Macbook, MacBook Pro & Leopard Info
My name is Ian and I have never owned a Mac before, but I am about to start. After my PC crashed on me for what will be the last time, I am going to make the switch to Mac.
My computer just crashed and I thought now might be the time to finally get a new comptuer. However, I'm in a jam. I'm used to widescreen laptops and I don't want to go down a screen size. I like the MacBook Pro because of the specs and the video card it comes with, but its damn expensive. I have been waiting for this long rumoured 15" Macbook (not pro) to come out along with Leopard.
However, I have the following questions and I was wondering if I can get some feedback on them.
1.) A more exact ballpark estimate for the release of Mac OS Leopard? I don't want to waste my money now buying Tiger when Leopard will be out soon, and I will just have to pay to upgrade. Also, are there going to be any other big features for Leopard that we're not already seeing in the Leopard preview on their website?
2.) Quad-Core Chip? I have been reading through a bunch of posts and I see there is already a new "Quad-Core" chip that is slated to go into the MacBook Pro's soon. I am just wondering if someone could elaborate on that one and tell me how much more powerful the quad-core will REALLY be over the current Core 2 Duo.
3.) 15" Macbook. I personally like the actual Macbook much more than the pro. I wouldn't mind saving a few $$$ by not having to get the MacBook Pro and I LOVE the keyboard design of the Macbook than the Macbook Pro. I am wondering if, again, someone has a more exact idea of when there could be the release of a 15" MacBook? Will it be standard in Black only? Will we only finally see this when Leopard comes out?
4.) Video Card option. The big selling point for me is the higher quality video card in the MacBook Pro. I'm not a graphics guy but I do enjoy a good game or two (which I would use Windows on the Mac to play). Is the current MacBook Pro video card going to be a new standard on the next MacBook or at least an option?
5.) Last but not least, I have read that people are talking about updates to the actual MacBook itself upon release of its new version. What kind of major upgrades do you think will be coming? Better resolution iChat camera? Longer battery life?
I would really apprecaite some feedback on this.
Thanks So Much: Ian
My computer just crashed and I thought now might be the time to finally get a new comptuer. However, I'm in a jam. I'm used to widescreen laptops and I don't want to go down a screen size. I like the MacBook Pro because of the specs and the video card it comes with, but its damn expensive. I have been waiting for this long rumoured 15" Macbook (not pro) to come out along with Leopard.
However, I have the following questions and I was wondering if I can get some feedback on them.
1.) A more exact ballpark estimate for the release of Mac OS Leopard? I don't want to waste my money now buying Tiger when Leopard will be out soon, and I will just have to pay to upgrade. Also, are there going to be any other big features for Leopard that we're not already seeing in the Leopard preview on their website?
2.) Quad-Core Chip? I have been reading through a bunch of posts and I see there is already a new "Quad-Core" chip that is slated to go into the MacBook Pro's soon. I am just wondering if someone could elaborate on that one and tell me how much more powerful the quad-core will REALLY be over the current Core 2 Duo.
3.) 15" Macbook. I personally like the actual Macbook much more than the pro. I wouldn't mind saving a few $$$ by not having to get the MacBook Pro and I LOVE the keyboard design of the Macbook than the Macbook Pro. I am wondering if, again, someone has a more exact idea of when there could be the release of a 15" MacBook? Will it be standard in Black only? Will we only finally see this when Leopard comes out?
4.) Video Card option. The big selling point for me is the higher quality video card in the MacBook Pro. I'm not a graphics guy but I do enjoy a good game or two (which I would use Windows on the Mac to play). Is the current MacBook Pro video card going to be a new standard on the next MacBook or at least an option?
5.) Last but not least, I have read that people are talking about updates to the actual MacBook itself upon release of its new version. What kind of major upgrades do you think will be coming? Better resolution iChat camera? Longer battery life?
I would really apprecaite some feedback on this.
Thanks So Much: Ian
2) Not sure if a quad core is practical for a laptop and most certainly would be expensive is possible.
3) no clue, but would susect a larger screen MacBook at some time.
4) no clue
5) no clue
Good luck with your decision, wish I could have been more help.
If I were you I would wait a couple of months and see what comes out the tube.
Go ahead and get the MacBook/MBP now if you need it, otherwise you're going to end up waiting for the next best thing.
