Apple's multi-touch technology seen spawning "mega-platform"



  • Reply 41 of 198
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    Touch control for a computer as the main pointing method makes no sense. It lacks pixel precsion and required broad, tiring arm movements (like a big Wacom tablet--only worse if you must hold your arm up in the air).

    Touch control to SUPPLEMENT the mouse--just like the scroll ball and Apple Remote do--could be great.

    However, there is no magic fingerprint-free coating. The iPhone, like any touch device, WILL need to be wiped off every now and then. People will deal with that. But on an iMac? it probably depends on the lighting in the room. It could be tolerable.
  • Reply 42 of 198
    trevordtrevord Posts: 85member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    a desktop or workstation that relied on this would totally suck. Tablets - Yes, iPhone - Yes, Remote devices - Yes, but for common working conditions it wouldn't be very practical.

    Who said anything about relying on this? Apple's not going to release their next iMac without a mouse. But if all new Macs from Leopard onward included a multitouch display, I can guarantee it would quickly become a must-have feature. Not just for whizbang show off material, but because it would be immensely useful.

    If you're just clicking away at normal everyday things, or if you need more precision than you can get with fat fingers, then by all means keep using your mouse. But there are many things in life that are made better through more complex interactions. Remember, one of the big arguments made against the mouse way back when was that you couldn't do anything meaningful just by pointing and clicking at stuff. Well this is a step toward getting past the mouse's limitations. Sure, we're still pointing and clicking, but we're able to point at a whole collection of things at once and the computer can respond to interactions between those things rather than just individual clicks. The interface to the computer is rendered immeasurably richer.

    I honestly think that, if Apple goes ahead with this, everyone will be bragging in a couple years about how forward thinking Apple was and how they could never switch to a platform that didn't have multitouch.
  • Reply 43 of 198
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,752member
    Forget investing in Apple. If this is true, I'm investing in screen cleaner manufacturers.
  • Reply 44 of 198
    I'm betting on it now - the next iMac will come with built-in windshield wipers
  • Reply 45 of 198
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    But then she stuck her finger on my screen...... sale over.

    man you have issues
  • Reply 46 of 198
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    To use multi-touch well, the next iMac would just have to slide down and tilt back so that you could put it in a slightly tilted but closer to flat position. That would require a slightly different stand for it.

    But I too can envision lots of great uses for multi-touch. Basically, it's pretty much anything that doesn't require large amounts of text entry. If it's combined with a good speech-to-text processor, that would be even better.
  • Reply 47 of 198
    Why is everyone complaining about greasy fingers? Has no one heard of personal hygene? Have we suddenly lost all ability to operate indoor plumbing and soap? It's called regular handwashing, and washing after your hands come in contact with greasy and/or messy foods. It seems logical to me.
  • Reply 48 of 198
    I have a rather basic set of two questions (apologies in advance):

    1) Can I use this with gloves on? (E.g., making/receiving a phone call when I am outside in subzero weather).

    2) What would women with long(er) nails do -- can they operate this multitouch stuff? And if they can, won't their nails scratch the surface over time? (E.g., if one wanted to gift it).
  • Reply 49 of 198
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    Touch control for a computer as the main pointing method makes no sense. It lacks pixel precsion and required broad, tiring arm movements (like a big Wacom tablet--only worse if you must hold your arm up in the air).

    Touch control to SUPPLEMENT the mouse--just like the scroll ball and Apple Remote do--could be great.

    You are writing from pure, incorrect assumption here and obviously have never used a MultiTouch device. I and thousands of other Fingerworks users have been using the method for years with no problems. There are no "broad, tiring arm movements" needed any more than they're needed with mice. Fingers do flex and extend, you know. In fact, one of Fingerworks' claims was that it was ergonomically superior because you're not gripping a mouse but rather have your hand open in a relaxed position. You're probably making the assumption that motions must match cursor travel in a 1:1 ratio. It's actually just like a mouse -- relative motion, not absolute position, with acceleration for faster movements. Or like using the Wacom tablet you mention in their "mouse mode" rather than "tablet mode."
  • Reply 50 of 198
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by cwinnipeg View Post

    Why is everyone complaining about greasy fingers? Has no one heard of personal hygene? Have we suddenly lost all ability to operate indoor plumbing and soap? It's called regular handwashing, and washing after your hands come in contact with greasy and/or messy foods. It seems logical to me.

