Xbence Results---Post them here....

in Mac Software edited January 2014
<a href="http://www.versiontracker.com/moreinfo.fcgi?id=16231&db=mac"; target="_blank">If you don't have Xbench yet get it here....</a>

[code] Total Results\t\t50.86\t

System Info\t\t

Xbench Version\t\t\t\t1.0b3

System Version\t\t\t\t10.2.2

Physical RAM\t\t\t\t384 MB

Processor\t\t\t\t\tPowerPC,750@0 [600 MHz]

L1 Cache\t\t\t\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

Bus Frequency\t\t\t\t100 MHz

CPU Test\t\t\tScore\t\t63.41\t

GCD Recursion\t\t49.12\t\t1.92 Mops/sec

Floating Point Basic\t48.83\t\t164.59 Mflop/sec

Floating Point Library\t92.29\t\t4.14 Mops/sec

Thread Test\t\t\t41.86\t

\tComputation\t37.48\t\t301.98 Kops/sec, 4 threads

Memory Contention 29.41\t\t93.02 MB/sec, 2 threads

\tLock Contention\t58.68\t\t736.64 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

Memory Test\t\t42.42\t


\tAllocate\t\t97.34\t\t51.21 Kalloc/sec

\tFill\t\t\t23.21\t\t133.08 MB/sec

\tCopy\t\t\t12.19\t\t73.14 MB/sec


\tCopy\t\t\t40.32\t\t161.27 MB/sec

\tScale\t\t\t40.21\t\t160.83 MB/sec

\tAdd\t\t\t40.96\t\t163.83 MB/sec

\tTriad\t\t\t40.86\t\t163.45 MB/sec

Quartz Graphics Test\t51.31\t

\tLine\t\t\t50.82\t\t1.29 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

\tRectangle\t\t58.58\t\t4.12 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

\tCircle\t\t\t59.04\t\t1.36 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

\tBezier\t\t56.71\t 616.23 beziers/sec[50%alpha]

\tText\t\t\t31.40\t\t528.85 chars/sec

OpenGL Graphics Test\t69.29\t

\tSpinning Squares\t69.29\t\t48.49 frames/sec

User Interface Test\t40.86\t

\tElements\t 40.86\t\t13.07 refresh/sec

Disk Test\t\t\t46.84\t


\tUncached Write\t48.45\t\t18.04 MB/sec [4K blocks]

\tUncached Write\t55.12\t\t19.31 MB/sec [256K blocks]

\tUncached Read\t64.12\t\t9.48 MB/sec [4K blocks]

\tUncached Read\t51.89\t\t19.45 MB/sec [256K blocks]


\tUncached Write\t21.12\t\t0.35 MB/sec [4K blocks]

\tUncached Write\t45.81\t\t9.52 MB/sec [256K blocks]

\tUncached Read\t36.57\t\t0.40 MB/sec [4K blocks]

\tUncached Read\t51.68\t \t9.95 MB/sec [256K blocks]


[ 12-12-2002: Message edited by: dmgeist ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 35
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    667 DVI TiBook

    [code] Results\t96.90\t

    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.2

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t256 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@0 [667 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t134 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t75.42\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t68.96\t2.69 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t78.14\t263.36 Mflop/sec

    \t\tAltiVec Basic\t76.01\t4.12 Gflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t78.56\t3.53 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t71.58\t

    \t\tComputation\t42.98\t346.24 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t126.13\t398.93 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t45.64\t572.82 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t97.06\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t83.21\t43.77 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t142.92\t819.56 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t53.15\t318.88 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t99.32\t397.26 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tScale\t100.82\t403.30 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tAdd\t105.64\t422.58 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tTriad\t98.30\t393.20 MB/sec [altivec]

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t79.47\t

    \t\tLine\t94.54\t2.41 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t64.80\t4.56 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t84.04\t1.94 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t81.79\t888.69 beziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t72.19\t1.22 Kchars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t250.08\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t250.08\t175.01 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t70.12\t

