Tragedy in Cheshire



  • Reply 41 of 41
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,434moderator
    Originally Posted by ShawnJ View Post

    So a court ordered sentence backed up with the threat of prison time

    Uh oh, that sounds scary. You must have missed how real criminals react to this threat. Y'know the ones who keep committing crime over and over again for decades. Do you never ask how much of a threat is it really when criminals don't care about going back?

    Originally Posted by ShawnJ View Post

    I'm sorry I need to point this out to anyone else reading this and banging their heads off their desks, but in one instance offenders must exactly follow the terms of their sentence under penalty of the law, and the other is purely voluntary and lacks any legal obligations whatsoever.

    Shocker upon shockers, those are not the same.

    Keep banging.

    Originally Posted by ShawnJ View Post

    Any kind of sentence involves some involuntary loss of freedom whether it involves adhering to special probation terms (which usually require abstaining from consuming alcohol or similar restrictions of ordinary civic rights), performing community service, paying fines and restitution, submitting to a court-ordered treatment plan, various lengths and types of confinement through imprisonment, and so on. Again, the criminal justice system employs many more forms of punishment than imprisonment.

    I'm talking about punishment for serious crime. Things like fines and treatments are what mild offenders get too. If you give the same severity of punishment out for someone who goes speeding and someone who commits rape or murder then you are trivializing serious crimes.
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