Briefly: Leopard shots, iPhone rumor, 10.4.9, Euro iTunes videos

in General Discussion edited January 2014
More screenshots of Apple's Leopard operating system are making the rounds. Meanwhile, this week's popular iPhone rumor may have been too good to be true. And both Mac OS X 10.4.9 and iTunes Euro video content are reportedly so close you can smell 'em.

Latest Leopard Luxuries

A second round of screenshots from the most recent distribution of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard are circling the web this week. Although the source website is bobbing on- and off-line due to traffic issues, Gizmodo is also mirroring a subset of the images.

Shown in the screenshots are Leopard's Finder-based QuickLook image viewer and the ongoing refinement of Spotlight search. The former, as previously reported by AppleInsider, will allow users to view large-scale versions of image files in the finder without launching an image viewing application. Meanwhile, ongoing enhancements to Spotlight include a "search by attribute" dialog and options to restrict searches by filetypes (images, quicktime, "People," etc.).

18 months free service rumor no more?

In a separate report, Gizmodo is also claiming to have smashed Thursday's omnipresent "18 month's of free Cingular service" iPhone rumor dished out by CNBC analyst Jim Cramer.

"The report is nonsense," a Cingular report told the gadget pub. "We've always said the only way you can get the iPhone is with a Cingular rate plan."

Another Mac OS X 10.4.9

Another week, another build. And this time it's becoming transparently clear -- Mac OS X 10.4.9 Update is rounding the home stretch.

Apple continued planting seeds of the Tiger update at a rapid pace this week, releasing to developers build 8P2122 for Intel-based Macs and build 8P122 for PowerPC systems. They arrive on the heels of builds 8P2120 (and 8P120) and 8P2117 (and 8P117), each of which were unleashed last week.

In a set of notes accompanying the latest build, Apple reportedly told testers to be aware of just three remaining glitches pertaining to iMovie, Wacom drives and Microsoft Entourage.

iTunes video content in Europe this Spring?

According to French paper Le Figaro, Apple's European iTunes Store may begin serving up television programing as early as March or April.


  • Reply 1 of 10
    bedouinbedouin Posts: 331member
    Who else was hoping one day we'd see a 10.4.10 -- just for kicks? Looks like .9 will be the highest we reach this time around as well.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,825member
    How about
  • Reply 3 of 10
    I wonder where Cramer got his "inside" information. Last time I'll listen to him.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    From Newman ?
  • Reply 5 of 10
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ...According to French paper Le Figaro, Apple's European iTunes Store may begin serving up television programing as early as March or April.....

    Also soon to be served: Apple, by the European AntiTrust Movement that is building force at the moment. Given said TV shows are DRM'ed and locked in to only iTunes+iPod+AppleTV playback, wooooooo... More ammo for the Euro AntiTrust force - they'll need to adjust their lawsuits/ allegations/ fines accordingly...
  • Reply 6 of 10
    ericblrericblr Posts: 172member
    I have Leopard 9A321 installed (the beta released in December). If you would like to see some screenshots, post to here what you would like to see and I will be more than happy to oblige.

  • Reply 7 of 10
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by ericblr View Post

    I have Leopard 9A321 installed (the beta released in December). If you would like to see some screenshots, post to here what you would like to see and I will be more than happy to oblige.


    Here's one:
  • Reply 8 of 10
    is to get the itunes stores in all countries to sell video online , why it is going to happen in europe is to give apple an advantage over the other media online stores, they can then say why can't they offer videos on demand etc. Don't just open up in europe what about all itunes stores?

    As for the iphone I find it hard to believe that the US can't commit to 3G as they have very poor 3G infrastructure , giving users video chat etc. Although they will make money on upgraded models I can see people trying to buy used ones before they hit their own shores over the net only to find them locked.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    that Cingular PR quote didn't exactly deny some sort of incentive to switch. Cingular didn't say, for example, "there's no way we'd give free months of service in a rate plan".

    so, of course, the iPhone will require a Cingular rate plan, duh? But what's in that rate plan, Cingular? The plan could be a simple 24 month plan, or it could be an incentivized 36month plan that includes 18 months of free service or free data service. So Cramer's rumor hasn't yet been totally refuted.
  • Reply 10 of 10
    Originally Posted by ericblr View Post

    I have Leopard 9A321 installed (the beta released in December). If you would like to see some screenshots, post to here what you would like to see and I will be more than happy to oblige.


    Did you see what Babygotmas had on their site (a link) that actually showed you Leopard?

    Its down today - they had to take it down due to a letter from AAPL HDQ.

    Question: If you've seen IT (before it was taken down) was that the real thing?

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