I have two options, The first option is taht I can sell my PC laptop now. It will be in brand new condition because it will be just formatted and be like brand new by my IT guy, because it just completely crashed a few days ago and is being restored. I was thinking about selling it now, and when I go on vacation to the States I would get a MacBook Pro off eBay. It's cheaper and I can avoid all taxes and customs. I would also be forced to pay extra for a copy of Leopard...which isnt exactly cheap for a piece of software.
Two, I use my PC. I will have to go through reformatting everything at the time I purchase my Mac and I will get less for my computer later on. However, if I do that, I will wait and Mac Leopard will come installed on the computer, and potentially then the 15" MacBook (not pro) will be out then and hopefully with a bettter video card and a bigger standard hard drive. I see that Mac updates their hardware fairly often to increase the standard hard drive, memory & graphics card. However, this option forced me to use my piece of s*** PC for a while more and this option will be pricier because MacBook Pro's are cheaper now before they are updated and come with Leopard. I know this sounds like the obvious choice, but keep in mind this will cost much more $$$. I will get less for my PC and the Mac will be more expensive because its the newest, latest one.
Overall, I appreciate peoples in-depth feedback too, but overall I just want a simple poll from you guys. Simply, would you go with option 1 or 2?
P.S. Do you also think that buying an Applecare warranty is really worth it? Can you buy one off of eBay and when you recieve it, then register it to the Mac?
You can indeed buy the MB off ebay and register it with AC--IF it has not already been registered with them. (My mom has a second-hand iBook which was not registered, and we did this.) I would ask the seller if the laptop has been registered with Apple before you buy the MB, and if it has, call or email the AppleStore and ask them what to do.
If money is a problem, I will warn you that it will take some time before a Leopard-equipped MB ends up on ebay or in the refurbs. It takes some time after a release for second hand models to become available.
In regards what to do--I'm sort of in the same boat. I want to upgrade, too, but I also really like the buzz getting out about what to expect in the next update. I've decided that since I don't desperately "need" an upgrade (as in, I'm out of a laptop), I will just tough it out until the next MBP hits the market. My gut isn't convinced now is a good time to buy, and I'm not going to follow up on the upgrade without that conviction.
I would vote option 2 and wait for an upgrade with Leopard on it already and better parts. Just gradually save up some money between now and then as I think it may be worth it.
You would think they would come out with a 15" MacBook soon, but I haven't heard anything about this yet.
AppleCare is worth it if you plan to keep this laptop for at least 3 years.
Also, if you do end up going with option 1 Leopard won't be too expensive if you utilize your student discount at the Apple store which gives you a significant discount indeed. The only bad thing really about getting a MacBook Pro right now is that I am not crazy about what I have been hearing about its current screen, there doesn't seem to be any great reviews about it. Otherwise it should be a good pickup should you truly need it right now.
Glad to hear you are making the switch. You definitely won't be sorry! I would personally go for option 2 unless you need a new computer right now, in which case there really is no option 2. You said something about how the MBP will be pricier when it gets upgraded and comes pre-installed with Leopard. I don't know where you got that from, but that is most likely not true. The price for any given Mac rarely gets more expensive when its line is refreshed. The only time I saw this happen was during the switch to Intel but that was an anomalous situation. Prices generally stay the same or come down. I believe when the 20" iMac first came out, it was priced at around $1999, the same price as the current 24" iMac.
Hope this helps.
I really dont think that Apple will use a dedicated GPU anytime soon in the Macbooks. This is one of the things that set the pro line apart from the consumer line and make people spend the extra money. I havent heard of a quad core mobile chip from intel so I doubt they will be out in the next year, the only thing I have heard about is the quad core desktop chip that will succede Conroe.
If I were you I would wait a couple of months and see what comes out the tube.
Ok, let's be honest here:
I'm not a "Pro" the way Apple defines a Pro to be. However, I still need a notebook with a dedicated GPU to play games through BootCamp. So my options from Apple:
1) MacBook Pro 15/17". Price: $1999+
Or I can just go to Dell or HP or whatever other PC box manufacturer and get a decent GPU and CPU and RAM combo for:
Moreover. I want a 15" screen. From Apple, I'm locked into one option, an expensive one.
So what I want from Apple (and they'd be stupid not to do this in my view) is:
MacBook: 13-15-17" with inferior hard disk speeds, ports, and no dedicated GPUs. However, I can configure it from Apple to have a dedicated GPU.
MacBook Pro: 13-15-17 with superior - FOR PROS - hard disk speeds and capacities, more ports, keyboard lighting, dedicated GPUs standard, etc.
So the PROS will spend the big bucks to get their Pro notebooks. I, as a regular consumer, will get my regular notebook with the ability to play games decently.
