NAND flash to play bigger role in future Mac and iPod models



  • Reply 21 of 34
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    I agree, they'll probably put it on the iPod as well. But a tablet? Meh... sure, if they even bother to build one. \


    Right. I am not willing to go out on a limb and say I confidently believe Apple is developing a tablet Mac. I'm just saying that a tablet seems much more likely than a Sub-Notebook, given the evidence.

  • Reply 22 of 34
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    SanDisk said $600 for their 32GB 1.8" SSD before saying "OMG the prices dropped 50% in the last qtr! Don't expect us to exceed guidance". Others says 2 times the cost of a 1.8" HDD by this spring (call it $300).

    Given the Nano pricing, Samsung, if they so choose, could build $600 (retail) 32GB SSDs today but it appears most of their capability is going to the iPod and to OEMs. $600 is a mite too high for wide acceptance anyway. $

    70% price cut in 2006. Toshiba estimates 60% price cuts in 2007. More likely since they just invested a huge chunk of cash to bring in new production capabilies for their higher density chips. They say they want to get to the "tipping point" where SSDs take significant share from HDD in the portable market which some analysts say is $120 for 64GB. If trends continue that's late 2008, early 2009...


    Thank you for your posts. You seem to have done considerable studying of the

    NAND industry capacity increases/improvements and pricing implications. I don't

    want to bash Wu too much, but his predictions would seem more convincing if

    he included this type of background, rather than just referring to his "sources".
  • Reply 23 of 34
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by wtfk View Post

    That's just plain retarded. It's stupid decisions like that which have screwed them up in the past. I'm not buying the iPhone even if they hold iPod advancement hostage.

    It's not stupid becuase you're not buying it. It's actually damn smart because they don't want people to spend all their money on a new iPod until the best iPod they ever made (according to Apple) has a chance in the marketplace.

  • Reply 24 of 34
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by Feynman View Post

    Yup that's what I want, a laptop with a 32 GB drive.....which does not include the OS so I guess after Leopard that would be more like 26 GBs! Sweet!

    Or... 2 Drives with 64 GB

  • Reply 25 of 34
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Thank you for your posts. You seem to have done considerable studying of the

    NAND industry capacity increases/improvements and pricing implications. I don't

    want to bash Wu too much, but his predictions would seem more convincing if

    he included this type of background, rather than just referring to his "sources".

    Would those sources happen to be the Rumor Sub Industry that revolves around Apple?

  • Reply 26 of 34
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    It’s quite possible that future iPods will act like portable AppleTVs, meaning they will have a cache of locally stored content, but will be able to stream content from your own home network, or even the Internet. If that is the case, then 16GB would suffice.
  • Reply 27 of 34
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    It’s quite possible that future iPods will act like portable Apple TVs, meaning they will have a cache of locally stored content, but will be able to stream content from your own home network, or even the Internet. If that is the case, then 16GB would suffice.
  • Reply 28 of 34
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    It's not stupid becuase you're not buying [the iPhone]. It's actually damn smart because they don't want people to spend all their money on a new iPod until the best iPod they ever made (according to Apple) has a chance in the marketplace.

    Exactly. Which is why we won't be seeing the 6G touchscreen video iPod 'til several months after the iPhone launches, but still in time for Xmas.

    I'd expect somewhere around October, give or take a month.

  • Reply 29 of 34
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    I'd much rather have only a small NAND capacity and a decent size 80GB 1.8" drive for regular storage. It's not like those things are too big for a subnotebook. Heck, Sony crams 2.5" HDs into thin, light subnotebooks, so why can't Apple? I'm all for being ahead of the curve, but every once in a while, it seems Steve is a little TOO far ahead of the curve, at our expense.
  • Reply 30 of 34
    josa92josa92 Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by Caribou Killa View Post

    Does anyone else lose most of their interest in a story once they come upon the word "analyst" nowadays?

    yup. they just reiterate what the boards say.

    reading the boards tells you more information than what analysts say.

  • Reply 31 of 34
    robmrobm Posts: 1,068member
    Yeah - but if I report in a visionary way everything I read here then you'll know where it came from.

    Have to dress it down a little to keep you guessing ...


    ps. Thanks to you all !

    Keep 'em coming.
  • Reply 32 of 34
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Oh Wu, we missed you so, coming to conclusions we all had months ago.
  • Reply 33 of 34
    durandaldurandal Posts: 277member
    MacBook Nano, anyone? And in 2009 it's going to be the MacBook Shuffle which, on each reboot, is going to randomly select files from your hard drive to work on...


  • Reply 34 of 34
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    Flash prices are coming down rapidly and Apple can sure get a good deal on large numbers of flash SSDs. For a small, thin MBP, you can get a 32GB SSD that's in the 1.8" form factor measuring 8.15mm high, a hair more that 5/16". Pricing would be about $600 more than a HDD within the next couple of months but could be hundreds less in the fall.

    This article is a couple months old but it gives you an idea of the trend:

    SanDisk announces 32GB SSD: prices begin to fall
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