Rogers Wireless lands exclusive iPhone deal in Canada



  • Reply 21 of 45
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ...Rogers... would make a good fit for the Apple phone, as its the only Canadian provider offering GSM service....

    LOL ...and here I was thinking Canada was a tad more advanced than USA. Tsk tsk. North Americans.... GSM world standard Hello...???? muah ha hahah hh aha

    But in Australia as well, wireless (mobile) DATA plans are hella expensive. Not worthwhile for the average consumer and it will be a challenge for the iPhone, though 3G in 2008 wireless (mobile) DATA will be cheaper.

    Wireless (mobile) DATA 3G is affordable to average consumers here mostly through "packaged" data (eg. pre-rendered mobile news served from the service provider) rather than pure-random-Intenet-access data. \
  • Reply 22 of 45
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by auxio View Post

    Glad I didn't get caught up in the Crackberry hype and will soon be going straight to the iPhone. I was holding out for true convergence (phone, contact manager, wireless syncing, decent MP3 player, decent camera, decent email client which uses IMAP) and the iPhone looks to be it. The only other thing I could possibly want are video games as good as the PSP, but you can't have it all.

    Sorry Research In Motion, if you would have moved faster on convergence rather than riding out one innovation, I would have happily supported a Canadian company.

    I had an DellAxim for a very short while (hated it, eBayed it off within a few weeks) back in 2004 and past two years I've sort of had an eye out on O2/HP iPaq and what is happening with PDASmartphones, my cousin-in-law and my dad's friend has one....... They like it a lot for when they're on the go and they don't need to whip out a laptop.

    I never got the CrackBerry thing. ...As in, what's the big deal with BlackBerry and "push" email. I mean, my usual work email, when I was working, was pretty damn intense for those several years. I'd be "pushed" to check my email like every few minutes...!!

    I haven't really owned a PDA since the time of HandSpring.... Aw yeah.. Old skool. Maybe I will jump back on in 2008 with da iPhone... I wonder which carrier though in UK/ Australia/ Malaysia/ Singapore/ wherever the hell I happen to be....
  • Reply 23 of 45
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by Pascal007 View Post

    BAD ?

    Edit - A mod was here.

    Sorry didn't mean to offend, check my original post for the apology.
  • Reply 24 of 45
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,774member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    I never got the CrackBerry thing. ...As in, what's the big deal with BlackBerry and "push" email. I mean, my usual work email, when I was working, was pretty damn intense for those several years. I'd be "pushed" to check my email like every few minutes...!!

    Yeah, I could care less about push email. I just want a phone where I can type out an email without bashing my head against the wall. That's where the Crackberry is better than a regular phone.


    I haven't really owned a PDA since the time of HandSpring.... Aw yeah.. Old skool. Maybe I will jump back on in 2008 with da iPhone...

    Yeah, that's the same with me. My last "true" PDA was the Visor.

    Though my Ericsson Z600 keeps all my contact info and syncs via Bluetooth with my Mac. So it's a pretty decent PDA in that respect. Though I still usually end up writing information down on a piece of paper when I'm out due to the typing frustration noted above. That's where the iPhone should help out.
  • Reply 25 of 45
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Does this automatically mean that Rogers will provide the same visual voice mail service?
  • Reply 26 of 45
    According to a short blurb in the Gazette this morning, a spokesperson for Rogers denied any deal was done. Also, no email was sent to clients announcing such a deal.

    PS: yes, they mentionned

  • Reply 27 of 45
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Rogers is probably only the second complete disaster of a cell company in Canada behind Telus.

    When Rogers carries the new iPone... it will do the following:

    Not play music

    Not play video

    Not have bluetooth

    Not run os X

    Not have web browsing capabilites

    Not connect to any computer in any way possible

    Not display any graphical user interface

    Will be an impressive inert piece of technology that holds down paper, and looks cool.

    Will have custom Rogers 3bit graphic logo that appears when it turns on... and if you pay an extra $300/month on your bill... will make phone calls.

    Rogers is one of those companies that disables ALL features on its phones.