I don't see why they don't offer the same screen size for every notebook Pro and not Pro. They can be different designs/materials as they are now. Also, there would still be enough incentive for the pros to get the Pro model b/c it's the best.
Ian, I know this doesn't relate to your topic specifically, but I just needed to vent the ridiculosly high price that Apple is pushing on me. I'd recommed getting the Pro when Leopard comes, though.
It sounds like a new MacBook now would make your life a bit easier now instead of playing the waiting game for the next 'latest and greatest' thing. Especially, since as others have mentioned no one here can really tell you when Apple will actually announce any new model. And then once announced, you may or may not be able to get it right away.
And what if you wait and for some reason, the new model is delayed, by then how frustrated will you be having waited????
You can upgrade to Leopard when it is actually available if you want. In the meantime, you can be getting good use out of your MacBook.
Also, regarding AppleCare, remember that you can purchase it later, so you can save some cash now if you like. You can purchase AppleCare anytime before your 1 year warranty is expired. So, by then
1) You'd know if you plan to keep your MacBook for more years and thus maybe want/need AppleCare or
2) You might have decided to get a new MacBook by then and thus not need/want AppleCare on that one
However, one possible other reason to get AppleCare is that it does make your MacBook more attractive to future buyers as it's transferable to them. Although, it does cost you to do this....
The point is that in this world of tech, there's always going to be a newer, better, faster model coming along, so if you wait, you'll just be frustrated too. Since within a short time of buying the new model you waited for there'll be rumors about the next model.....
As others have said, if you need it now, then buy it now...
Just in regards to one comment made by KD86 for price (to clarify) I plan on buying my Mac off eBay regardless. Through eBay I can avoid sales tax and when you buy a $2000 computer and sales tax in Ontario is %14, thats $280 saved...which can buy me an Applecare warranty. I hate paying sales tax...I avoid it whenever possible.
I was also informed by RNP that there could be potentially a new kind of screen put into the MBP which will be an LCD based screen. It will be brigher and it will save a good chunk of battery life (and to quote Borat...I LIKE!).
I know everyone thinks there is no point waiting for the latest and greatest, but I wouldnt mind having a larger hard drive. I currently have 120GB and I wouldnt mind 160-200GB. I would be installing Boot camp to run my PC games and I would like to give the windows side a large amount of space, but not minimizing my Apple side.
Also, is there going to be an update to Mac MS Office? I know Microsoft is releasing a new version of MS Office and mac is currently running one that was last updated in 2004 (i think). This is not a major decision though considering I will probably mooch MS Office off a friend of mine who already bought it.
The worse thing would be if I find out the next MacBook pro comes with the new Quad-Core chip that will be faster than a Ferrari on crack! Still though, I think I am still leaning towards just getting the MacBook Pro now with a Core 2 Duo. I'm currently watching an eBay auction and if the MacBook is at a price that is too good to pass up, I will take it.
Do you think there will be an update to the graphics card on the regular MacBook in the next gen?
I appreciate everyones feedback. I seriously do!
Just in regards to one comment made by KD86 for price (to clarify) I plan on buying my Mac off eBay regardless. Through eBay I can avoid sales tax and when you buy a $2000 computer and sales tax in Ontario is %14, thats $280 saved...which can buy me an Applecare warranty. I hate paying sales tax...I avoid it whenever possible.
I was also informed by RNP that there could be potentially a new kind of screen put into the MBP which will be an LCD based screen. It will be brigher and it will save a good chunk of battery life (and to quote Borat...I LIKE!).
I know everyone thinks there is no point waiting for the latest and greatest, but I wouldnt mind having a larger hard drive. I currently have 120GB and I wouldnt mind 160-200GB. I would be installing Boot camp to run my PC games and I would like to give the windows side a large amount of space, but not minimizing my Apple side.
Also, is there going to be an update to Mac MS Office? I know Microsoft is releasing a new version of MS Office and mac is currently running one that was last updated in 2004 (i think). This is not a major decision though considering I will probably mooch MS Office off a friend of mine who already bought it.
The worse thing would be if I find out the next MacBook pro comes with the new Quad-Core chip that will be faster than a Ferrari on crack! Still though, I think I am still leaning towards just getting the MacBook Pro now with a Core 2 Duo. I'm currently watching an eBay auction and if the MacBook is at a price that is too good to pass up, I will take it.
Do you think there will be an update to the graphics card on the regular MacBook in the next gen?
