Cramer: Cingular to give away 18 months of service with iPhone



  • Reply 61 of 69
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight View Post

    They announced the iPhone because they didn't have shit else to announce at "Macworld". If it wasn't for the iPhone, what was the purpose of Macworld. No tiger news, no iLife news, no iWork news, no new hardware,...

    I'd say it's more likely the other way around. They needed to announce the iPhone (for a lot of different reasons) so other things were pushed to the background. I'm expecting several mac related announcements/release in February.
  • Reply 63 of 69
    Damn...mayabe they are wrong? I probably won't be able to get it unless it has a very good deal with it.
  • Reply 64 of 69
    well, it turns out wrong information. jsut take a look this article. Cingular will never this service for customers. of course, they could drop the price of iphone. but 18 months for what? I don't believe.
  • Reply 65 of 69
    wow a year and a half free service...definitly going to be on my purchase list if this happens, im curious to what exactly they are going to give away (type of plan)

    and ya 3G in europe is horrible, i recently brought my gf's blackjack and ran it over vodafone i beleive, and wow worse than my GSM sidekick 3 on their networks...sucked sorry but 3G is a waiste for now...and europe isnt any different
  • Reply 66 of 69
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    These are incredibly expensive and gay in canada

    I thought you were all gay up there? That's what I heard when I was watching FOX News I think...

    Anyway...if this is true I may switch...of course all my family and my fiancée got Verizon to be "in". Ugh I think it would be kind of selfish to make everyone else I get to pick a list of 5 people to be "in" or am I thinking of another company?

    I however don't believe this rumor. It sounds WAY too good to be true. If it's true I may have to do it--but it's just way too good to be true.
  • Reply 67 of 69
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Agreed. I was hopeful at first, but the most I can see happening is 18mon free *data* on top of a simple voice plan. (Then, after you've found it indispensible, they charge you the full bend-over-buddy data rates for the last 6 months of the plan.)
  • Reply 68 of 69
    Originally Posted by Splinemodel View Post

    What you refer to as CDMA is actually a standard called IS-95, and it no longer exists aside from legacy support. All 3G standards use one form of CDMA or another, so saying "CDMA" basically is equivalent to saying "3G."

    It's quite likely that Apple is working on a CDMA2000-based EVDO model, to run on Sprint and possibly Verizon networks, as well as the many other Asian and non-EU European EVDO networks.

    It's quite likely that Apple is also working on a WCDMA-based HSDPA model for NTT and EU 3G networks, but EVDO is probably going to come first because it has a greater installed base and because many nations have existing spectrum allocation in the WCDMA range, the USA being one of them.

    I beg your pardon? CDMA is all that is available where I live. No 3G. "The middle of nowhere" is probably about right.

    Cingular and Verizon can duke it out somewhere else. Neither is available here.
  • Reply 69 of 69
    ijayijay Posts: 57member
    Originally Posted by gordy View Post

    I see a lot of Cingular hate, but, it's AT&T now. With the networks combined, can it really be that bad?

    actually cingular was very good BEFORE the merger. after they merged with AT&T the signal became sh!t and customer service got worst (than it used to be)
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