What Member is Steve Jobs
We have the Fake Steve Jobs and now more recently have discovered that actual CEOs do frequent internet forums under a pseudonym . Hell even Dvorak admits to trolling Mac forums.
So I began to wonder, just which forum member is Steve Jobs. I just have to believe he's here and a regular posting member.
My guess.... Ireland.
Who do you think?
So I began to wonder, just which forum member is Steve Jobs. I just have to believe he's here and a regular posting member.
My guess.... Ireland.
Who do you think?
My guess.... Ireland.
Na. Ireland spends far too much time on here. Steve Jobs is a very busy man, Ireland clearly isn't!
He's here!! I just know it.
More importantly, which of us is Fake Steve?
Yes I am the fake real Steve Jobs. I thought the double blind of using a boy's name while claiming to be a female but all the time really being His Steveness, would fool you.
Damn you AppleInsiders! You're too smart even to be tricked by the Mercurial One. Curses!
We have the Fake Steve Jobs and now more recently have discovered that actual CEOs do frequent internet forums under a pseudonym . Hell even Dvorak admits to trolling Mac forums.
So I began to wonder, just which forum member is Steve Jobs. I just have to believe he's here and a regular posting member.
My guess.... Ireland.
Who do you think?
Who seems to be right more often then everyone else. Since Mel is always right, I vote him.
Due to recent developments in mousepad patents, I change my vote from melgross to Ireland.
i'm steve jobs ...
No... you're much too clueless... unless that's a ruse to throw us off. So what's the new iMac like?
i'm steve jobs ...
Steve Jobs could afford to buy his own copy of XP, unless he's a great poker player.
P.S. I'm not sure if I agree that Ireland is Steve Jobs, cause Ireland is both a genius, and a nice guy.
Na. Ireland spends far too much time on here. Steve Jobs is a very busy man, Ireland clearly isn't!
I think Steve is all those people who keep posting spam. I don't think he likes sites like this because we try to counter his secret ways.
No, I don't think Ireland is Steve Jobs. I don't always agree with him in every detail but still respect him as being one of the smarter guys on the forums. He is the type of guy I would like to see working at Apple.
Thank you very much.
I don't think he likes sites like this because we try to counter his secret ways.
Not true, I love you guys.
I'm not sure if I agree that Ireland is Steve Jobs, cause Ireland is both a genius, and a nice guy.
Yeah he is. He's also never conceited or egotistic.
Wait... are you trying to say that SJ is a mean, dumb guy? I don't think that you would appreciate that.
No... you're much too clueless... unless that's a ruse to throw us off. So what's the new iMac like?
it's going to have the same aluminum case as the macbook pro, the 17 inch model is cancelled and the others will stay and a new 30 inch will go on the market. the new keyboards will be thinner and sexier and much more functional, and you can pick up either the new aluminum keyboard to match your new imac or, you can get the default white keyboard. Santa rosa will be introduced to the imacs, and both the default memory and hard drive will be increased. For more deatails you'll have to wait untill august 14th
it's going to have the same aluminum case as the macbook pro, the 17 inch model is cancelled and the others will stay and a new 30 inch will go on the market. the new keyboards will be thinner and sexier and much more functional, and you can pick up either the new aluminum keyboard to match your new imac or, you can get the default white keyboard. Santa rosa will be introduced to the imacs, and both the default memory and hard drive will be increased. For more deatails you'll have to wait untill august 14th
I'm going to hold you to that, eh.
it's going to have the same aluminum case as the macbook pro, the 17 inch model is cancelled and the others will stay and a new 30 inch will go on the market. the new keyboards will be thinner and sexier and much more functional, and you can pick up either the new aluminum keyboard to match your new imac or, you can get the default white keyboard. Santa rosa will be introduced to the imacs, and both the default memory and hard drive will be increased. For more deatails you'll have to wait untill august 14th
"Son I'm only going to tell you one time; if you want keep working here, stay of the drugs." - love that movie. And Toy Story.
"Son I'm only going to tell you one time; if you want keep working here, stay of the drugs." - love that movie. And Toy Story.
lolzors, toy story is the number 1 rated movie on rotten tomatoes