Regulators O.K. Apple's Bluetooth headset for sale alongside iPhone



  • Reply 21 of 35
    Originally Posted by MattRebs View Post

    Woops I forgot to comment on the topic. I really like the simple design of this iPhone. I might get one later on when I get sick of the earbud mic. I'm just worried Im gonna lose it, that thing is SMALL! I'll be walking with my head tilted to the left. I'll really look crazy talking to myself.

    Yeah, Jobs kept saying "it's so tiny!" The first time its amusing. The second, its impressive... then it start getting a little scary sounding, as you imagine it somehow losing itself inside your ear... :-) I made my own blog post about it.


    "And we also have a Bluetooth accessory, headset that we're gonna be shipping. And there it is right there. It's incredibly small, and just to let you see what it looks like. It's got one button on the top for answering and hanging up a phone call, you never have to turn it off or on, it just goes to sleep. It automatically pairs with iPhone, so you don't have to worry about pairing. It's really simple. And, it's very tiny. This is what it looks like in your ear. It's just beautiful, its the coolest one we've ever seen." - Steve Jobs, MacWorld in January

    And constructed probably the cleanest image around...

  • Reply 22 of 35
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Cleverboy View Post

    And constructed probably the cleanest image around...

    Just a hunch, but I think they used a model with a large nose and ears to make the device look even smaller.
  • Reply 23 of 35
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Airplane mode should mean that all wireless functionality is disabled. On the phones that I have, it's not that hard to turn off the radios, though maybe Apple's way is a little easier, we'll see.

    I'm glad to know that it is so easy, thank you for informing me.

    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I don't see how this example says anything about Apple being forward-thinking regarding a phone's airplane mode, that's probably a regulatory requirement for any phone or at least a de-facto standard

    Good to know Apple is complying with de-facto standards.
  • Reply 24 of 35
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    this thing is pretty cool looking, very small, sleek, etc. i'm betting $129. i'd say $99, but you have to add 30% because the box says "designed by apple in california"

    i wonder if my headset will work w/ the iPhone. it'd better...
  • Reply 25 of 35
    caliminiuscaliminius Posts: 944member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Reread my post. I quote the paragraph regarding the "wired" headset. iPods and many cell phones come with headphones.... even the cheap ones.

    Sorry, missed that in your original post and in the article as well. But I have to stand by what I originally said. Cell phones have come with less and less accessories as the years have passed. My last phone came with just the phone and a wall charger. It's even more ridiculous with phones they advertise as media players, where the required software and cable are sold separately as well as the SD memory card that will actually make it be able to store more than 3 songs. I've only had to buy 3 phones but none of them included hands-free headsets, wired or otherwise.

    Even Apple has gotten this way with the iPod; it originally came with a wall charger, but now that's an extra $30. Or the lack of cables with the AppleTV. There's easy money in the accessories.
  • Reply 26 of 35
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Just a hunch, but I think they used a model with a large nose and ears to make the device look even smaller.

    Don't masturbate to it!
  • Reply 27 of 35
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    Sorry, missed that in your original post and in the article as well. But I have to stand by what I originally said. Cell phones have come with less and less accessories as the years have passed. My last phone came with just the phone and a wall charger. It's even more ridiculous with phones they advertise as media players, where the required software and cable are sold separately as well as the SD memory card that will actually make it be able to store more than 3 songs. I've only had to buy 3 phones but none of them included hands-free headsets, wired or otherwise.

    Even Apple has gotten this way with the iPod; it originally came with a wall charger, but now that's an extra $30. Or the lack of cables with the AppleTV. There's easy money in the accessories.

    I love that Apple doesn't include a wall charger. I have several Firewire wall chargers for the iPod that are never used.

    Since cusotmers need to connect to their iPod to their computer to sync and since all computers now supply power from at least one USB bus it makes sense to not include this feature.

    As JeffDM and I pointed out, even cheap phones come with headphones. That said, I just rewatched the MacWorld 2007 keynote (1hr: 28min in when Jobs mentions the headphones). Jobs used the same terms to describe both the wired and bluetooth hands-free devices: ...we're gonna be shipping...

    The tech specs make no mention of the headphones, and perhaps people that buy the iPhone will want higher quality headphones. I personally, hate the iPod's headphones. I prefer Sony's earbuds when going for decent cost/comfort/caliber set of headphones.

    It's also easy to say that since all iPod' come with headphones the iPhone will. But the iPhone has something that the iPod does not: a speaker. Though that is a weak argument and all the evidence is circumstantial I think you may be right, Caliminius.

    Originally Posted by britwithgoodteeth View Post

    Don't masturbate to it!

    The Zune can squirt, why can't I?
  • Reply 28 of 35
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Good to know Apple is complying with de-facto standards.