    \t\tElements\t70.12\t22.44 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t34.56\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t26.05\t9.70 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t31.15\t10.91 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t70.44\t10.41 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t30.01\t11.25 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t23.35\t0.39 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t29.20\t6.07 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t31.90\t0.34 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t34.36\t6.61 MB/sec [256K blocks]

  • Reply 2 of 35
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    [quote]Originally posted by dmgeist:

    <strong>1.92 Mops/sec</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Wait. Am I reading this right? (Probably not) 1.92 Million Operations Per second is NOT fast. I think my 333Mhz Beige G3 does 850+ MOPS

    EDIT: OK. Altivec MOPS sounds right. Not sure about the first post.

    [ 12-12-2002: Message edited by: Ebby ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 35
    Power Mac G4 "Mystic" dual 500


    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.2

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t832 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@0 [500 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t100 MHz

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@1 [500 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t100 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t61.87\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t54.57\t2.13 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t67.78\t228.43 Mflop/sec

    \t\tAltiVec Basic\t30.52\t1.66 Gflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t94.62\t4.25 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t76.98\t

    \t\tComputation\t64.55\t520.06 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t74.93\t237.00 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t91.44\t1.15 Mlocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t79.70\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t99.07\t52.11 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t109.65\t628.80 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t30.74\t184.44 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t78.41\t313.62 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tScale\t78.17\t312.66 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tAdd\t81.64\t326.54 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tTriad\t80.08\t320.32 MB/sec [altivec]

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t69.15\t

    \t\tLine\t69.71\t1.77 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t70.05\t4.93 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t66.13\t1.52 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t70.71\t768.30 beziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t69.16\t1.16 Kchars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t73.09\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t73.09\t51.15 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t68.20\t

    \t\tElements\t68.20\t21.83 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t86.80\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t71.40\t26.58 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t99.14\t34.72 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t61.71\t9.12 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t96.07\t36.02 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t59.29\t0.99 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t102.63\t21.33 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t118.92\t1.28 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t85.26\t16.41 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    Did I get the power up and win the game?

    [ 12-12-2002: Message edited by: Brad ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 35
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    [quote]Originally posted by Brad:


    Did I get the power up and win the game?


    Yeah, and Cliff is gonna come here and beat the living &$$# out of you and your ))$#@$* ugly cat! After that he's gonna get more drunk and kick your lousy *$@#*%& (*$ and #$(& your (@#$&)! until it bleeds.
  • Reply 5 of 35
    sweet...was worth it just for the graphics test the the spinning square in open GL....though i think it actually brainwashed me into joining the church of the rev moon....g

    I ARE TEH WIN[code] Results\t66.61\t

    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.2

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t768 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@0 [800 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t100 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t80.86\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t74.00\t2.89 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t81.87\t275.96 Mflop/sec

    \t\tAltiVec Basic\t78.43\t4.26 Gflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t89.14\t4.00 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t52.93\t

    \t\tComputation\t47.55\t383.06 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t60.66\t191.87 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t50.59\t635.10 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t64.82\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t85.07\t44.75 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t31.86\t182.69 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t34.49\t206.94 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t77.06\t308.24 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tScale\t78.37\t313.49 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tAdd\t81.91\t327.65 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tTriad\t79.30\t317.20 MB/sec [altivec]

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t67.36\t

    \t\tLine\t77.81\t1.98 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t66.96\t4.71 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t80.74\t1.86 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t66.87\t726.55 beziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t44.43\t748.25 chars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t80.89\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t80.89\t56.61 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t54.23\t

    \t\tElements\t54.23\t17.35 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t65.20\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t66.77\t24.86 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t73.17\t25.63 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t81.14\t11.99 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t68.21\t25.58 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t50.37\t0.84 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t64.57\t13.42 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t47.77\t0.52 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t69.58\t13.39 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    [ 12-13-2002: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 35
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    you should post what mac it is..
  • Reply 7 of 35
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Defiant:

    <strong>you should post what mac it is.. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    im assuming thegelding is using an 800Mhz iMac because it is the only 800Mhz G4 that uses the 100 MHz bus...

