Over one third of iPhone inquirers not AT&T subscribers



  • Reply 21 of 47
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    For overly hyped, kindly search the term "Segway"

    I don't think it got a tenth of the coverage that the iPhone is getting.
  • Reply 22 of 47
    cpt kcpt k Posts: 33member
    Called T Mobile about my contract status and when asked why I was interested in canceling I said, "something to do with June 29th." The rep laughed and said that he was told to tell folks like myself calling to look into canceling that the iPhone WILL in fact take any GSM sim card from any carrier, save on the visual voice-mail, you will be able to use the phone.

    And yes I did press the question about where he (the rep) was recieiving his information from. Was not able to comment further.

    So if your in contract with T-Mobile 611 them and try and get more info.

    Sounds promising though.
  • Reply 23 of 47
    kavikkavik Posts: 37member
    Originally Posted by Cpt K View Post

    Called T Mobile about my contract status and when asked why I was interested in canceling I said, "something to do with June 29th." The rep laughed and said that he was told to tell folks like myself calling to look into canceling that the iPhone WILL in fact take any GSM sim card from any carrier, save on the visual voice-mail, you will be able to use the phone.

    And yes I did press the question about where he (the rep) was recieiving his information from. Was not able to comment further.

    So if your in contract with T-Mobile 611 them and try and get more info.

    Sounds promising though.

    Though this would be incredible--Apple selling unlocked iPhones directly for use on any GSM network, leaving AT&T the "exclusive carrier" selling the iPhone--my gut tells me that this is either just a rep making it up, or T-Mobile's corporate "attempt" at trying to stave off a large exodus of customers by holding out the promise that unlocked iPhones will be available at some point.

    p.s. even if it "works" on the T-Mobile network with your existing SIM & contract, that doesn't mean you will get an iPhone unless you sign up for two years of (probably pricey) service with AT&T
  • Reply 24 of 47
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I thought one in four US mobile phone subscribers are with AT&T. I don't think a third is a very interesting number. If three fourths of the inquiries were with competitors, then that might be interesting.

    I think JeffDM makes an important observation. If: (i) 75% of US mobile users at non-ATT, (ii) the proportion of subscribers coming up for contract renewal is roughly similar across major providers, and (iii) even allowing for some "stickiness" associated with unwillingness to switch carriers (attenuated, however, by the fact that ATT hasn't made clear what it's policy is towards its own likely switchers), only 40% of the enquiries being non-ATT actually sounds a bit disappointing.
  • Reply 25 of 47
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by Kavik View Post

    Tp.s. even if it "works" on the T-Mobile network with your existing SIM & contract, that doesn't mean you will get an iPhone unless you sign up for two years of (probably pricey) service with AT&T

    Huh? What if I bought it at the Apple Store (incl. online)? Surely, Apple is not in the business of credit-checking and signing up people for ATT cellphone plans?
  • Reply 26 of 47
    kavikkavik Posts: 37member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Huh? What if I bought it at the Apple Store (incl. online)? Surely, Apple is not in the business of credit-checking and signing up people for ATT cellphone plans?

    Since there's absolutely no real information available, it's all just speculation.

    However, the conventional wisdom is that Apple will be getting a cut of all the 2-year AT&T contracts--so why would they let you buy it unlocked and take it to T-Mobile? And for that matter, why would AT&T agree to be the "exclusive" carrier if they knew that most people would realize they could buy it at the Apple store and use the iPhone on T-Mobile *and* that T-Mo offers better price plans (on both voice and data) *and* they wouldn't be locked into a 24-month contract?
  • Reply 27 of 47
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I thought one in four US mobile phone subscribers are with AT&T. I don't think a third is a very interesting number. If three fourths of the inquiries were with competitors, then that might be interesting.

    Now that you mention it it does seem a bit low. I sort of doubt anyone is actually keeping track of who's inquiring though. Probably a made up number anyway. I think that most people who are really serious about buying an iPhone already know where to find the information (like on the web) so they aren't likely to seek out and ask the clerk at the AT&T store unless they are already there as a current AT&T customer.
  • Reply 28 of 47
    cpt kcpt k Posts: 33member
    Originally Posted by Kavik View Post

    Since there's absolutely no real information available, it's all just speculation.

    However, the conventional wisdom is that Apple will be getting a cut of all the 2-year AT&T contracts--so why would they let you buy it unlocked and take it to T-Mobile? And for that matter, why would AT&T agree to be the "exclusive" carrier if they knew that most people would realize they could buy it at the Apple store and use the iPhone on T-Mobile *and* that T-Mo offers better price plans (on both voice and data) *and* they wouldn't be locked into a 24-month contract?

    Well that is true. However, we are far and few (those who dare to even take the sim out of our phones). One of two things. Apple's inherent genius of "bring it to the masses" through AT&T will allow control over the supply/demand - giving them 2 or 5 years to fine tune version 2.0 which will be fully unlocked and ready to take any sim at that point in time. Or TWO, APPLE will stick with AT&T for all the luddlites out there whom are going to buy-in and drive growth - leaving all us geeks have our way with unlocked phones directly from the store and/or web purchases.

