I like the way Steve is standing on his own at the back, slightly awkwardly. He's self-consciously got his back to the railings and his hands are tightly behind him so he doesn't have to fidget and work out what to do with them. The headphones also give him an excuse to stand on his own without feeling so awkward.
I think it's a fascinating picture, just not for all the other reasons. His slightly self-conscious standoffishness seems far more likely for a 'star figure' like him than a bunch of bodyguards. His comfort zone is the boardroom, not school sports day.
I work for a large UK retailer and we received inside information form suppliers in far east about imminent increase in prices of flash memory due to iPhone shipping mid april. This says that its on track for launch on time.
first this guy is a billionare, no way in hell they could get that close to him, trump is a broke as, compare to him and you wont get near 100 feet from that guy, and where the hell is the phone ? oh yeah is in his pocket, because someone says it is, yeah right
My wife saw Steve Jobs ordering a sandwich at Torpedo Joe's (I don't know if it's still there, but it was the sandwich shop in the Old Navy on 4th and Market) she said he was entourage-less. I've also seen his home in Palo Alto, and the immediate thought that goes through your mind is, "I can't believe a billionaire lives in that house." It's a nice house, and it's on a big lot, but it's certainly not Larry Ellison's japanese village.
He's just a man like any other. He puts his pants on one leg at a time. Except that once he has his pants on, he reinvents some consumer electronics space.
A friend of mine was driving across the Golden Gate Bridge and saw a big Mercedes with the license plate PIXAR1. When she pulled up next to the car and looked over it was Steve Jobs...PICKING HIS NOSE! The man is just a human being like the rest of us(except he has a Reality Distortion Field and billions of dollars).
If i had a reality distortion field people wouldn't be able to see me pick my nose.
In one of the TV interviews Jobs did right after the Keynote, he told the interviewer that he was happy he could finally start using iPhone on a regular basis, now that its release was common knowledge. He had only previously played around with it at his house and at Apple HQ.
So yes, Steve is probably using iPhone as his full-time cell phone. And he's probably helping the team tweak the software over the next few months with his suggestions.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jon Ive and a couple of the software managers were doing the same. I know a few of the iPod team members were asked to play around with the original iPod for a month or so before it was released.
That doesn't make the photo authentic, necessarily. But I wouldn't consider it unlikely.
And no, Steve doesn't ALWAYS wear the black turtleneck and jeans. I've seen him several times, and maybe half of those he was dressed that way, and other times he was in some other casual shirt, pants, shorts, sneakers kind of combo. He's never in a suit, that's for sure.
He also doesn't travel with an entourage of any kind. He walks/drives around Palo Alto quite often. And he waits in line, even at the Apple Store on University Avenue, like everyone else.
Arrogant as he may be, he is visably uncomfortable with any kind of "glamor" treatment. He doesn't like being approached by strangers for autographs, photos, or anything like that. People in Palo Alto have learned to just leave him be.
...(it was) Albert Einstein's thinking that he did not want to use
any brain bandwidth deciding what to wear every day...
after all these years, i discover why i've never made that breakthrough invention or written that great American novel: it's all those damn different color boxers i have to deliberate over every morning.
It looks like Steve is listening to some sort of earphones. Maybe his iPod? There is no evidence that he is using an iPhone in this photo, although this is possible.
It looks like Steve is listening to some sort of earphones. Maybe his iPod? There is no evidence that he is using an iPhone in this photo, although this is possible.
He must have been banished to the fence by the refs becuase of him yelling at the players and coaches
I heard an interview somewhere that he really doesn't want to be bothered with choosing an outfit each morning when he goes to work and he's not overly concerned about his "fashion sense" either. So he throws on a black mock turtle neck and blue jeans every day and heads off to 1 Infinite Loop.
Yes, it's true, though I do think his wife is helping him branch out by wearing the black button-up job he had on one or two keynotes ago.
In one of the TV interviews Jobs did right after the Keynote, he told the interviewer that he was happy he could finally start using iPhone on a regular basis, now that its release was common knowledge. He had only previously played around with it at his house and at Apple HQ.
So yes, Steve is probably using iPhone as his full-time cell phone. And he's probably helping the team tweak the software over the next few months with his suggestions.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jon Ive and a couple of the software managers were doing the same. I know a few of the iPod team members were asked to play around with the original iPod for a month or so before it was released.
That doesn't make the photo authentic, necessarily. But I wouldn't consider it unlikely.
And no, Steve doesn't ALWAYS wear the black turtleneck and jeans. I've seen him several times, and maybe half of those he was dressed that way, and other times he was in some other casual shirt, pants, shorts, sneakers kind of combo. He's never in a suit, that's for sure.
He also doesn't travel with an entourage of any kind. He walks/drives around Palo Alto quite often. And he waits in line, even at the Apple Store on University Avenue, like everyone else.
Arrogant as he may be, he is visably uncomfortable with any kind of "glamor" treatment. He doesn't like being approached by strangers for autographs, photos, or anything like that. People in Palo Alto have learned to just leave him be.
Quite true. A couple of years ago, I saw him when at his son's middle school musical (Reed was playing "Bundles" in Annie) and was dressed in his usual attire, complete with Birkenstocks. Before the show, he was standing off in the courtyard of the school. He was alone, looking pensive and appeared to prefer being away from the crowd which mostly consisted of other affluent parents gregariously chatting it up before finding their seats.
It has to be him because he said, publicly, that he WOULD be using it after MacWorld when he was interviewed after the announcement of the phone. He said that he hasn't been able to use it but will be.
