Analyst claims iPhone nano on track for fourth quarter



  • Reply 21 of 33
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    Of course it does. However, it almost certainly won't have all of the above features or the big iPhone touch screen. I'd guess it would outsell the iPhone too as most people don't want an expensive big phone.

    I think this will emerge, eventually, but when do you think it will be available? Surely not in the next year.
  • Reply 22 of 33
    loulou Posts: 43member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    If they don't make the iPhone Nano as wide as the full iPhone though, typing on it could be a little tricky, which makes me think it'll forgo the touch screen and have real number keys and be a more traditional phone form factor.

    If this 'iPhone Nano' did have a touch screen, aslong as the screen is as tall as the width of current iPhones you could go into landscape on the iPhone Nano and have the same space as most of the virtual keyboard input 'screens' on the current iPhone (bar Safari's landscape).

    But then there's the width (height in landscape) issue, and being able to see not just the virtual keyboard but also what you're typing.
  • Reply 23 of 33
    Luckily, Apple has invented the hand-shrinker ray, so that we'll be able to type on a screen the size of a business card.
  • Reply 24 of 33
    eaieai Posts: 417member
    Apple would be very dumb to go and tie their most popular product to a contract with a single provider... They'll also lose a large number of customers who just don't want their iPod and phone to be in one device (or they're happy with their existing phone).

    Equally, people are going to want a phone that a) is similar to the iPhone (multi touch etc) b) does what their existing phone does. I'm not sure that Apple can get away with making a phone with only a scroll wheel - how do you send SMS messages? (that's vital - in Europe at least) I can see them just about getting away with the rotary dialing, because you don't have to enter a number that often.

    So, if we see an iPhone Nano, I very much doubt we'll lose the iPod Nano as a consequence...
  • Reply 25 of 33
    icibaquicibaqu Posts: 278member
    the iphone nano is only logical in the current paradigm of the phone market. . . which isn't that what apple is aiming to change with the iphone itself? it makes more sense to me to decrease the cost of the iphone over time and thus make it a more accesable product. i suppose they could separate the iphone "product lines" in the same way they separate "pro" and "consumer" with their computer lines.... but eliminating wifi, etc. sort of shuts down the whole paradigm shift of reinventing the phone, etc.

    either way i think this report is bogus...and i hope it is because i'm about to recommit myself with tmobile because i'm not about to spend 600 bones on a phone to be with a carrier i have not had good experience with (although that was years ago).
  • Reply 26 of 33
    smqtsmqt Posts: 28member
    This report is bogus: Apple is not going to introduce new versions of a product, when the original product would not even be availbale world-wide (Asia + parts of Europe).

    I doubt that there will be phone product-ranges (like "nano" and "regular") any time soon at all, let alone an undressed version.

  • Reply 27 of 33
    I hope this is true, but I have my doubts. I am not spending 5 or 600 bucks on a phone AND switching over the the worst carrier. I have Verizon and even though they do have some bs, their service is amazing in any area I goto, I have never had a problem with them. I hope Apple does come out with a iPhone I would be able to use on my carrier, the smaller the better too, the iPhone now is HUGE.
  • Reply 28 of 33
    aisiaisi Posts: 134member
    J.P. Morgan's Bill Shope disagrees with Kevin Chang's stance.


    ?We caution that the potential for a low-end, subsidized phone from Apple seems unlikely in the near term,? Shope writes this morning. ?Perhaps Apple will choose to eventually replace its iPod family with phones over time, but it could be premature to assume this will happen in volume any time soon.?

    Shope notes that he has been unable to independently confirm the channel checks Chang cited as one reason for his call yesterday, ?so we are not yet convinced this is a likely event.?

    Shope says a lower-end iPhone is ?inevitable,? but contends introducing it so soon would be ?unusual and highly risky.? He contends Apple is likely to keep the iPhone and iPod as distinct business segments for ?as long as this makes economic sense.?

  • Reply 29 of 33
    tmedia1tmedia1 Posts: 104member

    I'm so sick of the "analyst" thing! All I can say is.... the word has it origin in mid 18th cent.: from modern Latin analis, from Latin anus. Ever since Apple has become the reborn darling of wall street, these forums aren't as fun as they used to be. They used to be full of "real" Apple enthusiasts, now every Tom, Dick and Harry is on these forums and they are ALL experts. Lame, just lame...
  • Reply 30 of 33
    bsenkabsenka Posts: 801member
    Originally Posted by Dorotea View Post

    Does an iPhone nano even make sense. The reason that I want the iPhone is wifi, email, browsing, interactive calendar, contacts, etc. don't think this would be workable on a nano.

    Back when the original Nano came out about the same time as the Moto Rockr, the very first thing I said when I got my Nano was "THIS should have been the iTunes phone". When the rumors of an iPhone started getting serious, the one thing I hoped for was a Nano version. The current iPhone is really nice, and once it's available in Canada I'll probably get one. However, if I'm given a choice between the current version and a Nano version, I'm getting the Nano for sure.
  • Reply 31 of 33
    Hey Kevin! You're Fired!

  • Reply 32 of 33
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by icibaqu View Post

    the iphone nano is only logical in the current paradigm of the phone market. . . which isn't that what apple is aiming to change with the iphone itself? it makes more sense to me to decrease the cost of the iphone over time and thus make it a more accesable product. i suppose they could separate the iphone "product lines" in the same way they separate "pro" and "consumer" with their computer lines.... but eliminating wifi, etc. sort of shuts down the whole paradigm shift of reinventing the phone, etc.

    either way i think this report is bogus...and i hope it is because i'm about to recommit myself with tmobile because i'm not about to spend 600 bones on a phone to be with a carrier i have not had good experience with (although that was years ago).

    Sweet jebus, somebody talking sense. Bring me smelling salts.
  • Reply 33 of 33
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    Of course it does. However, it almost certainly won't have all of the above features or the big iPhone touch screen. I'd guess it would outsell the iPhone too as most people don't want an expensive big phone.

    Sony Ericsson make the big fat P990 with all of the features of the iPhone (roughly) but they also make the ultraslim W880i Walkman phone (9.4mm thick 3G phone) for those people that don't need all the features of the P990.

    Incidentally, before the latest round of SE updates to Symbian OS 9 on their phones, the Symbian based phones all had perfect syncing with iSync. It's partly why I still use a P910i (Symbian OS 7) instead of the OS 9 phones. And Opera Mini on the P910i is actually pretty good too.

    If they don't make the iPhone Nano as wide as the full iPhone though, typing on it could be a little tricky, which makes me think it'll forgo the touch screen and have real number keys and be a more traditional phone form factor.

    So, having explicitly belittled real number keys and traditional form factors as why cell phones suck and everybody hates them, Apple's going to wrap a little Ives mojo around and bake a little iPod goodness into exactly that?
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