    In case you didn't know. People are actually greasy. We oose it. It's a fact. Most people think snakes are slimy creatures, but that is actually a load of crap. Snakes are greaseless. People however have oily skin. It's part of our makeup. That's why you shouldn't touch your face too much for you will get acne that you yourself caused.

    That's why we are all talking about the grease factor. You can wash your hands all day but your hands will naturally replenish your skin with natural oils.
  • Reply 51 of 198
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    In case you didn't know. People are actually greasy. We oose it. It's a fact. Most people think snakes are slimy creatures, but that is actually a load of crap. Snakes are greaseless. People however have oily skin. It's part of our makeup. That's why you shouldn't touch your face too much for you will get acne that you yourself caused.

    That's why we are all talking about the grease factor. You can wash your hands all day but your hands will naturally replenish your skin with natural oils.

    Or you could have normal soap that dries your hands. That's what acne medicine does, it dries out the skin, preventing oil. Get Proactive and put it on your hands! Problem solved.
  • Reply 52 of 198
    You guys should watch this video from Jim Cramer. This is why analysts come out with crap like this and the SanDisk story. This explains why they get so wrong, so often - its in their best interest.
  • Reply 53 of 198
    g3prog3pro Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    man you have issues

    Yeah, no kidding. He makes mac users look like hypersensitive-ownership freaks.

    Aegisdesign, you need help. It's just a computer...
  • Reply 54 of 198
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Or you could have normal soap that dries your hands. That's what acne medicine does, it dries out the skin, preventing oil. Get Proactive and put it on your hands! Problem solved.

    Drying out your skin to use a touch interface is like using crystal meth amphetamines to diet. Its self destructive. Is Apple going to include it when they sell it?
  • Reply 55 of 198
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    Yeah, no kidding. He makes mac users look like hypersensitive-ownership freaks.

    Aegisdesign, you need help. It's just a computer...

    I'd like to come to his defense: I am glad to know that I am not the only one who would do something like that! Waaaaaay to go, man! (There's nothing I hate more than fingerprints on my lcd screen -- gender or quality of looks notwithstanding).
  • Reply 56 of 198
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Drying out your skin to use a touch interface is like using crystal meth amphetamines to diet. Its self destructive. Is Apple going to include it when they sell it?

    Drying out your skin isn't quite like using meth, and it isn't self-destructive unless you get ridiculously carried away.
  • Reply 57 of 198
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Drying out your skin isn't quite like using meth, and it isn't self-destructive unless you get ridiculously carried away.

    What do you consider keeping your skin dried out for at least 8 hours a day? Duh...
  • Reply 58 of 198
    mjteixmjteix Posts: 563member
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    To use multi-touch well, the next iMac would just have to slide down and tilt back so that you could put it in a slightly tilted but closer to flat position. That would require a slightly different stand for it.

    But I too can envision lots of great uses for multi-touch. Basically, it's pretty much anything that doesn't require large amounts of text entry. If it's combined with a good speech-to-text processor, that would be even better.

    I was thinking along those lines today and I kinda remember a not-so-old Apple patent for an arm a little more sophisticated than the one on the original iMac G4, link.

    So what about the "return of the one-armed iMac" with a display that can be moved very close to the desk, almost flat, where you could use multi-touch with adapted applications (Aperture, FCP, Logic, etc...) or use it like usual for regular tasks and writing. I believe it can be done for 17" and 20" displays, not so sure for a 24" though...

    The other factor in separating the CPU from the display, would be the ability to finally use desktop CPUs and other components back into the computer base: Conroe/Kentsfield, standard 965/Bearlake chipset, room for more than one HD, maybe a couple of PCIe slots for GPU and else...

    Even Intel's integrated GPU can handle 2 displays so you could still have one non-moving (external) display and the moving integrated display showing an extended desktop.

  • Reply 59 of 198
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    What do you consider keeping your skin dried out for at least 8 hours a day? Duh...

    Not painfully dry, just oil-less dry.
  • Reply 60 of 198
    charelcharel Posts: 93member
    I have used a TomTom GO 700 GPS with a LCD touch screen with full on screen keyboard for several years now and find the remarks about dirty and scratched screens over the top. If you insist on using touch screens with a big mac in your hands it will get dirty. Who would do that anyway. Wash your hands, clean your screen when necessary and all will be well.
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