Apple details Leopard's expanded Instant Message framework



  • Reply 61 of 81
    shanemshanem Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Either Apple won't be doing that, or they are waiting for something before they come out with new models. The 30" is too high for a convenient camera position. You would have your neck bent all of the time. doesn't mean they won't do it, but I'd hate to be staring up constantly.

    I think apple is waiting for something as well, and I wonder what it is. LED backlights? New graphics options in MacPro to coincide with new ACDs? I don't know what but they should do it soon .

    If you have the 30" mounted correctly where you are centered in the screen it really shouldn't be that much of a problem. You don't actually look into the camera when you talk do you? If anything you could scoot back a tad considering you are staring at a huge picture of whom you are talking to. Even if it is a problem for you, then you could always buy a smaller screen. Apple wouldn't put iSight cameras in the smaller ones and not the 30" (or bigger?) screens.

    And for those that say they don't care if there is an iSight or not integrated in ACDs, I say it's beside the point. The point is, it is stupid to buy a 2000 dollar screen when it is obvious that they are going to be replaced soon. Especially since most of the updates in the last 4 years have been price modifications. Apple is not going to simply add an iSight, they will increase other specs as well.
  • Reply 62 of 81
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ShaneM View Post

    If you have the 30" mounted correctly where you are centered in the screen it really shouldn't be that much of a problem.

    To be ergonomically correct, the top of the screen should be at eye level, not vertically center of the screen.


    The point is, it is stupid to buy a 2000 dollar screen when it is obvious that they are going to be replaced soon.

    People have been expecting "obvious" RSN updates to the ACD line for over a year now. The price updates may just be to not have too absurd of a price gap against competitors. If they were trying to clear them out, I would expect lower prices yet.


    Especially since most of the updates in the last 4 years have been price modifications. Apple is not going to simply add an iSight, they will increase other specs as well.

    Apple has updated the 30" at least once, maybe twice since its introduction, and I think the same happened with the other models. The current version is very nice, I have no complaints with it. I don't expect that it will be a significant difference in picture quality. If they add a camera, I hope it's in a ball socket to allow some amount of swivel, because straight-on with a large display might not always be feasible.
  • Reply 63 of 81
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    [QUOTE=ShaneM;1074074]I think apple is waiting for something as well, and I wonder what it is. LED backlights? New graphics options in MacPro to coincide with new ACDs? I don't know what but they should do it soon .[/uote]



    If you have the 30" mounted correctly where you are centered in the screen it really shouldn't be that much of a problem. You don't actually look into the camera when you talk do you? If anything you could scoot back a tad considering you are staring at a huge picture of whom you are talking to. Even if it is a problem for you, then you could always buy a smaller screen. Apple wouldn't put iSight cameras in the smaller ones and not the 30" (or bigger?) screens.

    It's a funny thing about monitor heights. Almost no one sets them up properly.

    As Jeff says, you are NOT supposed to have your eyes centered at the middle of the screen. You are supposed to have your eyes at the top of the screen, which would have you look either straight ahead, or slightly downwards. That is the proper ergonomic position. All monitor manufacturers, when they bother to provide a page in their manual dealing with setup, show that very thing. The European standards require that setup in office situations.

    The reason why we set our monitors up too high, goes back to the old days of computing, where computers were flat on the desktop, and therefore, monitors had to sit on top. People became so used to looking up at them, that it seems to have stuck. I find it to be very hard to convince people to lower their monitors.

    But, the 30" is so high, that there is no way to lower it.

    And, yes, it's best to look straight into the camera.

    I think that Apple's patents dealing with making the camera part of the monitor screen itself (assuming that they can ever do it) are intended to solve that problem, among others.
  • Reply 64 of 81
    shanemshanem Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Apple has updated the 30" at least once, maybe twice since its introduction, and I think the same happened with the other models. The current version is very nice, I have no complaints with it. I don't expect that it will be a significant difference in picture quality. If they add a camera, I hope it's in a ball socket to allow some amount of swivel, because straight-on with a large display might not always be feasible.

    Having an external camera can actually benefit you because you don't have to sit right in front of your screen. Or like you said a swivel feature. I would really like some HDCP compatibility so I don't have to buy a new tv, giving me the extra money to spring for the 30"

    How good would the 30" be as far as watching blu-ray or hddvd (assuming hdcp compliance)?
  • Reply 65 of 81
    shanemshanem Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    But, the 30" is so high, that there is no way to lower it.

    And, yes, it's best to look straight into the camera.

    I just had a picture pop into my head of a man on an absourdly (sp?) tall barstool.

    But think about this. If both (or more) people are staring at their cameras, neither will see the person they are talking to, defeating the whole purpose of videoconferencing. Just a thought.
  • Reply 66 of 81
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by ShaneM View Post

    Having an external camera can actually benefit you because you don't have to sit right in front of your screen. Or like you said a swivel feature. I would really like some HDCP compatibility so I don't have to buy a new tv, giving me the extra money to spring for the 30"

    How good would the 30" be as far as watching blu-ray or hddvd (assuming hdcp compliance)?

    Three and a half feet for 1080p.
  • Reply 67 of 81
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by ShaneM View Post

    I just had a picture pop into my head of a man on an absourdly (sp?) tall barstool.

    But think about this. If both (or more) people are staring at their cameras, neither will see the person they are talking to, defeating the whole purpose of videoconferencing. Just a thought.

    You don't have to "stare" at the camera. But, is it better to be seen from the perspective of the top of your head?
  • Reply 68 of 81
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    You don't have to "stare" at the camera. But, is it better to be seen from the perspective of the top of your head?