    the only problem is we dont know what gfx card it is the 4MX or the 2MX

    [ 12-13-2002: Message edited by: Paul ]</p>
  • Reply 8 of 35
    hands on... no contest here

    [code] Results\t143.71\t

    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b2

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.1

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t2048 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@0 [1250 MHz]

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@1 [1250 MHz]

    \tCPU Test\t159.04\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t156.58\t6.11 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t162.31\t140.46 Mflop/sec

    \t\tAltiVec Basic\t164.95\t851.43 Mflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t152.32\t6.84 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t135.14\t

    \t\tComputation\t159.43\t1.28 Mops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t87.03\t275.29 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t158.95\t2.00 Mlocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t188.95\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t157.71\t82.96 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t366.60\t2102.23 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t139.05\t834.28 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t155.65\t622.58 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tScale\t158.02\t632.10 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tAdd\t163.77\t655.08 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tTriad\t149.69\t598.75 MB/sec [altivec]

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t124.23\t

    \t\tLine\t125.95\t3.21 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t110.48\t7.77 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t101.32\t2.34 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t147.65\t1.60 Kbeziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t135.74\t2.29 Kchars/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t160.14\t

    \t\tElements\t160.14\t51.24 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t94.78\t


    \t\t\tUncached Sequential Write\t88.04\t39.01 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Sequential Read\t92.10\t39.78 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Random Write\t98.01\t23.04 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Random Read\t100.98\t20.29 MB/sec [256K blocks] </pre><hr></blockquote>

    [ 12-13-2002: Message edited by: jeromba ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 35
    My Machine is a Cube 450:


    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.2

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t1024 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@0 [450 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t100 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t53.52\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t43.35\t1.69 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t60.80\t204.93 Mflop/sec

    \t\tAltiVec Basic\t26.81\t1.45 Gflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t83.11\t3.73 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t53.41\t

    \t\tComputation\t29.37\t236.58 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t87.35\t276.29 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t43.50\t546.05 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t75.78\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t85.67\t45.06 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t100.60\t576.86 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t27.73\t166.36 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t78.95\t315.80 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tScale\t78.86\t315.44 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tAdd\t82.07\t328.27 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tTriad\t81.06\t324.22 MB/sec [altivec]

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t60.24\t

    \t\tLine\t55.74\t1.42 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t60.42\t4.25 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t67.53\t1.56 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t64.64\t702.39 beziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t52.87\t890.43 chars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t82.94\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t82.94\t58.04 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t58.28\t

    \t\tElements\t58.28\t18.65 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t68.09\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t67.83\t25.25 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t74.74\t26.18 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t70.23\t10.38 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t70.31\t26.36 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t64.07\t1.07 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t81.33\t16.90 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t45.83\t0.50 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t70.35\t13.54 MB/sec [256K blocks]
  • Reply 10 of 35
    sorry double post

    [ 12-13-2002: Message edited by: piwozniak ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 35
    [quote]Originally posted by piwozniak:

    <strong>1 gig PowerBook with 5400 RPM 40GB IBM GNX HD:

    [code] Results 98.29

    System Info

    Xbench Version 1.0b2

    System Version 10.2.2

    Physical RAM 1024 MB

    Processor PowerPC,G4@0 [1000 MHz]

    CPU Test 124.63

    GCD Recursion 111.01 4.34 Mops/sec

    Floating Point Basic 137.57 119.05 Mflop/sec

    AltiVec Basic 136.17 702.88 Mflop/sec

    Floating Point Library 113.75 5.11 Mops/sec

    Thread Test 86.44

    Computation 63.41 510.85 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    Memory Contention 129.89 410.84 MB/sec, 2 threads

    Lock Contention 66.02 828.70 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    Memory Test 114.22

    System 125.67

    Allocate 123.39 64.91 Kalloc/sec

    Fill 195.51 1121.11 MB/sec

    Copy 58.10 348.61 MB/sec

    Stream 102.77

    Copy 102.50 410.00 MB/sec [altivec]

