Apple struggling to meet demand for new LED-lit notebooks



  • Reply 61 of 72
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    We can get demerits? How many before we get banned? How long does the ban last? How long do the points stay on our "record"? Will these demerits affect my credit rating? Will you inform my mother of any demerits i receive? Please don't; she'll cry.

    Seriously, I didn't know there was such a system in place here.

    I usually just hit the 72-hour ban button for name-calling, but I was in a jovial mood and just gave him the 2 points and let the system take care of it. 3 more would get him the 72-hour ban, but in reality I would hit ban on the next ad hominem. Those absolutely are not tolerated.
  • Reply 62 of 72
    I don't understand why someone would get so excited over a couple words.

    And I don't see a 13" screen as very desirable.

    I have a PC Laptop, and chose a 17" screen... (I recently bought a 24" iMac as my first mac.)

    If/when I can afford a MacBook... I'll at least want a 15" or 17" screen.

    So what if it's a bit heavier... maybe it'll prompt me to get to a gym and get into shape.
  • Reply 63 of 72
    i ordered a CTO 15' macbook pro with the 7200rpm hard-drive option on the 27th of June from NextByte, an Australian Apple Reseller. almost 1 month now and i have still not received my laptop

    after a few phone calls the people working at the store said that apple told them of a shortage of the 7200rpm harddrives and that all stock has run out, adding a 2week wait to the order, he also said that there is currently a backorder of 1,500 15' macbook pros that have not been received in Australia. he said apple estimated a 2week wait for shipment to Aus (although thier website says 7-10 days). unfortunately they still can't give me an ETA as the order is still listed as "in process"

    NextByte have apparently not yet recieved ANY 15' macbook pro's even this far after its release...

    seems like apple arn't focusing on resellers. sigh... \
  • Reply 64 of 72
    softekysofteky Posts: 137member
    Now that Apple have removed the Mercury from their displays - perhaps the next step is to remove the LED (sorry - could not resist).
  • Reply 65 of 72
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by softeky View Post

    Now that Apple have removed the Mercury from their displays - perhaps the next step is to remove the LED (sorry - could not resist).

  • Reply 66 of 72
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    No,those are a different class altogether.

    He might have gotten the models wrong but Sony has the best in class ultra-portable: the Vaio TX at 2.8 lbs including an optical drive and the upcoming (in the US) TZ at 2.65 lbs with SSD drive, DVD burner and LED display.

    Better to add an 11"-12" carbon fiber MBP for $$$ than a 13" IMHO and have a best in class machine running OSX than release a middle of the pack ultra-portable at 4ish pounds. Start it out at $1999 without a SSD and price upwards accordingly.

  • Reply 67 of 72
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    He might have gotten the models wrong but Sony has the best in class ultra-portable: the Vaio TX at 2.8 lbs including an optical drive and the upcoming (in the US) TZ at 2.65 lbs with SSD drive, DVD burner and LED display.

    Better to add an 11"-12" carbon fiber MBP for $$$ than a 13" IMHO and have a best in class machine running OSX than release a middle of the pack ultra-portable at 4ish pounds. Start it out at $1999 without a SSD and price upwards accordingly.


    I would be willing to pay for that if they could get it to two pounds.
  • Reply 68 of 72
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    My MBP shipped after eight business days. It's somewhere over the pacific right now.
  • Reply 69 of 72
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    My MBP shipped after eight business days. It's somewhere over the pacific right now.

    Hopefully, it won't stay there.
  • Reply 70 of 72
    I ordered mine on the 17th and it still hasn't shipped. I'm rather antsy and somewhat frustrated now, but hopefully it won't have any of the bent screen problems I've read about.
  • Reply 71 of 72
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    He might have gotten the models wrong but Sony has the best in class ultra-portable: the Vaio TX at 2.8 lbs including an optical drive and the upcoming (in the US) TZ at 2.65 lbs with SSD drive, DVD burner and LED display.

    Better to add an 11"-12" carbon fiber MBP for $$$ than a 13" IMHO and have a best in class machine running OSX than release a middle of the pack ultra-portable at 4ish pounds. Start it out at $1999 without a SSD and price upwards accordingly.


    It puzzles me how Apple design so many products with size and weight in mind, yet let Sony and others produce ultra portables ahead of them. It's like a complete blind-spot in the company.
  • Reply 72 of 72
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by abandonedhero View Post

    I ordered mine on the 17th and it still hasn't shipped. I'm rather antsy and somewhat frustrated now, but hopefully it won't have any of the bent screen problems I've read about.

    I ordered mine on the 12th and it shipped on the 25th, so hopefully you'll be next week! They're still in the 7-10 business day frame for you.

    Mine arrived in Alaska this morning.
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