    Kinda like this?
  • Reply 69 of 81
    shanemshanem Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Three and a half feet for 1080p.

    I didn't understand your response.
  • Reply 70 of 81
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ShaneM View Post

    I didn't understand your response.

    I think that is a reference to the "optimal" seating distance from the screen. HDMI would be nice but I'm hoping to get a conventional 1080p TV. I think one of the 42" 1080p sets can be had for $2k now, the ones I've seen are very nice.
  • Reply 71 of 81
    shanemshanem Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I think that is a reference to the "optimal" seating distance from the screen. HDMI would be nice but I'm hoping to get a conventional 1080p TV. I think one of the 42" 1080p sets can be had for $2k now, the ones I've seen are very nice.

    the ati r600 featured cards are hdmi and I heard a rumor somewhere that they are destined for macpro. If this is the case, it would explain what apple is holding out for (i.e. quad core xeons for mac pro update).
  • Reply 72 of 81
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    Kinda like this?


    It does look silly.

    The idea is to look at the person you're talking to, as though you're across the table, not sitting below them.
  • Reply 73 of 81
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by ShaneM View Post

    I didn't understand your response.

    Sorry. I reread your question. I was thinking that you were asking about the distance.

    It would be fine for that. The computer would be required to upscale the image to 2560 x 1440. On 1080p material from the web, this looks really good.

    By the way, 2560 x 1440 is the next possible rez standard we may see, so it works out well.

    The distance would be 3 and one half feet to get all of the resolution from the image od a 1080p video. for 1440p, the distance would be a bit closer.

    Does that help?
  • Reply 74 of 81
    shanemshanem Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Sorry. I reread your question. I was thinking that you were asking about the distance.

    It would be fine for that. The computer would be required to upscale the image to 2560 x 1440. On 1080p material from the web, this looks really good.

    By the way, 2560 x 1440 is the next possible rez standard we may see, so it works out well.

    The distance would be 3 and one half feet to get all of the resolution from the image od a 1080p video. for 1440p, the distance would be a bit closer.

    Does that help?

    Yes it does, thank you. So is it possible to somehow hook up a blu-ray player, or ps3 to my mac pro?
  • Reply 75 of 81
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by ShaneM View Post

    Yes it does, thank you. So is it possible to somehow hook up a blu-ray player, or ps3 to my mac pro?

    Several companies have been selling Blu-Ray recoders for the Mac Pro for a while. I don't remember if they play movies though, or are just good for recording and playing back your own material.

    I'll check a couple out, and let you know what they say.
  • Reply 76 of 81
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by ShaneM View Post

    Yes it does, thank you. So is it possible to somehow hook up a blu-ray player, or ps3 to my mac pro?

    Ok, here's the scoop.

    You can record and play from Blu-Ray, but not play Blu-Ray movies until Apple's software will do so.

    So, if you record a movie to Blu-Ray as anything BUT a standard Blu-Ray movie, you will be able to play it.

    But, if you BUY a Blu-Ray movie, you will not be able to play it over the computer—yet.

    I'm assuming, and hoping, that Leopard will allow that.

    Now that Leopard is delayed, if that was indeed what we were waiting for, hopefully, Apple will issue an update before that, that will allow it.

    These are the current Blu-Ray drives that will work with the Mac Pro, some are internal.

    Will they allow movie play once the software is ready? I assume so, but can't promise it.
  • Reply 77 of 81
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Ok, here's the scoop.

    You can record and play from Blu-Ray, but not play Blu-Ray movies until Apple's software will do so.

    So, if you record a movie to Blu-Ray as anything BUT a standard Blu-Ray movie, you will be able to play it.

    But, if you BUY a Blu-Ray movie, you will not be able to play it over the computer?yet.

    I'm assuming, and hoping, that Leopard will allow that.

    Now that Leopard is delayed, if that was indeed what we were waiting for, hopefully, Apple will issue an update before that, that will allow it.

    These are the current Blu-Ray drives that will work with the Mac Pro, some are internal.

    Will they allow movie play once the software is ready? I assume so, but can't promise it.

    if you want to do video to video from mac to pc use this, it's kinda slow because it's a java program, but it's okay.
  • Reply 78 of 81
    shanemshanem Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Ok, here's the scoop.

    You can record and play from Blu-Ray, but not play Blu-Ray movies until Apple's software will do so.

    So, if you record a movie to Blu-Ray as anything BUT a standard Blu-Ray movie, you will be able to play it.

    But, if you BUY a Blu-Ray movie, you will not be able to play it over the computer?yet.

    I'm assuming, and hoping, that Leopard will allow that.

    Now that Leopard is delayed, if that was indeed what we were waiting for, hopefully, Apple will issue an update before that, that will allow it.

    Thank you very much that helps a lot.

    But even if it did, we would have another problem. Lack of IR capabilties. Another reason why we need new ACDs. /I'm waving money at you apple!
  • Reply 79 of 81
    shanemshanem Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by Rich-Myster View Post

    if you want to do video to video from mac to pc use this, it's kinda slow because it's a java program, but it's okay.

    Not sure how that's relevant, but a good bit of info nonetheless
  • Reply 80 of 81
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    I'll chime in with another "iChat sucks". I have bad luck even with iChat to iChat video, let alone Windows. And now you people want other networks? Bah! iChat is still buggy, lacking many many features, and well, crappy. Have they finally let you use USB webcams? That was a real poke in the eye when I came across that. Merry Christmas Mom and Dad, oh wait hang on you have to wait a few weeks so I can hack away at your computer before we can video chat.
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