Apple seriously considering iPhone rebate, subsidy - report



  • Reply 61 of 66
    tomkarltomkarl Posts: 239member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Then don't fucking complain when no one is buying apple products and keep buying microsoft crappy operating system. Just sit in the corner and enjoy your mac all by yourself. What a dumbass comment you made. What's the point of apple making products if not for more people to buy them?

    I'm very certain that I've never publicly or privately complained about no one buying Apple products.

    Judging from the comments here, I think it's pretty clear who is making dumbass comments.

    Have a good day.
  • Reply 62 of 66
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Gee dude.. who said i couldn't afford to?. I think the original point of my post is lost in all these replies and counter replies. My point is that the market for people who want to afford these devices at these prices is limited. Someone will always buy some expensive products. Heck, there are cell phones made of diamonds thta cost thousands that someone bought. That is not the point. The point was that the product is not competitevly priced to attract a largue customer base. I think i was replying to someone who thought these things would sell very well. Why would i ever argue these things would not sell?. Lamborgini's sell, not many people buy them but they sell. I am 100% sure at least one person will buy the iphone (if not more).

    As to critizing others, what's wrong with that?.. this is the problem our society has today.. suddenly, it's wrong to tell people when they are full of shit. I see it all the time.. people make dumbass comments and then claim that their opinion, regardless of how dumb it is, is just as valid as any other person opinion. Why is that?. Don't critize others?.,. please!!.. why, cause the others are immune from criticism?. I'm certainly not immune from criticism, you never catch me saying i shouldn't be critised but now you shouldn't?.. get of your horse!!.

    Look, your opinion (which i think is wrong) is that $150 for a plan is perfectly reasonable. My opinion is that it is not. It's that simple. We should be allowed to critize each other positions. Regardless, this is all academic. We shall see when the iphone comes out who is right and who is not.

    Nothing wrong with you criticizing expensive plans per se. It's when you more than hint that some people have too much money, that it becomes unreasonable.

    It's all reletive. I don't know if you own a house, condo, or just rent. But, whatever you pay, there are people who are going to say that you are crazy for paying so much, even if they consider you to be rich enough, by their standards, to afford it. I don't like getting into that kind of argument. It's counterproductive.
  • Reply 63 of 66
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Question: Do you think there is a market for G5's on ebay?. Maybe there are mac fans nostalgic for the powerpc processor?. I have to find out.

    If yourr price is reasonable, then you will find a ready buyer. Craigs List works well in NYC.
  • Reply 64 of 66
    bkerkaybkerkay Posts: 139member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    What don't you understand?.. the price i stated included MANUFACTURING.

    It must cost apple a million bucks to package and ship an iphone.. good thing customers are NEVER CHARGED FOR SHIPPING AND HANDLING and as to advertising, well we all know.. you have to charge 100 bucks per product for advertising. I mean, the fact that you can get a razr for less than 100 only means that motorola doesn't advertise, otherwise, they too would need a $225 profit..

    But i get what you are saying.. u saying it cost apple to manufacture, package, ship, advertise, account and offer phone assistance but it cost motorola nothing to do the same for the razr.

    Apple is the only company in the world who cannot ccontrol their cost sufficiently.. and apple call themselves an advanced company.. Really, they should advertise themselves as a backwards tech company.. costs are so high, that advertising, packaging, shipping and account management exceeds manufacturing cost..

    Long time reader... first time poster.

    The reason I finally decided to post was that the comments made started bothering me. Let's not forget that the razr was not always only $100 or less (with rebates), but in the begining it was a very expensive phone... $500 with service agreement and $800 without. Yet people bought them and the price went down. We all now that early adopters will always pay more for a product. Consumers know this as do companies.

    Just as the first iPod had "limited" features and was expensive, with many people saying "who's going to buy that?", you would of thought it will be a flop.... but 100 million iPods later.... they are still being bought.

    Also, why don't people make such a big deal about the price differences of automobiles? You can buy a car for $10K or $90K and it's your or someone elses choice. But guess what the the cheaper car and the more expensive car both get you from point A to point B.... even though both cars have four wheels, an engine, doors, windshield etc. So what makes them so different that and extra $70-80K is worth it.

    So... is the iPhone expensive.... maybe. Is it for everyone... no. Will people buy it.. yes. And that's all that matters.
  • Reply 65 of 66
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Nothing wrong with you criticizing expensive plans per se. It's when you more than hint that some people have too much money, that it becomes unreasonable.

    It's all reletive. I don't know if you own a house, condo, or just rent. But, whatever you pay, there are people who are going to say that you are crazy for paying so much, even if they consider you to be rich enough, by their standards, to afford it. I don't like getting into that kind of argument. It's counterproductive.

    Ok. I see where you were coming from (i suppose i should not call people willing to pay $150 for a plan idiots as i did in a prior post). I mean, people buy expensive sneakers (sneakers i can afford many times over but have i would never buy) so i guess people choose to spend their money how they see fit.. i'll give you that.. i still stand by my main argument (the phone and the plan for the phone would be too expensive for the general public).
  • Reply 66 of 66
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Ok. I see where you were coming from (i suppose i should not call people willing to pay $150 for a plan idiots as i did in a prior post). I mean, people buy expensive sneakers (sneakers i can afford many times over but have i would never buy) so i guess people choose to spend their money how they see fit.. i'll give you that.. i still stand by my main argument (the phone and the plan for the phone would be too expensive for the general public).

    Now, that's a fair assessment.
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