    Scale 102.72 410.88 MB/sec [altivec]

    Add 105.23 420.92 MB/sec [altivec]

    Triad 100.63 402.51 MB/sec [altivec]

    Quartz Graphics Test 103.10

    Line 125.40 3.19 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    Rectangle 70.60 4.97 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    Circle 95.10 2.19 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    Bezier 113.32 1.23 Kbeziers/sec [50% alpha]

    Text 111.08 1.87 Kchars/sec

    User Interface Test 104.90

    Elements 104.90 33.57 refresh/sec

    Disk Test 56.45

    Sequential 51.45

    Uncached Sequential Write 53.51 23.71 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    Uncached Sequential Read 49.39 21.34 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    Random 61.44

    Uncached Random Write 61.47 14.45 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    Uncached Random Read 61.41 12.34 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    i will re-run using newer version of Xbench..
  • Reply 12 of 35
    [quote]Originally posted by piwozniak:

    <strong>[CODE] Results\t101.68\t

    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.2

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t1024 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@0 [1000 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t134 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t116.19\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t105.96\t4.14 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t124.95\t421.13 Mflop/sec

    \t\tAltiVec Basic\t115.66\t6.28 Gflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t118.20\t5.31 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t84.98\t

    \t\tComputation\t64.21\t517.31 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t123.14\t389.48 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t67.60\t848.47 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t114.03\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t124.09\t65.27 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t195.34\t1120.14 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t57.55\t345.30 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t102.00\t408.01 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tScale\t102.24\t408.96 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tAdd\t105.18\t420.73 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tTriad\t100.18\t400.73 MB/sec [altivec]

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t134.41\t

    \t\tLine\t113.82\t2.90 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t155.24\t10.92 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t155.49\t3.58 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t123.56\t1.34 Kbeziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t123.91\t2.09 Kchars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t99.37\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t99.37\t69.54 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t93.86\t

    \t\tElements\t93.86\t30.03 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t68.93\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t55.70\t20.74 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t57.27\t20.06 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t138.24\t20.43 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t57.15\t21.43 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t48.19\t0.80 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t70.69\t14.69 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t54.91\t0.59 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t69.27\t13.33 MB/sec [256K blocks]

  • Reply 13 of 35
    [quote] im assuming groverat is using an 800Mhz iMac because it is the only 800Mhz G4 that uses the 100 MHz bus... <hr></blockquote>

    1..i am not groverat....i am sure he is offended by being mistaken for a gelding....

    2. iMac 800 15 lcd with mx2 card

  • Reply 14 of 35
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by thegelding:


    1..i am not groverat....i am sure he is offended by being mistaken for a gelding....

    2. iMac 800 15 lcd with mx2 card


    <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" /> <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" /> <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" />

    edited.... <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" /> <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" /> <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" />

    sorry it was 5 in the morning tho... <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 15 of 35
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    A rev a Ti 500.

    TRIAL 1:



    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.2

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t768 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@0 [500 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t100 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t55.72\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t45.22\t1.77 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t60.62\t204.32 Mflop/sec

    \t\tAltiVec Basic\t28.09\t1.52 Gflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t88.93\t3.99 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t45.37\t

    \t\tComputation\t31.89\t256.91 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t58.04\t183.57 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t46.19\t579.85 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t79.61\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t91.77\t48.27 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t103.74\t594.86 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t32.06\t192.39 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t81.42\t325.70 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tScale\t81.01\t324.03 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tAdd\t85.70\t342.81 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tTriad\t85.32\t341.28 MB/sec [altivec]

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t62.48\t

    \t\tLine\t57.03\t1.45 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t60.94\t4.29 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t68.59\t1.58 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t68.41\t743.30 beziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t57.40\t966.70 chars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t71.77\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t71.77\t50.22 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t60.27\t

    \t\tElements\t60.27\t19.28 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t27.06\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t20.40\t7.60 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t20.02\t7.01 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t50.90\t7.52 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t22.76\t8.54 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t14.39\t0.24 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t27.34\t5.68 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t27.08\t0.29 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t33.54\t6.46 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    TRIAL 2:



    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.2

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t768 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@0 [500 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t100 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t55.71\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t46.13\t1.80 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t60.29\t203.21 Mflop/sec

    \t\tAltiVec Basic\t28.01\t1.52 Gflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t88.40\t3.97 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t44.09\t

    \t\tComputation\t31.96\t257.51 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t54.35\t171.91 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t45.95\t576.73 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t78.63\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t87.44\t45.99 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t104.62\t599.95 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t28.03\t168.20 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t81.99\t327.94 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tScale\t81.54\t326.14 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tAdd\t86.67\t346.68 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tTriad\t85.41\t341.64 MB/sec [altivec]

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t62.20\t

    \t\tLine\t56.62\t1.44 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t60.89\t4.28 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t68.99\t1.59 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t67.63\t734.85 beziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t56.88\t957.85 chars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t66.98\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t66.98\t46.88 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t59.41\t

    \t\tElements\t59.41\t19.01 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t28.53\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t19.11\t7.12 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t22.45\t7.86 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t50.77\t7.50 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t24.30\t9.11 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t16.20\t0.27 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t29.19\t6.07 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t30.69\t0.33 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t35.50\t6.83 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    Note: Edited to reformat the code section.

    [ 12-15-2002: Message edited by: Xool ]</p>
  • Reply 16 of 35
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member

    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t704 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@0 [400 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t100 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t44.09\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t36.19\t1.41 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t48.61\t163.83 Mflop/sec

    \t\tAltiVec Basic\t22.23\t1.21 Gflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t69.34\t3.11 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t38.17\t

    \t\tComputation\t24.84\t200.14 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t52.78\t166.93 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t36.89\t463.03 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t67.76\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t68.06\t35.80 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t81.60\t467.92 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t30.74\t184.43 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t72.76\t291.04 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tScale\t73.52\t294.07 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tAdd\t80.01\t320.02 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tTriad\t75.25\t301.01 MB/sec [altivec]

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t52.22\t

    \t\tLine\t53.63\t1.37 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t50.49\t3.55 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t53.38\t1.23 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t52.35\t568.85 beziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t51.22\t862.64 chars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t54.02\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t54.02\t37.80 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t48.35\t

    \t\tElements\t48.35\t15.47 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t64.05\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t64.39\t23.97 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t69.46\t24.33 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t65.48\t9.68 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t64.01\t24.00 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t63.91\t1.07 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t74.69\t15.52 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t43.82\t0.47 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t66.67\t12.83 MB/sec [256K blocks]
  • Reply 17 of 35
    Blueberry iBook 300, 288 mg of ram

    [code] Results\t29.40\t

    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.2

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t288 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,750@0 [300 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t67 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t34.24\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t26.82\t1.05 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t29.68\t100.03 Mflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t46.23\t2.08 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t21.22\t

    \t\tComputation\t17.92\t144.37 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t17.29\t54.68 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t28.46\t357.29 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t25.17\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t53.66\t28.23 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t15.78\t90.51 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t6.88\t41.25 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t24.69\t98.77 MB/sec

    \t\t\tScale\t24.69\t98.76 MB/sec

    \t\t\tAdd\t25.05\t100.21 MB/sec

    \t\t\tTriad\t25.13\t100.52 MB/sec

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t33.10\t

    \t\tLine\t30.63\t779.62 lines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t39.45\t2.78 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t37.85\t872.54 circles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t33.92\t368.54 beziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t23.63\t398.00 chars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t35.64\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t35.64\t24.94 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t21.43\t

    \t\tElements\t21.43\t6.86 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t35.03\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t30.07\t11.19 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t35.17\t12.32 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t40.88\t6.04 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t35.90\t13.46 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t23.57\t0.39 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t35.00\t7.27 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t35.76\t0.39 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t43.86\t8.44 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    wOOt wOOt!!
  • Reply 18 of 35
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Spiffster:

    <strong>Blueberry iBook 300, 288 mg of ram


    wOOt wOOt!! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    do you find that it is slower or faster then 9?
  • Reply 19 of 35
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    Rev. A Bondi iMac with no classic installed:

    (ATI RAGE IIc 6MB)

    [code] Results\t22.69\t

    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.3

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t288 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,750@0 [234 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t67 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t22.72\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t15.36\t599.71 Kops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t15.00\t50.55 Mflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t37.80\t1.70 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t19.91\t

    \t\tComputation\t14.67\t118.15 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t21.85\t69.13 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t23.20\t291.26 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t25.57\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t40.41\t21.25 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t15.96\t91.54 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t8.68\t52.07 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t28.67\t114.68 MB/sec

    \t\t\tScale\t28.68\t114.71 MB/sec

    \t\t\tAdd\t30.25\t121.01 MB/sec

    \t\t\tTriad\t30.23\t120.92 MB/sec

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t28.01\t

    \t\tLine\t24.71\t629.10 lines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t30.64\t2.16 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t29.80\t686.91 circles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t28.49\t309.59 beziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t26.41\t444.72 chars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t6.58\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t6.58\t4.60 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t30.37\t

    \t\tElements\t30.37\t9.72 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t27.71\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t21.07\t7.85 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t22.24\t7.79 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t41.22\t6.09 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t20.77\t7.79 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t23.17\t0.39 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t28.30\t5.88 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t34.89\t0.38 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t30.04\t5.78 MB/sec [256K blocks]

  • Reply 20 of 35

    \tSystem Info\t\t

    \t\tXbench Version\t\t1.0b3

    \t\tSystem Version\t\t10.2.3

    \t\tPhysical RAM\t\t768 MB

    \t\tProcessor\t\tPowerPC,G4@0 [500 MHz]

    \t\t\tL1 Cache\t\t32K (instruction), 32K (data)

    \t\t\tBus Frequency\t\t100 MHz

    \tCPU Test\t56.26\t

    \t\tGCD Recursion\t47.22\t1.84 Mops/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Basic\t65.82\t221.85 Mflop/sec

    \t\tAltiVec Basic\t28.36\t1.54 Gflop/sec

    \t\tFloating Point Library\t83.64\t3.76 Mops/sec

    \tThread Test\t57.03\t

    \t\tComputation\t32.96\t265.50 Kops/sec, 4 threads

    \t\tMemory Contention\t93.24\t294.91 MB/sec, 2 threads

    \t\tLock Contention\t44.89\t563.47 Klocks/sec, 4 threads

    \tMemory Test\t82.37\t


    \t\t\tAllocate\t88.67\t46.64 Kalloc/sec

    \t\t\tFill\t100.79\t577.98 MB/sec

    \t\t\tCopy\t33.48\t200.88 MB/sec


    \t\t\tCopy\t87.80\t351.20 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tScale\t87.69\t350.75 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tAdd\t93.83\t375.34 MB/sec [altivec]

    \t\t\tTriad\t92.37\t369.47 MB/sec [altivec]

    \tQuartz Graphics Test\t65.76\t

    \t\tLine\t66.22\t1.69 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tRectangle\t67.27\t4.73 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tCircle\t72.71\t1.68 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tBezier\t67.25\t730.76 beziers/sec [50% alpha]

    \t\tText\t55.34\t931.98 chars/sec

    \tOpenGL Graphics Test\t76.07\t

    \t\tSpinning Squares\t76.07\t53.23 frames/sec

    \tUser Interface Test\t74.26\t

    \t\tElements\t74.26\t23.76 refresh/sec

    \tDisk Test\t76.79\t


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t83.50\t31.09 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t95.31\t33.39 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t80.13\t11.84 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t88.63\t33.23 MB/sec [256K blocks]


    \t\t\tUncached Write\t76.20\t1.27 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Write\t73.82\t15.34 MB/sec [256K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t52.53\t0.57 MB/sec [4K blocks]

    \t\t\tUncached Read\t64.22\t12.36 MB/sec [256K blocks]
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