Leds for the screen are the next best thing and are more reliable than the present screen lighting set-up and will save a lot of battery time as has been said. The other thing is simply better, faster, and larger 7200 hard disk drives! As soon as Seagate gets their 7200 160 gig 2.5 drive on the market, I want one in my MacBook Pro!
I appreciate everyones feedback. I seriously do!
I was also informed by RNP that there could be potentially a new kind of screen put into the MBP which will be an LCD based screen. It will be brigher and it will save a good chunk of battery life (and to quote Borat...I LIKE!).
I know everyone thinks there is no point waiting for the latest and greatest, but I wouldnt mind having a larger hard drive. I currently have 120GB and I wouldnt mind 160-200GB. I would be installing Boot camp to run my PC games and I would like to give the windows side a large amount of space, but not minimizing my Apple side.
Also, is there going to be an update to Mac MS Office? I know Microsoft is releasing a new version of MS Office and mac is currently running one that was last updated in 2004 (i think). This is not a major decision though considering I will probably mooch MS Office off a friend of mine who already bought it.
The worse thing would be if I find out the next MacBook pro comes with the new Quad-Core chip that will be faster than a Ferrari on crack! Still though, I think I am still leaning towards just getting the MacBook Pro now with a Core 2 Duo. I'm currently watching an eBay auction and if the MacBook is at a price that is too good to pass up, I will take it.
Yes, the rumor is Apple will be incorporating LED technology into their screens at some point, but there's no telling how long it will take for them to start implementing that. It could be in the next update, or it could be in the next 3 updates... it's anyone's guess at this point. I personally feel the current screens are very nice, but there will always be something better on the horizon.
As for Office... Windows should get the new version this year, but from what I have heard, the Mac version isn't expected until next year.
Again, if you don't mind waiting until the next update, then it's wise of you to wait. Whatever comes out though, I wouldn't continue to wait if you're waiting on something like LED, quad-core chip, etc. because you may be waiting a very long time if the next update doesn't have all the features you are hoping for.
Yes, the rumor is Apple will be incorporating LED technology into their screens at some point, but there's no telling how long it will take for them to start implementing that. It could be in the next update, or it could be in the next 3 updates... it's anyone's guess at this point. I personally feel the current screens are very nice, but there will always be something better on the horizon.
As for Office... Windows should get the new version this year, but from what I have heard, the Mac version isn't expected until next year.
Again, if you don't mind waiting until the next update, then it's wise of you to wait. Whatever comes out though, I wouldn't continue to wait if you're waiting on something like LED, quad-core chip, etc. because you may be waiting a very long time if the next update doesn't have all the features you are hoping for.
You seem to be very up on this stuff. What is your best guesstimate for the next apple hardware update (for laptops)?
The first one, Quad Core for laptops, is simply a no. Intel has no such chips in its pipeline for the next few months as we know, perhaps for Merom, but I doubt it, and that's slated for 2nd half this year at the earliest.
The Macbook will probably recieve updated integrated graphics at the next update, but no one knows just how good these will be. Not very is a good bet.
As for a 15" Macbook, Apple should already have one. Will they introduce one in the future? That's anyone's guess. The only reason I can think of to hold off buying a Mac now would be to wait for Leopard. Tiger however is very nice and to upgrade to Leopard won't be a $400 hit to the wallet when it arrives.
Because they profit from it, that means your expected value from purchasing it (i.e., the likelihood of a problem X the cost of fixing the problem) is lower than what it will cost to purchase AppleCare. If you get unlucky and have a problem outside of regular warranty, then you just have to pay for it yourself. If you prefer the peace of mind, that's cool, but just realize that's what you're paying for.
On AppleCare: Most personal finance people strongly recommend against any of those types of extended-warranty plans. They sell AppleCare because it makes them a profit, period, in the same way that rustproofing makes car dealers a profit and electronics stores like Best Buy make a hefty profit from their extended warranty plans.
Because they profit from it, that means your expected value from purchasing it (i.e., the likelihood of a problem X the cost of fixing the problem) is lower than what it will cost to purchase AppleCare. If you get unlucky and have a problem outside of regular warranty, then you just have to pay for it yourself. If you prefer the peace of mind, that's cool, but just realize that's what you're paying for.
Agreed. For the same reason, I also avoid health care and auto insurance. Sure, that second one's illegal. But because they profit from it, there's no value in it!
Agreed. For the same reason, I also avoid health care and auto insurance. Sure, that second one's illegal. But because they profit from it, there's no value in it!
thanks;that made my day8)