Speculation: iWork/iLife waiting for new multi-touch hardware



  • Reply 41 of 45
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member

    You never commented on the Apple patent on placing the ODD on the bottom of the laptop to "capture" precious internal space/volume inside the unit. I'd be interested in hearing your comments on the concept of an ODD on the bottom re practicability and saleability and the ensuing increase of internal space to insert something else.

  • Reply 42 of 45
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by lfe2211 View Post

    On big spreadsheets and tables, I would use MT to select groups of data (I hate mousing around to do that) and then touch an icon on the panel to execute a script. Since I also do a lot of multiple graph overlay comparisons, I think MT would be great for that as well. So, I suppose my proposals are heavily weighted by my own biases and wishes.

    There's no reason the icon needs to be on the panel and not on the screen in a palette. Palettes are universal. Anybody can use them, whether they have MT or mouse. Either way, you'd have to define them yourself, so there's no savings in work there by using MT.

    As for the optical drive, that may be just Apple hoping to make laptops thinner, perhaps on the road to the ultrathin ultralight many people (including myself) hope they will introduce soon.
  • Reply 43 of 45
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    There's no reason the icon needs to be on the panel and not on the screen in a palette. Palettes are universal. Anybody can use them, whether they have MT or mouse. Either way, you'd have to define them yourself, so there's no savings in work there by using MT.

    Are you saying that the only displays needed on the panel are system related feedback types like the "squares" after the flathand technique confirms USB reset?

    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    As for the optical drive, that may be just Apple hoping to make laptops thinner, perhaps on the road to the ultrathin ultralight many people (including myself) hope they will introduce soon.

    As you saw from my post on that dopey "Macbook 12.1" thread, that's my fervent hope as well. I can continue on with my T160, but I really, really want a Sony TX-like Mac that runs OSX.
  • Reply 44 of 45
    This is a bit sad, but you can fake the 'feel' of a 'unitouch' interface by hovering your finger over the screen where the mouse pointer is. Try resizing a window whilst pointing at the resize widget with your finger. The 'feel' of it is totally different from using a mouse.

    I think the new iMac will be full screen multi-touch. It will rock the world.
  • Reply 45 of 45
    on another topic... local apple store just got 3 sony bravia TVs... so apple TV should be out soon... also for what i have heard the new shirts will be handed out this weekend. if rumors are corect they should be blue (blue screen of death?) ... lol...

    Edit: well the shirts were out but only the text in front under the iMac image is blue. the displays for apple tv are suposto be up by the 28. oh well...
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