. I know, of course, what a mess Voice Recognition has always been, but it has the advantage of not requiring physical contact. Of course, for Tibetan monks living alone it is ideal; cubical life does not welcome "typing letters" or filling out spreadsheets aurally.

    But with the stuff in the new iPhone, something has to be better than going on with what we have.
  • Reply 8 of 26
    sthiedesthiede Posts: 307member
    no not likely

    bad idea


    expensive for nothing


    no no no no
  • Reply 9 of 26
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Originally Posted by sthiede View Post

    no not likely

    bad idea


    expensive for nothing


    no no no no

    Well, that certainly was a reasoned argument. Perhaps you could elaborate. I speak as someone for whom QWERTY keyboards have been my life since I was 6, so I am hardly against that form of input, BUT, if we are looking for something new, what might we expect.

    After all, the stylus and the clay tablet, damp, was enough for the Sumerians, and they invented law, kept records, and gave us <i>Gilgamesh,</i> so that is probably all we need, right?
  • Reply 10 of 26
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    I really don't understand why people think that the computer UI input needs to be improved. The keyboard and mouse work VERY well. No one thinks about the keyboard and mouse while using their computer anymore, it's just section nature. I can understand UI input changes on very small or portable devices like cell phones, mp3 players, PDAs, etc... but the computer's input is perfectly fine just the way it is.
  • Reply 11 of 26
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by Cubit View Post

    Well, that certainly was a reasoned argument. Perhaps you could elaborate.

    To defend sthiede's brief post, the idea of a touch screen Cinema Display is so farfetched, it doesn't need a very elaborate rebuttal.

    Touch screens have their purposes. They work pretty well at airport check-in kiosks for instance where it would be impractical to have a mouse. I think it's silly to consider reaching out to touch the screen on your own desk, when you're already going to have a keyboard and mouse much closer.
  • Reply 12 of 26
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    A touchscreen keyboard is the next logical step for desktop computers IMO, but even that is up for debate. People like touch feedback. A touch screen desktop screen is more than useless (see all logical comments from all above). If the possibility that Apple has indeed got the touchscreen keyboard UI right with the iPhone (with regard to visual and audio keypress feedback) then this could be interesting times for the Mac. Simple put from my point of view, if I use the iPhone, like the keyboard, and genuinely feel they have nailed the UI, I would then want such a touchscreen keyboard right away. If then it worked out this way, they could then do amazing things with the keyboards. They could display any touch image or UI on it, much like the iPhone. We'll see however, I'm not convinced. 8)
  • Reply 13 of 26
    A touch screen display will be very bad ergonomics for normal computer use. I don't see it happens
  • Reply 14 of 26
    sport73sport73 Posts: 438member
    I think there are some valid points made in objection to a MULTI-touch-screen as a primary input device, though I do think it could work in a desktop 20 degree incline setup as noted.


    I think we're forgetting about some of Apple's other patents and being a bit short-sighted. What if Apple releases a multi-touch keyboard with mechanical overlay so that it can be used as a traditional keyboard with tactile feedback, but takes only a moment to pull away the keyboard overlay and reveal a 18" x 10" multi-touch screen. Drawing tablet? manipulating photos? There are a million instances where the idea of directly manipulating the onscreen content is desireable.
  • Reply 15 of 26
    Originally Posted by Sport73 View Post

    I think there are some valid points made in objection to a MULTI-touch-screen as a primary input device, though I do think it could work in a desktop 20 degree incline setup as noted.


    I think we're forgetting about some of Apple's other patents and being a bit short-sighted. What if Apple releases a multi-touch keyboard with mechanical overlay so that it can be used as a traditional keyboard with tactile feedback, but takes only a moment to pull away the keyboard overlay and reveal a 18" x 10" multi-touch screen. Drawing tablet? manipulating photos? There are a million instances where the idea of directly manipulating the onscreen content is desireable.

    That seems a little bit complicated and a lot a bit far fetched.

    In my opinion, if touch screens ever become part of the computer UI, it will not be instead of the keyboard or mouse but rather a secondary input method.
  • Reply 16 of 26
    phongphong Posts: 219member
    No. If there's going to be multi-touch on a screen that large, it will be used like a drafter's canvas, tilted on an angle below the user's line of sight facing upwards and ready for creative work. It could be a great children's education center., too. Ordinary folk may want to just watch TV. Gamers could find a lot of use for it.

    In any case, it doesn't sound like an Apple machine. If they cared about the kind of creative people who would benefit from a device like this, they would have made a tablet a long time ago. \
  • Reply 17 of 26
    They could make a keyboard with a touchscreen.

    Some sort of interface that connects with the main computer to do lot's of stuff.

    -regular keyboard use with customizable key pictures/logo's




    -chat programs


    -infra-red port for remote controlling dvd players & so (with learn function)

    Well, let's just pop a infrared on the iphone then.

    I guess there's not much market for such a keyboard, would be cool though...

    I don't know if a touchscreen cinema display would be a hit, if yes then certainly not vertical.

    It should be horizotal like on a table and slightly tilted. They could call it iTable or iLap.

    It should be something groundbreakingly smart to catch on. We're all used to using a keyboard and a horizontal screen + we like to keep the screen from laptops safely away from objects when putting them in a bag.

    We'll see... ;-)
  • Reply 18 of 26
    Great feedback to this thread and you folks brought up a lot of points that I never even considered. I'm a tech hound and I love to see new innovations so this idea came to me on that basis. On reconsideration I could see the idea of a touch screen cinema display being more of an extra-functional gadget where one could use it for minor things in conjunction with a mouse and keyboard but again it would not be worth the added cost or hassle I suppose.

    I love the idea of scrolling with your finger as is present on the iPhone. I could see iPods possibly going in that direction. For a mobile device it makes sense. I now see it doesn't make much sense for a desktop screen. Thanks for the input.
  • Reply 19 of 26
    >_>>_> Posts: 336member

    For you nay-sayers.. watch this:

    Imagine the possible applications that kind of technology has. Worst-case scenario, you stand the display up-right, and use an external mouse / keyboard.

    - Xidius
  • Reply 20 of 26
    >_>>_> Posts: 336member
    Ohhh and I had forgotten about this video as well:

    - Xidius
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