    I don't know if it is a legal requirement or not though. With regard to Airplane mode, I think Apple would be stupid to not have Airplane mode work properly, otherwise one wouldn't even be permitted to use the iPod functionality on the phone because the whole device would have to be off to be legal. I have heard in the MW keynote that there would be one.
  • Reply 29 of 35
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Whether BT reaches very far is not the issue as I've been told that the use of any radio transmitting device is prohibited. But Apple has a history of thinking these things through. For example who else offers a mag safe airline power adapter for notebooks? I'm not too worried.

    Huh? Apple is the only company that has Magsafe connectors. They also have not licensed MagSafe to any of the third-parties. So, who else would make a power adapter?

    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I don't see how this example says anything about Apple being forward-thinking regarding a phone's airplane mode, that's probably a regulatory requirement for any phone or at least a de-facto standard, otherwise you can't use the device at all on an aircraft. They don't get bonus points for doing what is required.

    OK, JeffDM had all my points on magsafe. Sorry. But, there is no regulatory requirement about turning off bluetooth or wifi or anything else (just like there's nothing that tells them to turn off just the standard cell capability). But Apple would be stupid not to allow it, because what frequent traveler in their right mind would spend so much money for a device they couldn't use at all on an airplane?
  • Reply 30 of 35
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I love that Apple doesn't include a wall charger. I have several Firewire wall chargers for the iPod that are never used.

    Since cusotmers need to connect to their iPod to their computer to sync and since all computers now supply power from at least one USB bus it makes sense to not include this feature.

    Sorry, I don't agree. USB charging blows, mainly because everytime I've ever tried to use it, it insists on waking up my mac when I plug it in. I never had this problem with Firewire. It also won't charge when the computer is turned off (my iBook would, in firewire mode, but my G5 tower doesn't).

    I guess if your computer never sleeps and is on all the time, USB syncing is fine.
  • Reply 31 of 35
    Do you think this will work with Skype?
  • Reply 32 of 35
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Sorry, I don't agree. USB charging blows, mainly because everytime I've ever tried to use it, it insists on waking up my mac when I plug it in. I never had this problem with Firewire. It also won't charge when the computer is turned off (my iBook would, in firewire mode, but my G5 tower doesn't).

    I guess if your computer never sleeps and is on all the time, USB syncing is fine.

    Sorry. Are you wanting an A/C charger included or Firewire support returned? If it's the latter?which wasn't part of the original discussion?then I agree with you. I don't mind that Apple only includes the more ubquitous USB 2.0 cable, but they should have kept support for FW400 for those so inclined..

    Originally Posted by Caribou Killa View Post

    Do you think this will work with Skype?

    Doubtful. AT&T surely doesn't want Skype on the iPhone, so unless there is a webbased option to use Skype in the works then the answer is no.

    Will we be able to pair the Bluetooth headset to our Macs for use with Skype or is the Bluetooth signal a proprietary one like with Nike+? I'd wager that it's standard, but you never know.
  • Reply 33 of 35

    You ever talked on an Apple iPhone? You ever talked on an Apple iPhone... on Weed?

  • Reply 34 of 35
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I love that Apple doesn't include a wall charger. I have several Firewire wall chargers for the iPod that are never used.

    Since cusotmers need to connect to their iPod to their computer to sync and since all computers now supply power from at least one USB bus it makes sense to not include this feature.

    As JeffDM and I pointed out, even cheap phones come with headphones.

    I love the way you set that up and then completely defeated your own arguement.

    Yes plenty of people probably didn't use the included charger, since they connect to their computer anyways, but for those who did it was handy.

    Now how many people do you think use the shitty included earphones when they're supposed to be putting the phone to their ear anyways? Do you see the glaring similarities?

    The point is no comsumer should "love" getting less just because they don't use or need it, it's getting things like that that should make people feel loved. To argue that no one wants a charger for an item that requires power but that people need a headset for an item that has an ear piece makes next to no sense, it's the same arguement.

    Also my last 2 phones didn't come with a headset, if I felt like I needed one I'd do like most people that want one do, buy a decent one because the included ones are always crap and break in no time.
  • Reply 35 of 35
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ecking View Post

    I love the way you set that up and then completely defeated your own arguement.

    Yes plenty of people probably didn't use the included charger, since they connect to their computer anyways, but for those who did it was handy.

    Now how many people do you think use the shitty included earphones when they're supposed to be putting the phone to their ear anyways? Do you see the glaring similarities?

    The point is no comsumer should "love" getting less just because they don't use or need it, it's getting things like that that should make people feel loved. To argue that no one wants a charger for an item that requires power but that people need a headset for an item that has an ear piece makes next to no sense, it's the same arguement.

    Also my last 2 phones didn't come with a headset, if I felt like I needed one I'd do like most people that want one do, buy a decent one because the included ones are always crap and break in no time.

    Exactly what part of my statement was defeated? My last sentence was merely pointing out that there will most likely be a headset included. Still, with no external speaker you have to use headphones for the iPod, but can charging can be done in various way via the USB connector.

    I have many Apple headsets that I don't use. The suck balls. I'd rather Apple not include them and save me the cost or at least allow me to return them for a voucher. For cost, comfort and quality I prefer my Sony ear buds. They sell them at the Apple Store.
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