    I have the Motorolla Razor... and all I can do is talk. If I take a photo.... all i can do is send it wireless for $5 to another phone.... no way to put it on your computer.

    They disabled the bluetooth, calls are always droped after 3 minutes, they always screw up the billing... forcing you to spend 5 hours on hold over a matter of days to not resolve the issue.

    It's the most pathetic excuse for a company that i've ever seen... except for Telus.

    So Yay.... when the iPhone comes out... I'll go look at it... then go home and watch the keynote... and dream of what could have been....
  • Reply 28 of 45
    zandroszandros Posts: 537member
    Whoa. Your data plans are expensive. Over here, 3 offers a 3.6 Mbit (HSDPA) unlimited data plan for about 80 USD/month. Even that is too much by half, IMO.
  • Reply 29 of 45
    hujibhujib Posts: 117member
  • Reply 30 of 45
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by MikeGlenn View Post

    I'm sorry but the title is a bit sensationalist. Rogers has yet to "land" anything, they're just the most likely since they're the only GSM carrier in Canada. We only know that at some point they MAY carry the iPhone. If, when and how much are up to Apple to decide.

    I totally agree. I have always had the suspicion that Steve hates Canada. It took YEARS to get a Canadian iTunes store and only recently did we get at least a subset of refurbished/discounted deals at the Apple online store. I think we still don't have an Apple retail store (correct me if i'm wrong) and the fact that there was no announcement for Canadian availability for the iPhone does not bode well. I certainly wouldn't hold my breath...

    Steve! Did we offend you? What happened? I remember when even NeXT had an office in Vancouver. Where you mistreated? Where we too polite for you? Talk to us!
  • Reply 31 of 45
    hujibhujib Posts: 117member
    There are 2 Apple Retail stores in Toronto.
  • Reply 32 of 45
    As a Rogers customer for over five years, and a Telus customer for 8 months during that span, I gotta say I can't see myself with any other carrier. Their customer service is second to none, the service in general is awesome, no complaints here.

    Disabling phone features? I have a Treo 650 and none of the features are disabled, I don't even have a data plan I just paid the price where I didn't need a data plan. I will probably get the cheapest plan though to take advantage of the weather and Google maps thing. I agree the data plan is expensive and I've been holding out on it. It's pretty sad when it's cheaper to do data roaming (1 cent/kb in the US) than to surf in your own area (5 cent/kb if you're not on a data plan). Even the $25/3MB data plan costs 2 cent/kb to surf over and above the 3MB...
  • Reply 33 of 45
    Originally Posted by Tofino View Post

    I have always had the suspicion that Steve hates Canada. It took YEARS to get a Canadian iTunes store and only recently did we get at least a subset of refurbished/discounted deals at the Apple online store. I think we still don't have an Apple retail store (correct me if i'm wrong) and the fact that there was no announcement for Canadian availability for the iPhone does not bode well.

    Steve's ok with Canucks (as far as I know). The iTunes store delay was due to 1) the labyrinthine nature of Canada's music copyright system (it's cobbled together from matchsticks and scotch tape); 2) digitally-induced fear on the part of CDN labels and artists ("uhhhh, we gonna get paid or what, eh?"). As for the online store, I place the blame on Apple Canada rather than S. Jobs. Apple Canada seems to have taken a cue from the music industry (the "matchsticks & tape" approach to organizational management). In my experience, they're more or less a bunch of seat warmers. Seems to me that Apple Oz is a fair bit more active & innovative (but they're somewhat inaccessible to we CDNs, what with being on the other side of the world and all).

    Finally (and back on to the thread), the iPhone announcement (or lack thereof) is likely due to Roger's trying to do its best to make as much $ as possible off of it rather than foot-draggin' by Apple. Canada's telecom ecosystem is, from the p.o.v. of consumers, pretty darn lousy (as this thread demonstrates). Roger's knows the buzz around the iPhone and if they end up with both the iPhone and the Blackberry, well, they'll have a lock on the converge-o-device market. Good ol' CDN telecom monopoly thinking is, I'm sure, in full force at Roger's. Will things get better if BCE is bought out by non-CDNs? Don't bet on it. The reason why non-CDN companies want in to Canada is to have access to the way-stupid (for us) money-fountain (for them) that is the oligopolized CDN telecom system.
  • Reply 34 of 45
    Rogers landing the deal is old news. If you emailed them directly as long as a month they would email you back telling you that they were gonna carry the device.