    This whole AT&T or nothing business is very UN (THINK) Different to me.
  • Reply 29 of 47
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    The phone is over-hyped. Perhaps not by apple and AT&T, but why should they waste their money when they've got the blogosphere and the mac-sites all agog over this thing.

    But to me that's not hype, that's interest.
  • Reply 30 of 47
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by Cpt K View Post

    This whole AT&T or nothing business is very UN (THINK) Different to me.

    From what I've read and heard At&T was the only carrier willing to bend to Apple's demands as far as plans pricing etc... And considering that one of the phones features (visual voicemail) was developed jointly with AT&T, there wasn't a whole lot of choice in the matter.
  • Reply 31 of 47
    cpt kcpt k Posts: 33member
    Originally Posted by solsun View Post

    From what I've read and heard At&T was the only carrier willing to bend to Apple's demands as far as plans pricing etc... And considering that one of the phones features (visual voicemail) was developed jointly with AT&T, there wasn't a whole lot of choice in the matter.

    But we all agree that we could live without this feature if given a choice?
  • Reply 32 of 47
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by Cpt K View Post

    But we all agree that we could live without this feature if given a choice?

    You're assuming there's no more coming.
  • Reply 33 of 47
    cpt kcpt k Posts: 33member
    We can only hope for a "one more thing" I suppose. Otherwise I don't see a way to this without spending 1k and signing up for 2 years. Oh how I wish I were not married
  • Reply 34 of 47
    kavikkavik Posts: 37member
    Originally Posted by Cpt K View Post

    Well that is true. However, we are far and few (those who dare to even take the sim out of our phones). One of two things. Apple's inherent genius of "bring it to the masses" through AT&T will allow control over the supply/demand - giving them 2 or 5 years to fine tune version 2.0 which will be fully unlocked and ready to take any sim at that point in time. Or TWO, APPLE will stick with AT&T for all the luddlites out there whom are going to buy-in and drive growth - leaving all us geeks have our way with unlocked phones directly from the store and/or web purchases.

    But I don't want to have to wait 2-5 years!

    Originally Posted by Cpt K View Post

    This whole AT&T or nothing business is very UN (THINK) Different to me.

    I wholeheartedly agree! This continues to be my biggest stumbling block with Apple on the iPhone.
  • Reply 35 of 47
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by Kavik View Post

    Since there's absolutely no real information available, it's all just speculation.

    However, the conventional wisdom is that Apple will be getting a cut of all the 2-year AT&T contracts--so why ........etc etc

    Huh (again)?

    Do you notice a self-contradiction in your post?
  • Reply 36 of 47
    kavikkavik Posts: 37member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Huh (again)?

    Do you notice a self-contradiction in your post?

    No contradiction, just common sense--AT&T has been named the exclusive carrier, period. Right now with any other phone you purchase from T-Mobile or Cingular/AT&T, though you can technically use the phone on any GSM network, it is typically locked to the carrier you purchase it from. Often a carrier will unlock it for you if you tell them you are traveling oversees or are outside of contract. And for most phone brands there are third parties that will unlock your phone or provide you a code for a price.

    What remains to be seen is the unlocking policy for the iPhone and when, or if, it could ever be unlocked by anyone but Apple. But I believe (*my hunch*) that, YES, Apple is going to make you sign up with AT&T before they even let you touch an iPhone box--maybe with a kiosk or special setup at the Apple store that would be similar to buying a phone at Best Buy, Circuit City or Walmart. At Apple's online store it may direct you to att.com to sign up before they will ship you an iPhone. Or alternatively, it may just not work until it is activated with a new AT&T iPhone account.
  • Reply 37 of 47
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by Cpt K View Post

    But we all agree that we could live without this feature if given a choice?

    I don't know... I haven't tried it yet..
  • Reply 38 of 47
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by willgonz View Post

    The sad thing is....a lot of these folks don't even care about the iPhone. They are just going to buy the phone and sell it on ebay.

    Whatever. A sale is a sale.
  • Reply 39 of 47
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Stageron View Post

    It's a shame that Apple's Iphone will frustrate anyone who tries to use it in NYC. I've worked in NY all my life and you can ask anyone who has ATT's service just how bad it is. People are going to have to join ATT so they can buy this phone and soon realize that the phone part of it is useless.

    When I was an ATT customer I asked them why service was almost non existent in every building I walked into, their answer was "well if your inside you should use a landline phone".

    Apple has traded quality of service for quantity. They went with ATT because they have the biggest customer base and they were willing to bend over and let Apple have their way with them as far as dictating the rules of the game. Everyone I talk to here says the same thing I do, the Iphone looks like one of the best products to come out of Apple but I'll never buy one. Buying a phone that you can't use as a phone makes no sense.

    Apple should have just sold them at Apple stores and let the people who buy them decide what service they want to use.

    If your thinking of buying an Iphone and live in NYC do some research and you'll see I'm right.


    Well, master negotiator that he is, Steve may have built in some contractual "outs" in case at&t's service falls below expectations...
  • Reply 40 of 47
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    For overly hyped, kindly search the term "Segway"

    Don't you mean "Ginger"?
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