in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
GOSH DARN IT!!!!!!!! I want a Macbook Pro with Leopard installed from the factory. When does everybody think new Macbook Pro's will come out???? And what features are you predicting they are going to add???

Here is my predictions:

2.66-2.93 Ghz Core 2 Duo

2 GB RAM Standard on all models up to 4 GB

New Video Card: X1900 or X2300, 256 and 512 MB

2 Megapixel Integrated Camera

Magnetic Latch

Black Aluminum Case

Leopard installed

New Keyboard

250 GB HD

*Edit by Fran441, removed Profanity


  • Reply 1 of 104
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by TonyD007 View Post

    GOSH DARN IT!!!!!!!! I want a Macbook Pro with Leopard installed from the factory.

    Then be prepared for a long wait. Oh, welcome onboard.
  • Reply 2 of 104
    lol this is like the angry version of my first thread. I'm in the same boat and hoping to get one before september starts.

    ppl on this site have guessed anywhere from later this month to august..lol. So it can be a matter of a few weeks (honestly, I really doubt it as the OS hasn't even come out yet...) or a number of months. Lots of people are saying leopard's coming out in june...I think thats the WWDC...and while I have no evidence to support this, if I were apple, I'd release macbooks with the OS loaded on them around the same time.
  • Reply 3 of 104
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by r1400sch View Post

    lI'm in the same boat and hoping to get one before september starts.

    I believe you are on schedule. 8) Oh, and welcome you too.
  • Reply 4 of 104
    rageousrageous Posts: 2,170member
    Welcome aboard. I suggest you read over the posting guidelines before getting too involved here. At this pace you'll be banned 10 posts in.
  • Reply 5 of 104
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    There's a new thread like this started every week!
  • Reply 6 of 104
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    Dear TonyD007,

    I would suggest a better use of words. You can keep the cursing to yourself, please.
  • Reply 7 of 104
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by TonyD007 View Post

    Here is my predictions:

    2.66-2.93 Ghz Core 2 Duo

    Well that's wonderful, but such a CPU doesn't exist and won't any time soon. The spring update to Merom will give us 2.4 GHz, but that's about it.


    250 GB HD

    Nor is there a 250 GB 2.5-inch drive. You could use two drives, which you're gonna have a hard time fitting in the slim MBP case, so that would realistically only be an option for the 17-inch model.
  • Reply 8 of 104
    kukitokukito Posts: 113member
    Originally Posted by Chucker View Post

    Well that's wonderful, but such a CPU doesn't exist and won't any time soon. The spring update to Merom will give us 2.4 GHz, but that's about it.

    There are rumors of a Core 2 Extreme for laptops at 2.6 and 2.8 GHz.


    These have an unlocked multiplier so Apple could factory overclock them. But I think we're more likely to see these in an ultra high-end iMac than in a laptop but one never knows with Apple.
  • Reply 9 of 104
    ebaydan777ebaydan777 Posts: 269member
    i second you on this, im going to assume apple is holding off on everything because of Leopard

    so leopard really needs to be released ASAP so everything can start being released right after as well
  • Reply 10 of 104
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator
    Originally Posted by kukito View Post

    These have an unlocked multiplier so Apple could factory overclock them.

    You're talking about Apple right? They only know how to underclock things.

    Does anyone think the reason the new machines are taking so long to come out is due to a redesign? Is there anything more than pure speculation to suggest this is the case i.e insider manufacturing plant tip offs?
  • Reply 11 of 104
    sigh.... so imacs upgrades are gonna come out the same time as macbook pros huh?
  • Reply 12 of 104
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Originally Posted by ebaydan777 View Post

    i second you on this, im going to assume apple is holding off on everything because of Leopard

    so leopard really needs to be released ASAP so everything can start being released right after as well

    I'm also ready to buy a MacBook Pro but am waiting for 10.5. It would really be nice if Apple released new MBP's near the 10.5 release but I'll settle for 10.5 only.

    - Mark
  • Reply 13 of 104
    Apple is using the NAB show in Vegas next month to make an announcement, but don't get your knickers in too much of a twist about it, say our Bothan spies in the company. The Cupertino company is taking to the floor on Sunday April 15, and there is no new hardware on offer, just new versions of the Pro media software, focusing on the Final Cut Studio suite - which in itself is rather good news.

    Steve Jobs' ninja teams usually take the first stall in the South Hall, but this year they are upgrading to a bigger booth. Our sources, however, stress not to expect any radical new hardware until the launch of Leopard... yet they remind us that, with Apple, you never know. Oh, and a direct quote: "The next quarter is really going to be packed with new stuff." So on second thoughts, do get your knickers in a twist. Now. ? Ad Dugdale
  • Reply 14 of 104
    Originally Posted by TonyD007 View Post

    GOSH DARN IT!!!!!!!! I want a Macbook Pro with Leopard installed from the factory. When does everybody think new Macbook Pro's will come out???? And what features are you predicting they are going to add???

    Here is my predictions:

    2.66-2.93 Ghz Core 2 Duo

    2 GB RAM Standard on all models up to 4 GB

    New Video Card: X1900 or X2300, 256 and 512 MB

    2 Megapixel Integrated Camera

    Magnetic Latch

    Black Aluminum Case

    Leopard installed

    New Keyboard

    250 GB HD

    firstly, welcome to the forum

    secondly, as stated, think your specs are a bit on the optimistic side.

    try this

    2.16-2.4hgz core 2 duo

    1GB RAM on low end model, 2GB high end, amybe a 3GB max

    X1650 on low, X1900 on high end


    possibly 150GB hard disk on low end model, 200gb on the high end
  • Reply 15 of 104
    dehjrdehjr Posts: 8member
    i say not to expect new laptops until the santa rosa chipset is released which is slated for a may release date. which also might be the release date for leopard
  • Reply 16 of 104
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    Yep, New MBP not before May and May is a good time to ship Leopard. The fastest C2D chip will be 2.6 GHz in the spring and 2.8 GHz in the fall (Extreme).

    Foul language not appreciated.
  • Reply 17 of 104
    tonyd007tonyd007 Posts: 36member
    Man, I was just joking with the cusing. LOL, you people are taking it way too seriously. I agree, the new Macbook Pro's are going to have Santa Rosa. So I am predicting a May/June Release date for them to coincide with the release of Leopard. What other specs are you all predicting?
  • Reply 18 of 104
    b3ns0nb3ns0n Posts: 95member
    I'd rather see the vile cursing than such flagrant abuse of English as is displayed by your unnecessary apostrophe insertion.

    It confuses me that people think that Apple owes them products. I'd say don't plan seeing on a new MacBook Pro before WWDC, although anything is possible.
  • Reply 19 of 104
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    This has all been discussed on other threads but here are some likely/hoped for specs:

    15.4" MBP

    New design, thinner, lighter

    New LED backlight for the display

    Santa Rosa, includes 800 MHz FSB, Robson (some flash memory on logic board)

    2.2, 2.4 or 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

    All told, a nice improvement. They should be faster and have longer battery life.
  • Reply 20 of 104
    Originally Posted by Rolo View Post

    This has all been discussed on other threads but here are some likely/hoped for specs:

    15.4" MBP

    New design, thinner, lighter

    New LED backlight for the display

    Santa Rosa, includes 800 MHz FSB, Robson (some flash memory on logic board)

    2.2, 2.4 or 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

    All told, a nice improvement. They should be faster and have longer battery life.

    I'm hoping to hold out for a screen-integrated iSight camera (eye-contact iChat).
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