    Hear me now: The key to the iPhone in Canada is Rogers offering an unlimited data plan!!!. If they don't do that, the iPhone will flop!
  • Reply 35 of 45
    Yeah Canadian data rates are freakin' insane and I would sincerely hope that Apple requires a flat rate data plan for a reasonable price to be bundled with the iPhone.

    As for the other comments does anyone seriously think that Apple would let Rogers stuff their branding and crap experience all over it? If Rogers wants it they agree to most or all the terms AT&T agreed to. What Rogers is get is an exclusive on the iPhone, and their little logo saying it's the Rogers network in the top left of the screen. They also get one slick phone that will strengthen their brand, and with mobile number portability bring in Telus/Bell customers .

    Now to wish that the theoretically economically conservative federal government would deregulate the telecom market and we could get some competition up here. To be sure the various US networks would probably only cover the hundred miles from the border folks (plus the other mid-to-large cities) but it would be enough for me and plenty others?as Fido showed before Rogers bought them.
  • Reply 36 of 45
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Electric Monk View Post

    Yeah Canadian data rates are freakin' insane

    That's to be expected... Data moves slower in the colder climates therefore cell towers are outfitted with enormous blow dryers to re-warm the air and keep the data rolling and **somebody** has to pay for that...

  • Reply 37 of 45
    I was talking to a client of mine today who owns a business that deals in security technology for cellphones, he's kind of a big deal in the industry and he mentioned to me that Yes indeed Rogers Wireless will be carrying the iPhone in Canada, they already have them in their wearhouses and plan to begin offering it shortly after it is launched in the US so that they can ride the wae of buzz that will be generated by at&t.

    He also had one on hand and it is incredible, such a beautiful little device that's so fun and easy to use. The visual voice mail didn't work yet but everything else was just fine. I was supprised at how easy typing on it is and how the response of the OS is damn near organic.

    It's nothing official but it should put us Canadians who felt like we were being left in the dark here at ease.
  • Reply 38 of 45
    eric1285eric1285 Posts: 29member
    Any idea on when exactly the iPhone will be launched in Canada?
  • Reply 39 of 45
    If Apple has enough iPhones I imagine as soon as possible, given that Canada has similar 3G UMTS coverage to the States (i.e. fairly little) and hence a 3G version isn't the priority it is in Europe or the requirement (ya know, to work at all) in Japan/South Korea.

    Like the guy said above (regardless of whether he was telling the truth or not about playing with it it makes sense for Rogers to ride off the AT&T advertising dollars as Canada is basically part of the US television market.

    I believe I heard August in a rumour, but that means very little. My prediction? Depends on how many iPhone Apple actually managed to manufacture and very little else.
  • Reply 40 of 45
    Originally Posted by indiemike View Post

    I was talking to a client of mine today who owns a business that deals in security technology for cellphones, he's kind of a big deal in the industry and he mentioned to me that Yes indeed Rogers Wireless will be carrying the iPhone in Canada, they already have them in their wearhouses and plan to begin offering it shortly after it is launched in the US so that they can ride the wae of buzz that will be generated by at&t.

    He also had one on hand and it is incredible, such a beautiful little device that's so fun and easy to use. The visual voice mail didn't work yet but everything else was just fine. I was supprised at how easy typing on it is and how the response of the OS is damn near organic.

    It's nothing official but it should put us Canadians who felt like we were being left in the dark here at ease.

    Sorry to be distrustful pal but I find it hard to believe you. I really do hate to be a cynic but really anyone can come on the forum and claim to have seen or used an iPhone. Are you able to offer any proof to back up your statements? Perhaps tell us some new information about the OS, Apps, etc that haven't been broadcast yet?
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