If I were driving and pulled up next to him at a red light I'd rev it a little just to see if he'd rev it back a little. I dont care what car I was in, I'd still do it. (For reference I drive a 98 Kia Sephia...what a beauty especially since the former owner took one good whack at the trunk with a sledge hammer for some reason)
Does he wear the same thing every damn day?!?!? I thought that was just for big announcements and that by now it was probably more tongue in cheek than anything.
I think it's a fascinating picture, just not for all the other reasons. His slightly self-conscious standoffishness seems far more likely for a 'star figure' like him than a bunch of bodyguards. His comfort zone is the boardroom, not school sports day.
Could this be some sort of hovering personal assistant?
Perhaps it is a preview of the new Aqua GUI theme we will see in Leopard?
first this guy is a billionare, no way in hell they could get that close to him, trump is a broke as, compare to him and you wont get near 100 feet from that guy, and where the hell is the phone ? oh yeah is in his pocket, because someone says it is, yeah right
My wife saw Steve Jobs ordering a sandwich at Torpedo Joe's (I don't know if it's still there, but it was the sandwich shop in the Old Navy on 4th and Market) she said he was entourage-less. I've also seen his home in Palo Alto, and the immediate thought that goes through your mind is, "I can't believe a billionaire lives in that house." It's a nice house, and it's on a big lot, but it's certainly not Larry Ellison's japanese village.
He's just a man like any other. He puts his pants on one leg at a time. Except that once he has his pants on, he reinvents some consumer electronics space.
A friend of mine was driving across the Golden Gate Bridge and saw a big Mercedes with the license plate PIXAR1. When she pulled up next to the car and looked over it was Steve Jobs...PICKING HIS NOSE! The man is just a human being like the rest of us(except he has a Reality Distortion Field and billions of dollars).
If i had a reality distortion field people wouldn't be able to see me pick my nose.
So yes, Steve is probably using iPhone as his full-time cell phone. And he's probably helping the team tweak the software over the next few months with his suggestions.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jon Ive and a couple of the software managers were doing the same. I know a few of the iPod team members were asked to play around with the original iPod for a month or so before it was released.
That doesn't make the photo authentic, necessarily. But I wouldn't consider it unlikely.
And no, Steve doesn't ALWAYS wear the black turtleneck and jeans. I've seen him several times, and maybe half of those he was dressed that way, and other times he was in some other casual shirt, pants, shorts, sneakers kind of combo. He's never in a suit, that's for sure.
He also doesn't travel with an entourage of any kind. He walks/drives around Palo Alto quite often. And he waits in line, even at the Apple Store on University Avenue, like everyone else.
Arrogant as he may be, he is visably uncomfortable with any kind of "glamor" treatment. He doesn't like being approached by strangers for autographs, photos, or anything like that. People in Palo Alto have learned to just leave him be.
I seem to remember reading something about Albert Einstein having a closet full
of identical suits, shirts, and ties. It was his thinking that he did not want to use
any brain bandwidth deciding what to wear every day. Maybe it is the same with
Steve, so please don't buy him more colors. We need him to keep using his brain
the way he has been.
Besides, the outfit is a requirement for generating RDF.
And Mark Twain supposedly owned 100 white suits.
...(it was) Albert Einstein's thinking that he did not want to use
any brain bandwidth deciding what to wear every day...
after all these years, i discover why i've never made that breakthrough invention or written that great American novel: it's all those damn different color boxers i have to deliberate over every morning.
Is it just me or does steve jobs wear the same mock turtleneck and jeans everywhere, doesn't this guy own any other clothing?
did you bother reading this thread before you posted?
It looks like Steve is listening to some sort of earphones. Maybe his iPod? There is no evidence that he is using an iPhone in this photo, although this is possible.
He must have been banished to the fence by the refs becuase of him yelling at the players and coaches
Yes, it's true, though I do think his wife is helping him branch out by wearing the black button-up job he had on one or two keynotes ago.
In one of the TV interviews Jobs did right after the Keynote, he told the interviewer that he was happy he could finally start using iPhone on a regular basis, now that its release was common knowledge. He had only previously played around with it at his house and at Apple HQ.
So yes, Steve is probably using iPhone as his full-time cell phone. And he's probably helping the team tweak the software over the next few months with his suggestions.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jon Ive and a couple of the software managers were doing the same. I know a few of the iPod team members were asked to play around with the original iPod for a month or so before it was released.
That doesn't make the photo authentic, necessarily. But I wouldn't consider it unlikely.
And no, Steve doesn't ALWAYS wear the black turtleneck and jeans. I've seen him several times, and maybe half of those he was dressed that way, and other times he was in some other casual shirt, pants, shorts, sneakers kind of combo. He's never in a suit, that's for sure.
He also doesn't travel with an entourage of any kind. He walks/drives around Palo Alto quite often. And he waits in line, even at the Apple Store on University Avenue, like everyone else.
Arrogant as he may be, he is visably uncomfortable with any kind of "glamor" treatment. He doesn't like being approached by strangers for autographs, photos, or anything like that. People in Palo Alto have learned to just leave him be.
Quite true. A couple of years ago, I saw him when at his son's middle school musical (Reed was playing "Bundles" in Annie) and was dressed in his usual attire, complete with Birkenstocks. Before the show, he was standing off in the courtyard of the school. He was alone, looking pensive and appeared to prefer being away from the crowd which mostly consisted of other affluent parents gregariously chatting it up before finding their seats.
Guess I was wrong.
I'm also intrigued by the red arrow cursor that is following him.
Could this be some sort of hovering personal assistant?
Perhaps it is a preview of the new Aqua GUI theme we will see in Leopard?
A holographic OS! Yes!!!